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- Details
- Written by Donn
- Category: Community
- Hits: 3276
This is a fundraiser for Friends of the Hangklip Library, Pikkewyntjies pre-primary school and Hangklip Community Care Centre.

"Vasti takes the audience on a journey to where she first decided that she also wanted something different with her life."
Venue: NG Church Centre, Disa Circle, Betty's Bay / NG Kerk Sentrum, Disa Sirkel, Bettysbaai
Date: 15 March 2017 / 15 Maart 2017
Time: 9:30 for 10:00
Price: R50 per person/persoon
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Category: Community
- Hits: 3711
(For English version, scroll down.)
'n Nuwe diens is in werking gestel vir mense in die Jock se Baai-gebied. Dit beloof om vir baie mense vinnige oplossings te bied vir lastige probleme.
Dit is 'n raadvra-diens, 'n navraagdiens, 'n hulpverleningsdiens en 'n kontakdiens, alles ineen gerol en dit is gratis.
Vroeër was ons lewenstyl elders miskien meer onafhanklik van ander mense. Hier in Bettysbaai lewe ons meer afgesonderd en privaat (soos ons verkies), maar ons vind tóg soms dat ons ander mense nodig het om met spesifieke probleme te help of om sekere geleenthede te benut.
Daar is soveel maniere waarop ons mekaar kan help. Dikwels soek ons iemand wat weet hoe om 'n spesifieke probleem aan te pak, of weet waar om sekere inligting te kry. Dikwels soek ons iets op die naaste dorp of ‘om die berg’- iets wat op sigself so onbenullig is dat dit nie 'n rit regverdig nie. As ons net kon weet wie sou in elk geval daarheen gery het! Miskien soek ek maar net iemand met wie ek kan gesels oor dinge waarin ek belangstel.
Daar is talle ander behoeftes waarvoor daar oplossings is – as ons maar net geweet het wáár om te soek. Die oplossing sou wees as daar iemand bestaan wat 'n stelsel bedryf om die mense met behoeftes en diegene met oplossings by mekaar te bring.
Dis net hier waar HELPNET inkom!
Jaap van Deventer (083 226 8471) onderneem om as skakelman 'n rekord te skep en te onderhou van almal wat in sy buurt woon (of baie dikwels hier is) en deel van die stelsel wil wees. Hy het sy buurt gekies van die Dawidskraalrivier ooswaarts tot by die deurgrawing anderkant Kopjeweg.
Hy weet waar elke HELPNET-lid woon en het elkeen se epos adres en telefoonnommer. Hy kan dus met elke lid in die gebied kommunikeer.
Een keer per dag, na behoefte, stuur hy 'n epos aan al sy buurtlede om te sê watter hulp of inligting gesoek word. Almal wat kan help of oplossings het, het dan die geleentheid om te reageer deur hom te kontak. Geen name word genoem nie, net 'n verwysingsnommer.
Iemand wat aan ‘n versoek kan voldoen of kan help, hoef bloot met die skakelman te skakel (epos of foon), wat op sy beurt vir die lid wat die diens/inligting verlang die besonderhede sal gee van die persoon wat hulp of 'n oplossing aanbied. Al wat hy dus doen is om die persoon met die oplossing in kontak met die persoon met die behoefte te bring. Dit werk min of meer soos ‘n gebieds-kennisgewingbord – oor die internet.
Hier is 'n aantal voorbeelde van hoe die stelsel kan werk.
Gerrit het dringend 'n spaarwiel vir sy boot se sleepwa nodig. Hy kontak die skakelman en vra: “Ek soek 'n kleinerige sleepwawiel met 4 boute”. Die versoek kom op die volgende HELPNET sirkel-epos. Gerrit se naam verskyn nie, net sy verwysingsnommer. Jan epos en sê hy het so 'n wiel. Gerrit word ingelig en hy kontak self vir Jan.
Sannie wil calamari gaarmaak, maar is bang dit is taai. Sy epos en vra: “Hoe maak mens calamari sag?” Haar versoek verskyn op die volgende HELPNET epos. Christine het die antwoord en reageer. Die skakelman kontak Sannie om met Christine te praat en die probleem word so opgelos.
Helena moet 'n spesifieke pakkie van Dischem, Clicks of miskien Kleinmond af kry en sy het nie nou vervoer nie. HELPNET epos haar versoek en iemand wat in elk geval moet ry, bied aan om dit te bring.
Hendrik neem sy gesin Wildtuin toe en soek iemand om in sy huis te slaap en na sy honde te kyk. Dit word ge-HELPNET. Hendrik kry om sekuriteitsredes net 'n verwysingsnommer. 'n Universiteitstudent met vakansie bied aan om te help. Die skakelman volg Hendrik se verwysingsnommer op, kontak hom en hy tree self met die student in verbinding.
