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- Written by Adrian de Kock
- Category: Committee
- Hits: 4665
The Bettys Bay Ratepayers Association intercedes on behalf of members with various authorities in respect of matters which affect residents/property owners in our town.
In order to give us “clout” we need to represent as many residents/property owners as possible. At the moment we have 370 paid up members and are the largest ratepayers association in the Overstrand area.
It is imperative that we increase our membership to give us more say in matters which affect us all. To this end we urge you to either join us or if you are already a member to encourage others to sign up.
It has been our position in the past to disseminate local information to a broad base of residents by E-Mail whether they are members or not but in the future we will confine this spread of information to members only. There seems to be an impression out there that all property owners who pay rates to the Overstrand Municipality are automatically members but this is not so. To become a member we require the following information:
- Title
- Name/s
- Erf number/s
- Contact details i.e. postal address, telephone number/s and most important E-mail address
- Name in which the property is registered
This information can be E-Mailed to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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- Written by Dan Fick
- Category: Committee
- Hits: 6914
This is being addressed to all our residents especially those permanently resident in Betty’s Bay.
We are once again faced with a significant increase in property related crime. In July alone we had as many as 40 incidents of housebreakings and this is probably much higher if unreported incidents are also to be taken into account. Indications are that syndicates may be involved since stolen items are being moved very quickly out of the village to the Cape.
Way back in 2010 because of the high rate of crime in our village it had then become imperative that we establish a community based organization (Neighbourhood Watch) to assist SAPS in striving for a safe and secure environment. We created six zones across Betty’s Bay which initially had a measure of success in reducing crime, however, over time enthusiasm has dwindled and only one of the zones is still effectively carrying out patrols. Some of the other zones have become inactive. We urgently need to revive what was once a very active operation.
Crime prevention is everyone’s responsibility not only that of Law Enforcement. Unfortunately, far too many of our residents do not adhere to basic security precautionary measures. Far too many houses do not even have adequate intruder alarm systems. Systems that were installed many years ago seriously need to be checked and upgraded. Far too many residents rely upon security providers to prevent crime, this will not happen. The mandate of Private Security is to react to alarm activations but only for their respective clients. They DO NOT carry out patrols of the village.
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- Written by Lisel Krige (Ward councillor)
- Category: Committee
- Hits: 4760
The frequent and heavy rains of the past months have really wreaked havoc in our area as far as roads and stormwater drainage are concerned.
While frustrations with the sometimes shocking consequences of severe heavy conditions are understandable, the magnitude of the challenges posed to the municipality also need to be taken note of. One of the factors to be taken into consideration is the fact that untimely flooding in the summer months (November and January) caused serious disruption to the planned maintenance schedule. Large amounts of time and money have had to be spent on remedying the effects of flood damage, instead of being applied to perform urgently needed repairs and maintenance.
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- Written by Adrian de Kock – Vice-Chairman & Treasurer BBRA
- Category: Committee
- Hits: 5339
Subsequent to the report issued by Dan Fick a short while ago the Municipality held a public ward committee meeting on Monday 14 April 2014 @ 18H00 in Crassula Hall in the place of an OMAF meeting so that all property owners, where possible would be able to attend and express their views.
This event was well publicized but it was disturbing to note the few people who attended the meeting especially as the Mayor together with Directors and support staff were there to answer questions.
The following is a summary of the intentions with regard to the budget together with some background information.
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- Written by Adrian de Kock – Vice-Chairman & Treasurer BBRA
- Category: Committee
- Hits: 6640
Public Participation Process Prior To Formal Participation Process
Meeting held in Crassula Hall on 27 March 2014 in respect of the proposed closing of the current MPA to all forms of fishing and the requirement for recreational divers to acquire permits to enter the sea in the area during day time between certain hours.
Attendance records reveal that 105 persons attended the meeting and the following stats have been extracted from information provided by attendees:
Non Residents of Bettys Bay - 13
Bettys Bay Angling Club - 5
Bettys Bay Boat Club - 4
Fishermen - 9
Bettys Bay Residents - 28
This is by no means an exhaustive list as not all attendees revealed their interest or affiliation.