If you would like to advertise on our site, please contact Adrian for info.
A tribute to Avril Nunn
Avril Nunn, much venerated and admired in the Betty's Bay community, has died aged ninety two. Avril was educated at St. Cyprian's school Cape Town where she was head girl in her final year. She graduated a chemist from Rhodes University, where she had met her husband, John. Both pursued careers in the field of chemistry, returning to Rhodes later, indeed Professor John Nunn has a laboratory named after him.
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- Written by Merran Silberbauer
- Category: Tributes
- Hits: 3910
Eskom load shedding
Eskom Load Shedding in 2018
Find the latest load shedding here: http://www.loadshedding.eskom.co.za (You have to "search" for "Betty" and then it will suggest the full name.)
Or, we have obtained a PDF for June/July which you can download. Please note that it may not reflect the actual schedule as it's a static document. It's best to visit the Eskom site for the latest.
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- Written by Donn
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 7935
Display of street numbers.
The visible display of street numbers is clause 18 of the Overstrand By-Law. It's a serious matter when you think of emergency situations like fires or amulances.
"Quite simply, if we can't find you, we can't assist."
Here is the relevant information, please download the PDF and have a look.
Click here to get the By-Law PDF
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- Written by Donn
- Category: By-Laws
- Hits: 3681
Vacant Positions
Due to the current incumbent retiring we urgently need to fill the following positions in our organisation:
Editor – The Buzz
Interested parties can contact either of the following parties to obtain more information:
Rudi Perold - Chairman
028 272 9054 or 083 677 3992
Heinie Foot - Vice Chairman
028 272 9806 or 082 375 4827
Adrian de Kock - Secretary
028 272 9998 or 082 940 4619
Bettys Bay Ratepayers Association is the largest such organisation in the Overstrand Municipal area and it is imperative that we keep our many members informed of matters affecting them and our village.
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- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 3951
Brand in Bettysbaai!
Boosdoeners het vanoggend net voor sesuur 'n brand op 'n leë erf in Bettysbaai gestig. Net die wakker oë van 'n buurtwagter en die vinnige optrede van Bettysbaai se vrywillige brandweer, CapeNature en die munisipale brandweer het 'n ramp voorkom.
Die brand het langs Kreupelhoutstraat tussen Fourstreams- en Lipkinstrate ontstaan. Met die suidoostewind van agter sou dit 'n hele straatblok bedreig het.
Die buurtwagsameroeper in die Jock se Baai-gebied het dadelik die brandweer, Cape Nature en die naasliggende huise geskakel. Die polisie en ook die spanne wat marine-stropery beveg is ook onmiddellik ingelig, omdat dit bekend is dat die misdadigers die wetstoepassers en publiek se aandag met brande probeer weglei.
Die vinnige en doeltreffende optrede van al die betrokkenes en ook die feit dat die plantegroei op die brandende erf inheems was, nie hoog was nie en dus nie 'n hoë brandlading verteenwoordig het nie, het meegebring dat die brand binne 'n halfuur doodgespuit is.
Dit is blykbaar die soveelste opsetlik gestigte brand in Bettysbaai in die afgelope week. Inwoners moet asseblief hul oë oophou en sorg dat hulle 'n lys met noodnommers byderhand het.
(Brandweer: (028) 312 2400, Polisie: (028) 271 8200, CapeNature: 082 442 8005, Seawatch: 082 994 9300)
- Details
- Written by Jaap Van Deventer
- Category: Fire
- Hits: 5282