Dear member, in future the newsletter will be shorter and only cover a few topics in brief. Where necessary, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at: (Please visit and like).
The committee met on 28 July for the first time since lockdown with some members in attendance in the Crassula hall and the rest in a virtual mode. Some of the matters discussed are reported on below.
The Municipal Budget
Our further representations for additional budget cuts and in particular the proposed salary increases of municipal staff appears to have failed as Overstrand is not amongst the six Western Cape municipalities that applied for an exemption not to pay the salary increases. Further representations have been made as the Overstrand economy has been hard hit by COVID-19 and the current restrictions are hampering the economic recovery.
Clarence Drive (r44) Speeding
The representations received from members are currently being consolidated and will be further considered at the August meeting.
The proposal that structural changes be made to the R44 dovetails with another study that had its origins in the BBRA, namely to upgrade the Betty’s Bay CBD. The appointed consulting engineers are investigating the possibility of creating a circle at the Porter Drive intersection with the R44. From a technical point it has the most merit.
Improved speed checking is regularly followed up with the Municipality and statistics will soon be released.
The Area Manager promised his support regarding alleged speeding by municipal vehicles and invited the public to report any excessive speeding to 028 313 8111 (all hours). If possible, also send this information via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All these vehicles are fitted with information recorders and by providing the registration number of the vehicle, the time of the alleged speeding and the approximate locality, the driver will be disciplined.
Baboon Matters
The Municipality has appointed the firm that has successfully managed baboon control in Hermanus to also serve the Kleinmond/Hangklip area. A public participation process has commenced in order to determine the nature and extent of this service per area as the needs of the villages differ significantly.
Water Affairs
A new tender to complete the upgrade of water networks and ancillary work has been advertised and should be awarded before year-end. Work to the value of R39m over a three year period is planned and of which a significant portion will take place in Betty’s Bay and Pringle Bay. Further information will be shared once it becomes available.
An amount of R5m has been provided on the budget for the Hangklip area and a wide range of improvements will be carried out.
Rebates on Property Tax
Pensioners and people with disabilities and who comply with the following conditions may apply for a rebate on the property tax payable:
- SA citizen being 60 years or older or being disabled,
- own and personally occupy the property,
- not own more than one property and
- have an income not exceeding R14 880 per month.
Phone 028 313 8400 or visit the Kleinmond municipal office before 30 November to apply. Forms can also be downloaded from
Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on our website here.
Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Beste lid, die Nuusbrief gaan voortaan korter en ook slegs uit hoofpunte bestaan. Waar nodig, sal daar verwysings na ons webtuiste wees waar meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure geplaas sal word. Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is: https:// (Besoek dit gerus.)
Die komitee het op 28 Julie vir die eerste keer sedert die begin van grendeltyd vergader. Dit was ‘n kombinasie van sommiges saam in die Crassulasaal en die ander virtueel. Van die aspekte wat bespreek is, word hieronder vermeld.
Die Munisipale Begroting
Die verdere vertoë tot die Munisipaliteit om bykomstige besparings, veral ten opsigte van die beoogde salarisverhogings, het skynbaar nie geslaag nie aangesien Overstrand nie onder die 6 Wes-Kaapse munisipaliteite is wat om vrystelling aansoek gedoen het nie. Die aangeleentheid word nou met die Munisipaliteit opgevolg veral omdat die ekonomiese basis van Overstrand baie hard deur die COVID-19 pandemie getref is en daar steeds talle beperkinge is wat die herstel daarvan belemmer.
Spoed op Clarencerylaan (R44)
Verskeie voorstelle wat ontvang is, word tans verwerk en sal verder in Augustus heroorweeg word.
Die voorstel dat die R44 fisies verander word, strook ook met ‘n ander ondersoek wat deur die BBBV begin is, naamlik om die sentrale sakegebied van Bettysbaai op te gradeer. Die raadgewende ingenieurs ondersoek tans die moontlikheid om ‘n verkeersirkel by die Porterweg aansluiting by die R44 aan te bring. Dit is juis die aansluiting waar dit tegnies die sterkste geregverdig kan word.
Verbeterde spoedbeheer word voortdurend met die Munisipaliteit opgevolg en statistieke sal binnekort vrygestel word.
Die Areabestuurder het onderneem om die klagtes oor beweerde spoedoortredings deur munisipale voertuie te ondersteun en het die publiek uitgenooi om enige ernstige oortredings van munisipale voertuie by 028 313 8111 (alle ure) aan te meld. Indien moontlik, kan die inligting ook per e-pos na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. gestuur word.
Alle munisipale voertuie is met data-opnemers toegerus en deur die oortredende voertuig se registrasienommer, die tyd en plek van die beweerde oortreding te verskaf, kan die skuldige bestuurder gedissiplineer word.
Die Munisipaliteit het die diensverskaffer wat suksesvol bobbejaanbeheer in Hermanus toepas, aangestel om ook die Kleinmond/Hangklip gebied te bedien. ‘n Openbare deelnameproses is begin om die aard en omvang per individuele gebied te bepaal omdat die onderskeie dorpe se behoeftes so verskil.
Die onvoltooide deel van die wateropgraderingsprojek vir Bettysbaai is weer op tender geplaas en behoort voor die einde van 2020 toegeken te word. Daar word beplan om ongeveer R39m se werk oor drie finansiële jare te doen waarvan ‘n beduidende gedeelte in Bettysbaai en Pringlebaai spandeer sal word. Sodra bekend, sal nadere besonderhede verskaf word.
Die Munisipaliteit het ongeveer R5m vir paaie begroot wat gebruik sal word om ‘n wye verskeidenheid werk te doen.
Korting op Eiendomsbelasting
Eiendomseienaars wat pensioenarisse is of gestremd is en wat aan die volgende vereistes voldoen, kan om ‘n korting in eiendomsbelasting aansoek doen:
- SA burger en ouer as 60 of gestremd,
- eienaar wees en self bewoon,
- nie meer as een eiendom besit en
- nie meer as R14 880 inkomste per maand hê nie.
Kontak (028 313 8400) of besoek die Kleinmond munisipale kantoor om voor 30 November aansoek te doen. Vorms is ook op beskikbaar.
Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste hier beskikbaar. Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.