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To all Members of Betty’s Bay Ratepayers Association, Other Residents and Plot holders — English version below, scroll down.

Aan alle lede van Bettysbaai se Belastingbetalers-vereniging, ander inwoners  en erfeienaars.

Geagte Eienaar/Inwoner,

Ons is dankbaar teenoor die lede van die BBBV en ander betrokke inwoners wat sulke ruim bydraes gemaak het tot die eerste fase van ons plan om  'n risiko-bestuursprojek in ons gebied te vestig. Baie dankie vir al u bydraes ! Sonder die volle ondersteuning van die gemeenskap sal dit onmoontlik wees om die huidige toestand, 'n golf van misdaad, die hoof te bied en om 'n veiligheidstrategie, wat op behoorlike risikobestuur berus, vir die langtermyn  te ontwikkel.

Ons het nou voldoende fondse ontvang om Millenium  aan te stel om die eerste fase, naamlik die ‘Operasionele Verkenning van Bettysbaai’ uit te voer. Ons verlang van u om te help met 'n vraelys oor u eie- en u perseel se sekuriteitsvlak. Uiteraard sal 'n hoë vlak van vertroulikheid geld en u sal ingelig word volgens die beginsel “ nodig  om te weet”.

Die eerste fase sal 2 tot 3 weke neem en die komitee sal daarna  'n kwotasie vir die inwerkingstelling van die formele projek oor die aanvanklike drie jaar, verdeel in fases, ontvang.

Na die verkennings fase sal ons dan in staat wees om te bereken wat die maandelikse bydrae vir elke eiendomseienaar sal beloop. Die effektiwiteit en sukses van die projek hang daarvan af dat die maksimum getal eienaars en inwoners inkoop in hierdie gemeenskaps-veiligheidsplan.  Hoe meer mense bereid is om by te dra, hoe laer sal die koste vir elkeen beloop.  Ons sien ook dat eienaars hul eiendomme tekoop aanbied. As ons die waarde van ons eiendomme wil beskerm, het ons hierdie projek nodig. Hierdie argument geld ook vir die leë erwe, vakansiehuise /nie permanente inwoners en permanente inwoners.

Sodra ons weet wat die kostestruktuur beloop en dat ons in staat is om 'n meer langtermyn ooreenkoms te sluit,  sal dit nodig wees om  'n  nie-winsgewende organisasiestelsel te stig wat die maandelike bydraes  sal kollekteer en bestuur. By 'n onlangse BBBV-vergadering in die Crassula-saal het die groot aantal aanwesiges vir die BBBV 'n duidelike mandaat gegee om met die ondersoek voort te gaan.

In die lig van bogenoemde is dit duidelik dat hoe gouer ons die bydraers byeenbring, hoe gouer sal ons in staat wees om die volle strategie inwerking te stel. Gee asseblief  'n aanduiding aan die BBBV komitee of u bereid sal wees om ‘n maandelikse kontrak te sluit deur 'n kort boodskap: “Ja,  u  van  en  erfnommer – onderhewig aan die finale koste berekening”. Die inligting  kan gestuur word aan die BBBV by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Werf asseblief ook u bure, laat hulle 'n afskrif van hierdie skrywe kry en versoek hulle om met ons in verbinding te tree.

Laat ons in  'n veiliger omgewing lewe.

Rudi Perold

Voorsitter Bettysbaai se Belastingbetalers-vereniging (BBBV)


Dear Property Owner/resident,

We all owe a debt of gratitude to those members of the BBRA and other residents who have generously donated to the first phase of our plan to introduce a Risk Management Project into our area.  Thank you all for your contributions!  Without the full support of the community it will be impossible to redress the current situation, of a wave of crime, and to develop a safety strategy that can be sustained in the long term by proper risk management.

We have now received sufficient funds to appoint Millennium to execute their first phase, “The Operational Reconnaissance” of Betty’s Bay.  Much of what they do during this operation will be on a “need-to-know” basis.  However you will be asked to assist by completing a questionnaire in relation to your own and your property’s security level.

A high level of confidentiality will be maintained.

The first phase should last about 2 to 3 weeks after which the committee will receive a quotation for implementing a formal project over an initial three year period divided into three stages.

After the reconnaissance phase we will be able to assess the monthly contribution required from each property owner.  The efficiency and success of the project is dependent on the participation of the maximum number of property owners and residents. It must be clear to all of you that if every owner was prepared to contribute, the monthly cost to us all will be lower.  We also notice that owners put their properties up for sale. If we want to protect the value of our properties, we need this project. This argument applies to vacant plots as well as holiday homes and permanent residents.

Once we know that we are in a position to enter into a longer term contract it will be necessary to form a Non Profit Organisation (NPO) structure that will collect and manage the monthly contributions.  At a recent BBRA meeting in the Crassula Hall, we had an overwhelming mandate to go ahead.

In the light of the above the sooner we are able to assemble the number of contributors, the sooner we will be able to have the full strategy on the go.  Please indicate to the BBRA committee if you are likely to enter into a monthly contract.  A short “Yes, Surname and erf number – subject to final cost” addressed to the BBRA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please canvas your neighbours and let them have a copy of this letter and ask them to respond as well.

Let’s live in a safer world.

Rudi Perold

Chairman – Betty’s Bay Ratepayers Association