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- Details
- Written by Donn
- Category: BBRA
- Hits: 1077
Dear member. This letter is shorter than usual but it does contain some important news./Beste lid. Hierdie nuusbrief is korter as gewoonlik, maar bevat tog belangrike nuus.
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Category: BBRA
- Hits: 1259
Dear member, this our last newsletter for 2020.
Beste lid, hierdie is ons laaste nuusbrief vir 2020.
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Category: BBRA
- Hits: 1249
Dear member. We are rapidly approaching the end of the year and this is our penultimate newsletter. The last one will briefly report on the annual general meeting.
Beste lid. Ons nader nou vinnig die einde van die jaar en hierdie is ons voorlaaste nuusbrief. Daar sal nog ‘n kort nuusbrief, gebaseer op die uitkomste van die algemene jaarvergadering, wees.
- Details
- Written by Adrian
- Category: BBRA
- Hits: 1300
The AGM of Bettys Bay Ratepayers Association will be held in Crassula Hall Bettys Bay on Saturday 12 December 2020 at 10H00.
Due to Covid-19 and the lock down position the following procedures will be in place. Attendance will be limited to 50 persons, on entering masks and sanitation of hands is required. Additionally temperatures will be taken and social distancing will be observed in the placement of chairs.
Due to the limitation of numbers only members are invited.
Those intending to be there need to convey this to the Secretary by E-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. quoting your surname and erf number.
For members unable to attend but who would like to take part the following arrangements are in place:
- The following documents will be placed on our web site www.bettysbay.info under publications by 1 December 2020 - Chairman's report, Financial statement and Treasurer's report, Minutes of previous AGM & Notice of this AGM for examination by members.
- The current committee members are all prepared to offer to serve for the 2020/21 year and therefor offer themselves for election. Their names and portfolios can be accessed on our web site.
- A BBRA member has requested that a change to the constitution be instituted increasing the annual membership fee from R75-00 per person p.a. to R100-00 per person p.a. in terms of paragraph 7.a of the constitution. The Committee would support this small increase.
- The Chairman will call from the floor for proposers and a second for all items requiring a vote. Any member not personally in attendance may E-mail the secretary at least seven days prior to the date of the AGM with any objections or queries relevant to these items. If there are no objections we will assume that members reading this E-mail are in agreement with these matters.
To access the notice of the AGM choose:
Adrian de Kock
Secretary/Treasurer BBRA
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell: 082 940 4619