To all Members of Betty’s Bay Ratepayers Association, Other Residents and Plot holders / Aan alle lede van die Bettysbaai Belastingbetalers-vereniging, Ander inwoners en eienaars.
This is a follow-up to our letter of November 2015, when we informed you that we were going ahead to instruct Millennium Management (MM) to do a Macro Safety assessment of Betty’s Bay, in light of the overwhelming mandate received from property owners at a public meeting on Safety and Security.
Once again we would like to thank all property owners who made a financial contribution to enable us to solicit a survey of this magnitude, which also included aerial reconnaissance.
As Chairman I gave feedback on the proposal received for the service from MM, at the BBRA AGM, held in December 2015. Although a quorum was obtained, many of the members who attended the Safety and Security meeting were not present. The members present felt that the monthly cost of the entire project would be too high to sustain. A member residing permanently in Stellenbosch proposed that the possibility of forming a Special Rates Area (SRA) should be investigated in order to fund such a project. He reported that they have established such an area where he lives, which is very effective.
The success of a project of this nature is dependent on the monthly contribution of all property owners and residents in order to make it affordable. This can only be obtained through contributions via a special levy. We have thus decided to put this project on hold.
I believe that we should be able to fund such a Safety Risk Management project through the establishment of a SRA. You may recall that Kleinmond is presently also in the process of establishing such a structure to assist them with the funding of their neighbourhood watch.
The establishment of a SRA is however a lengthy process. Special new by- laws must be promulgated for each town and the support of 50% plus 1 of all property owners is needed to approve the declaration of an SRA within a specific area.
The purpose of an SRA, which is based on international best practice, is to enhance and supplement municipal services, and promote investment. An SRA aims to achieve this through a co-operative approach in order to halt the degeneration of areas and facilitate upliftment, in doing so promoting a safe environment - a place to be.
The SRA will cover a specific area, suburb, or precinct within which property owners agree to pay a monthly levy to a Section 21 company of which all the property owners will be members. in the specific area. The Section 21 company will regulate and have full control over the spending of the levies according to the needs in the area. A budget linked to the approved business plan will be allocated in terms of the needs as approved. The funds collected can then be utilized to address the needs of the community e.g. security, beautification of our environment and the regulation of informal trading in terms of the approved business plan and budget.
The BBRA committee would like to get an indication from you, our members, as property owners, on your view regarding the establishment of a Special Rates Area for Betty’s Bay. If you are likely to support a Special Rates Area for Betty’s Bay. A short “Yes, Surname and erf number – subject to final cost” addressed to the BBRA by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is all that is needed. Please canvas your neighbours and let them have a copy of this letter and ask them to respond as well.
In the meantime, we are managing the safety situation through the re-establishment of the neighbourhood watch and the Community Police Forum. Tim McGavin is the driving force behind this project. He however needs the support of community members by becoming members of the Neighbourhood Watch. Please contact him at cell 083 703 8071 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lastly I would like to bring to your attention that WST Protection Services has presently established themselves in Betty’s Bay. The owner is a Betty’s Bay resident. One of our committee members had discussions with the company. They are prepared to provide a pro-active crime prevention service, over and above armed response. Once the detail of their proposal is available, we will convey the information to you.
Rudi Perold
Chairman – Betty’s Bay Ratepayers Association
May 2016
Hierdie skrywe is ‘n opvolg op ons brief van November 2015, toe u ingelig was dat ons voortgaan om Millennium Management (MM) opdrag te gee om ‘n Makro Veiligheids-waardering van Bettysbaai te doen. Dit het gevolg op die oorweldigende mandaat wat van lede en eienaars ontvang is tydens ‘n openbare vergadering oor Veiligheid en Sekerheid.
Ons wil weereens alle grond- eienaars wat ‘n finansiële bydrae gemaak het om ons in staat te stel om ‘n opname van hierdie omvang, wat ook lugverkenning ingesluit het, bedank, Die ondersoek was gedoen met u steun.
