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Hangklip Community Care Centre Notice of AGM
Registration Number 102-000-NPO
Notice is hereby given that the AGM of Hangklip Community Care Centre will be held at Lakeside Chapel, Lakeside Drive, Bettys Bay at 11H00 on Wednesday 15 June 2022.
- Read the notice convening the meeting.
- Agree on the agenda for the meeting.
- Record attendance at the AGM
- Apologies
- Read and adopt the minutes of the previous AGM of 30 August 2021.
- Read and adopt the Chairman’s report.
- Read and adopt the Treasurer’s report and financial statements.
- Elect office bearers of the Management Committee.
- Proposed changes to the constitution if any.
- Closure
- Only paid up members of Hangklip Community Care Centre will be eligible to vote at the AGM.
- A quorum at the AGM will be 10% of paid up members. Should a quorum not be present within 15 minutes of the time set down for the meeting, it will be postponed for a week and then those paid up members present will constitute a quorum.
- Should any member wish to place any matter on the agenda at the AGM they are to let the Chairman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) know at least a week prior to the date set down for the AGM.
- All attendees should note that Covid-19 protocols will be followed such as wearing of face masks, sanitizing and social distancing between attendees.
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Category: Publications
- Hits: 2195
Urgent appeal to Overstrand households to get counted in Census 2022
Census 2022 Get Counted
If you have not yet been counted in Census 2022, and wish to get counted, an official of Stats SA will be at the Crassula hall in Betty's bay to help you with online enumeration.
Wednesday 4 May 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 5 May 12:00 - 19:00
Friday 6 May 09:00 - 15:00
For any enquiries please contact Maralize 0799582909
Below is the Media Release from the Overstrand Municipality:
Municipal Manager:
Dean O’Neill Tel: 028 313 8003 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Overstrand Municipality
Riana Steenekamp Tel: 028 313 8043 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Urgent appeal to Overstrand households to get counted in Census 2022
Residents of the Western Cape have an additional period, until 14 May 2022, to complete the Census questionnaire.
The province is still lagging behind the rest of the country in terms of completeness of data collection. Nationally, 88% of households have been counted while the Western Cape is at the 60% mark.
“We’re asking households to take 30 minutes out of their day to participate in this once-in-a-decade exercise”, said Patrick Kelly, head of census operations in the Western Cape.
“A census is the only comprehensive source of data on the profile of communities. The information from the census will be used for the next ten years, so it is important that everyone participate.”
Census statistics are used in a variety of ways. For example, academics use census population estimates for predicting trends, provincial and local government for planning policy and services, businesses for product development and store locations, and national government to help share out funding. It’s all about planning ahead and making informed decisions.
The online questionnaire is available on https://getcounted.statssa.gov.za/#!/home (datafree) allowing residents to answer the questions at their own convenience.
With over 600 000 households yet to be visited, Western Cape households that have not been counted are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. Households have until the close of counting on 14 May to complete the questionnaire online.
Getting access to gated communities and complexes has been a challenge across the province. Western Cape households are requested to please co-operate with the data collectors by answering the questions accurately and completely.
The Census call centre is open to assist with any enquiries – 0800 110 248 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Category: Publications
- Hits: 1948
Newsletter/Nuusbrief #3 (May 2022)
News/Nuus #3.
Download it here in pdf
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Category: Publications
- Hits: 2680
Final/Finaal NW/BW Bulletin — Feb 2022
Because BBNW is a portfolio of the BBRA, we will no longer be sending out separate bulletins. Our intention is to put the BBNW information into the BBRA newsletter every month. With this last and final bulletin I am asking you to give me permission to send you a BBRA newsletter with all the BBNW information in it. I therefore require each person to indicate to me via any media platform if you do not want the BBRA newsletter sent to you. If I don’t receive any communication from you I will accept that you have given consent to receive the BBRA newsletter with the BBNW information in it.
Aangesien die BBBW (Bettysbaai Buurtwag) ‘n portefuelje van die BBBV (Bettysbaai Belastingsbetalersvereniging) is, sal ons nie voortaan aparte bulletins uitstuur nie. Ons wil die BBBW-inligting insluit in die maandelikse BBBV-nuusbrief. In hierdie laaste, finale Bulletin versoek ek dus u toestemming om aan u ‘n BBBV-nuusbrief met al die BBBW-inligting daarin, te stuur. Elke persoon moet dus asseblief via enige mediaplatform aandui indien u nie die BBBV-nuusbrief wil ontvang nie. As ek nie kommunikasie vanaf u ontvang nie, sal ek aanvaar dat u toetstemming verleen om die BBBV-nuusbrief met BBBW-inligting te ontvang.
Here is the final bulletin.
- Details
- Written by BBNW
- Category: Publications
- Hits: 2568