Iemand soek 'n stapmaat. HELPNET vind die stapmaat.
Mense soek kontaknommers vir betroubare loodgieters, verwers, elektrisiëns, ensovoorts. Kry kontaknommers deur HELPNET.
Waarskuwings oor bobbejane, brande en ander gevaarlike toestande kan ook deur die HELPNET netwerk versprei word.
HELPNET kan u ook help om 'n geleentheid iewers heen te vind.
Daar is geen beperking op die aantal HELPNET-sirkels wat in Bettysbaai kan bestaan nie. Solank daar net iemand is wat bereid is om die skakelwerk in die betrokke gebied te doen, kan dit gebeur.
Jaap and Annaline van Deventer
083 226 8471
English version
Just about everybody living in Betty’s Bay have made a conscious choice to live here. The atmosphere and beautiful nature around us were most probably the main reasons. We have elected to live in peaceful tranquillity.
Most probably our previous lifestyle tended to be rather independent of others. It is as if we had set up barriers to prevent the intrusion of the multitudes. We built walls and fences for safety. Now we live a more private life (the one we actually prefer), but it surely does happen that occasionally we do need other people to help us deal with problems or to help us to exploit specific opportunities.
There are so many ways in which we can be of mutual assistance. Often we try to locate someone who knows how to deal with a particular problem, or who knows where some information can be gained. Of we need something from the town close by or from ‘around the mountain’, the item in itself might be of so little importance or value that that it does not really warrant doing the trip just for that. If only we had known of somebody who would have done the trip in any case! It might also be that we need a person with similar interests just for a friendly chat.
There are so many needs with ready solutions and answers – if only we knew where to search. The final answer would be if someone could create and maintain a system that could establish a link between those with needs and those with solutions.
This is the point where we would like to introduce HELPNET!
The HELPNET system
I shall compile and maintain a record of all the people living in our neighbourhood who wish to be part of the system. Let us assume that we refer to the area east of the Dawidskraal River up to where Cliff Road and Hi-Level Road connect with Clarence Drive.
I know where you live and your email address and contact numbers will be on my database so that I can easily communicate with everyone in the area.
If I then, say, once a day at 6 pm, send an email to the entire mailing list in which I state what information or particular kind of assistance is requested, it allows anyone with a solution to react by contacting me. No names will be distributed, only a reference number.
All I do then is to establish contact between the person with the solution and the one with the need. In principle it operates like an area notice board using the internet.
Here follows a number of examples of the kind of encounters we might have to deal with:
Alvin urgently requires a spare wheel for his trailer for one trip. He contacts me and gives some technical particulars. At 6 pm it goes on the HELPNET email. I do not mention his name, only his reference number. John sends me an email: He can help. I phone Alvin and let him contact John. Problem possibly solved!
Sally has some calamari but she is afraid it might be too tough for her guests. She asks in her email: “How do I get it sufficiently tender?” I get a response through HELPNET and I refer Raylize to Sally. Raylize has been using tenderiser on calamari for years.
Helena must get some medical preparation from Dischem, Clicks or from Kleinmond. Her car is in for a service. HELPNET carries her request and someone who has to go in any case offers to pick up her parcel.
Elise has a little dog that refuses to walk on a lead. HELPNET brings her a dog owner who knows exactly how to do it. A year later the two dogs both walk side by side on their leads.
Eric needs somebody to look after his dogs and his home while he and his family is off to the Kruger Game Park. His need is explained on HELPNET under the usual reference number so nobody knows which home will be vacant for a fortnight. A university student on holiday offers help. Eric contacts him and they meet to discuss the solution.
Very often someone requires a person as a regular hiking partner. HELPNET is ideal for that purpose.
Have you ever required the name of a plumber or an electrician? It is difficult when you are new to the area. HELPNET can solve your problem.
It is even possible to send out an area alert through HELPNET if we are the victims of a new baboon tribe, or the presence of people who act suspiciously, or if we wish to warn the locals against a fire or other threat.
HELPNET can even help you to get a lift somewhere.
There are so many people, each with their unique needs, who might find HELPNET to be a source of solutions.
At what cost?
HELPNET is not free. Your contribution will consist of your ability and willingness to assist people who need your services or knowhow. Serving the needs of your fellow human being is after all the only way you can really justify your existence on this planet. HELPNET might help you to perform!
How do you become a HELPNET participant?
Contact me or my wife, Annaline, on (028) 2729 371 or 083 226 8471. We shall then arrange that you are entered on the HEPNET data record.
The next step would be when you require some assistance or advice. Contact us by email or otherwise and we shall enter your request on the next HELPLINE email (under a reference number). Should someone offer help, we shall contact you to link you to the person who has responded.
Jaap and Annaline van Deventer
083 226 8471