As voorsitter het ek tydens die Algemene Jaarvergadering van die Bettysbaai Belastingbetalers-vereniging (BBBV) van 2015, terugvoer gegee oor die voorstel en kostestruktuur wat ons van MM ontvang het. Hoewél ons ‘n kworum gehad het, was baie van die lede wat die veiligheids-vergadering bygewoon het, nie die dag teenwoordig nie. Die lede teenwoordig was van mening dat die maandelikse koste van die projek, vanweë die hoë koste, nie volhoubaar sou wees nie. ‘n Lid wat ‘n voltydse inwoner van Stellenbosch is, het voorgestel dat die moontlikheid ondersoek moet word om ‘n Spesiale Tariewe Gebied (STG) in Bettysbaai te vorm, ten einde sodanige projek te finansier.
Die sukses van ‘n projek van hierdie aard is afhanklik van die maandelikse bydrae van alle grondeienaars en inwoners, ten einde dit bekostigbaar te maak. Dit kan slegs bekom word deur middel van ‘n spesiale heffing. Ons het gevolglik besluit om die projek vireers op die ys te plaas.
Ek glo dat ons in staat behoort te wees om ‘n Veiligheids-risiko bestuursprojek deur middel van ‘n spesiale heffing te finansier, na die instel van ‘n STG. U het waarskynlik verneem dat Kleinmond Belastingbetalers-vereniging tans besig is om so ‘n struktuur te vestig ten einde hulle buurtwag te befonds.
Die vestiging van ‘n STG is egter ‘n langsame proses, aangesien spesiale by-wette afgevaardig moet word en 50% plus een van die belastingbetalers van die streek ten gunste daarvan moet stem.
Die doel van ‘n STG, wat gebasseer is op beste praktyke internasionaal, is om munisipale dienste aan te vul en beleggers te lok. ‘n STG het ten doel om deur ‘n samewerkende benadering die degenerasie van areas en fasiliteite te verbeter omsodoende ‘n veilige omgewing te bevorder – ‘n plek om te bly.
‘ n STG dek ‘n spesifieke area binne in ‘n gemeenskap, waarin grondeienaars ooreengekom het om ‘n maandelikse heffing aan ‘n art 21 maatskappy te betaal en waarvan al die grondeienaars lede is. Die art 21 maatskappy sal die inkomste bestuur volgens die behoeftes van die gebied en die besigheidsplan. ‘n Begroting gekoppel aan die goedgekeurde besigheidsplan sal toegeken word volgens die ge-identifiseerde behoeftes. Die fondse kan aangewend word vir sake soos verfraaiing van die omgewing en veiligheid,
Die BBBV komitee wil graag ‘n aanduiding van u as grondeienaars kry rakende u mening oor die vestiging van ‘n STG vir Bettysbaai. ‘ n Kort antwoord soos “Ja”, Van en erfnommer – onderhewig aan finale koste, geaddresseer na die BBBV deur middel van ‘n epos aan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., is al wat benodig word.
U word versoek om soveel as moontlik van u vriende en bure te betrek by hierdie ondersoek. Gee hulle ‘n afskrif van die brief en vra hulle om ook te reageer.
Intussen hanteer ons die veiligheid- situasie deur die Kleinmond/Bettysbaai Gemeenskap Polisiërings Forum, wat weer gevestig is, en ‘n buurtwag, Tim McGavin, wat op die BBBV se komitee dien, is die koördineerder. Sy kontakbesonderhede is: sel 083 703 8071 en sy epos: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Laastens wil ek graag onder u aandag bring dat ‘n nuwe sekuriteits- maatskappy by name van WST Protection Services, gevestig het in Bettysbaai. Die eienaar is ‘n inwoner van Bettysbaai. Een van die komitee-lede is in gesprek met die eienaar en hulle is tans besig om ‘n voorlegging voor te berei rakende die dienste wat hulle kan bied. Sodra meer inligting beskikbaar is, sal u ingelig word.
Rudi Perold
Voorsitter – Bettysbaai Belastingbetalers-vereniging
Mei 2016