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Hangklip-Kleinmond CPF General Public Meeting
Notice is hereby given of the Hangklip-Kleinmond CPF General Public Meeting
Date: 28 April 2021
Venue: Kleinmond Community Hall, Protea Road, Kleinmond
Time: 18:00
Covid Regulations will apply.
Let’s make use of this platform to address the well being - with regards to safety - of all the citizens of Kleinmond, with special emphasis on positive combined effort.
Everybody is welcome to attend the Meeting
U word hiermee in kennis gestel aangaande die Hangklip-Kleinmond GPF se Algemene Publieke Vergadering
Datum: 28 April 2021
Plek: Kleinmond Gemeenskapsaal, Protea Weg, Kleinmond
Tyd: 18:00
Covid regulasies sal toegepas word.
Kom ons maak gebruik van hierdie platform om die welstand van al Kleinmond se inwoners se veiligheid te bespreek, met die klem op positiewe kollektiewe betrokkenheid.
Almal is welkom om vergadering by te woon.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Category: Community Security
- Hits: 1240
Newsletter/Nuusbrief March 2021
Dear member, at our monthly meeting held on 30 March we considered a few interesting matters which are reported below./
Beste lid, tydens ons vergadering gehou op 30 Maart was daar ‘n paar interessante items op ons sakelys waaroor ons verder hieronder berig.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Category: Publications
- Hits: 1352
Newsletter/Nuusbrief February 2021
Dear member. This letter is shorter than usual but it does contain some important news./Beste lid. Hierdie nuusbrief is korter as gewoonlik, maar bevat tog belangrike nuus.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Category: BBRA
- Hits: 1076
There will be no baboon management programme in Betty’s Bay during the Easter weekend. The baboon management programme for Betty’s Bay has not been finalised yet. A trial period will be implemented as soon as discussions with the service provider has been finalised. The trial period will encompass the evaluation of different baboon management techniques from the shepherding approach to the use of more assertive aversion techniques such as the use of paintball markers, bear bangers and the Virtual Fence. The trial period will run for 3 to 4 weeks in order to evaluate the success of each of these techniques or the use of a combination of these.
The objective of the Overstrand Municipality, through this “Adaptive Management” approach is to find a balanced implementation plan that will fulfil our mandate which is to ensure the “sustainable management of baboon troops by keeping them out of the urban area”. In order to find this balance we need to engage with the community from both sides of the fence but we also need to keep our eye on the reward and that is the protection of our wildlife. The Overstrand Municipality envisage to complete the trial period by end of April 2021 after which a baboon management programme will be presented to the Western Baboon Liaison Group.
It is essential that all community members work together this Easter Weekend to keep our baboons out of harm’s way by not allowing certain attractants in and around your home.
Do not have fruit visible on fruit trees, fruit should be harvested in baboon-affected areas to remove this attractant for baboons.
Avoid planting fruit trees.
Close windows and doors during the day if you do not have burglar bars.
Install baboon-proof burglar bars where possible, 8cm apart.
Enclose vegetable gardens and compost heaps or surround them with an electric fence.
Do not feed birds or other small animals.
Do not have invasive tree species such as New Zealand Christmas Trees and water berries that attract baboons and draw them into the urban area. These trees need to be pruned so that they do not flower and bear fruit.
NEVER feed baboons. They will return to your property again and again!
Ensure you have a lockable bin. All bins used in baboon-affected areas should be baboon-proof and locked.
Refuse bags should not be left lying open on the sidewalk, easily available to baboons.
Secure your bin off the ground to a wall or pole. Baboons have difficulty opening upright bins as their own weight keeps the lid shut.
Keep the bin locked on collection day.
Store your bin in a lockable refuse room, garage or shed.
Secure both latches with padlocks or clips at all times.
Secure your bin lid with strap, rope or chain.
Knock a pole in the ground and attach your bin to the pole.
Warn your neighbours when baboons are in the vicinity so that they can close their doors and windows.
When a baboon is in your garden or house, stand still and remain calm.
Back away slowly and do not block its escape route.
Try to snatch back anything from a baboon ─ it may become aggressive
Threaten infants and juveniles, as adults, in particular the alpha male, will protect them if necessary
CONTACT: Municipal Manager: Dean O’Neill
Tel: 028 313 8003 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Overstrand Municipality
Media Liaison & Social Media Officer
Riana Steenekamp
Tel: 028 313 8043 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
31 March 2021
Crayfish seized in Kleinmond
A total of 14 suspected crayfish poachers were arrested for being in possession of 613 whole West Coast Rock Lobsters, 2 630 tails, 1 022 heads between Rooiels and the Kleinmond Harbour on 29 and 30 March 2021. The seized crayfish is worth an estimated street value of R103 054.
One poaching rubber duck and three ski boats (thought to be worth over R300 000) were also seized and cases of fishing or possession of crayfish, without a permit, and fishing or possession of under size west coast rock lobster were opened.
All confiscated goods were booked in with the Kleinmond Police.
The arrests followed a joint operation between CapeNature, DEFF and Overstrand Municipality's task team and rapid response unit.
According to the Assistant Chief of Law Enforcement and Task Team, Johan du Toit, Overstrand Municipality is assisting with visible patrols and regular policing to help prevent local boats from carrying out illegal activities at sea.
* Kindly note, the prevention of poaching is not a core competency of local government. The Overstrand Municipality's Task Team can only assist the relevant authorities responsible for the protection of marine resources (DEFF and CapeNature).
POACHING _ who to call
The Overstrand Municipality does not have the mandate to react to telephonic reports of suspected poachers in the water. The number to contact for any illegal poaching activities is DEFF Fisheries on 028 313 2703, CapeNature 0824530835 or SAPS Hermanus 028 313 5300, SAPS Kleinmond 028 271 8200, SAPS Gansbaai 028 384 0201 and SAPS Stanford 028 341 0601.
Download the Document
- (Doc) press_release_crayfish_seized_in_kleinmond
- (Pdf) press_release_crayfish_seized_in_kleinmond
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Category: Overstrand Municipality
- Hits: 1190