
If you would like to advertise on our site, please contact Adrian for info.

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(Afrikaans onder)

Dear member, If required, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers Please visit and like.

Fire Risk!

There is a growing and real concern that with the approaching fire season the western part of Betty’s Bay could be ravaged by a devastating fire as was the case in Sunny Seas in January 2019.

It is especially the whole area from Silver Sands, Blesberg, around the lakes and right up to Jock’s Bay that are potential fire bombs waiting to erupt. This is mainly due to a heavy fire load of plant material that has built up over many years. The Municipality has been made aware of this huge risk and has been urged to reduce the fuel load on all public properties including public open spaces, parks and road verges. The Fire Chief is interacting with a group of concerned residents headed by members of the BBRA.

Another initiative is to make private property owners aware of the fire risks and to encourage them to reduce the vegetation fuel load on their properties and to become more fire wise. The latter includes the thorough cleaning of gutters, the removal of combustible materials adjacent or in close proximity to buildings and creating protection areas such as grass lawns, paving and gravelled areas. You are urged to encourage neighbours to follow your example. It is a fallacy that only alien vegetation needs to be removed – fynbos burns! Indigenous trees and shrubs have to be trimmed and especially old or dead wood should be cut back and removed.

More volunteer fire fighters are needed. Interested persons younger than 65 may contact Liz Cartwright or Jorika Rabie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Important Note: There is a telegram group called Betty’s Bay Fire & Rescue as well as a facebook group Betty’s Bay Community Volunteer Fire Fighters where important updates are posted and a “FireWise” series will soon start running.

The Municipal Budget

Our further representations for additional budget cuts and in particular the proposed salary increases of municipal staff failed.

Clarence Drive (R44) Speeding

Further and more recent representations received from members are currently being consolidated and will be considered at the September meeting.

The appointed consulting engineers who are investigating the possibility of creating a circle at the Porter Drive intersection with the R44 had further meetings with our task team and Municipality and they will now incorporate the comments in a more advanced draft design where after the BB CBD property owners will be consulted.

Speed checking on the R44 during March and prior to lockdown resulted in more than 20 transgressors being fined. Due to COVID restrictions on municipal services speed checking has only recently been re-instituted and statistics will be made known in the next newsletter.

Baboon Matters

The Municipality in June 2020 appointed the firm Human Wildlife Solutions (HWS) that manages baboon control in Hermanus to also serve the Kleinmond/Hangklip area. A public participation process has commenced in order to determine the nature and extent of this service per area as the needs of the villages differ significantly.

Subsequent to this signing, an initial stakeholder meeting was held via Zoom on 23 July. Representatives from the BBRA, Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Company (KBRC), Betty's Bay Baboon Action Group (BBBAG), the anti-baboon “Action Group” in Sunny Seas, Overstrand Municipality (OM), CapeNature, HWS and a scientific advisor were present. There were varied opinions and concerns raised by members of the community groups. One major concern is the cost of this contract and the fact that it was signed PRIOR to OM sorting out proper public and private waste management which is a large part of the problem. (Refer also to the next news item.) This money could have been spent to first “get the house in order”. Appropriate waste management by residents and the OM would decrease the human-baboon conflict situation. Another major concern is the aversive methods that HWS monitors use to “move a troop” e.g. paintballing them. Many questions raised by the community during this meeting remain unanswered at this time.

Subsequent to that meeting, a second Zoom meeting was held on 26 August. Initially only 4 members of the community were invited to this but after this OM decision was questioned, this group was expanded to be more representative, and currently includes representatives of the KBRC, BBRA, BBBAG, the Bettys Bay businesses, the “Action group”, Kogelberg Botanical Society, SANBI, the Cape Leopard Trust and CapeNature. This group is now termed the Baboon Liaison Committee (BLC) and will liaise between the community and the Baboon Technical Team (BTT). OM will shortly be forwarding documents to the members of the BLC regarding the Constitution and processes.

Many Bettys Bay residents signed up to be Interested and Affected Parties and are still waiting for a chance to “give their input”. OM says that Webinars will be held for all these people in the near future. Some residents are concerned that, with processes in place, their input will be “null and void”. Should you be one of them you can still submit comments via the BBRA.

Another Baboon Related Matter: Drop off Cage at Library

The weekend drop-off cage remains a humanitarian and baboon problem area and it is filling up with goods and unused packets of food that could otherwise go to better use thereby also removing it from wildlife access. The cage is slated to be removed and the Municipality will be writing by-laws about each household having animal-proofed bins.

We can go a long way to reducing the rubbish that goes to the cage by recycling and donating. A good place to start is with Natalie at the Butterfly Effect. She is open on Sundays and is based on the road as you leave BB for Cape Town. None of the other charitable shops are open then but Natalie will happily act as a drop off for many things so you can support the charities of your choice. KAWS, Kidscan, Penguin Kids and Fynbos Kitchen/Hangklip feeding scheme - all have charity shops that will also take goods and the kitchen can use food goods.

  • The Butterfly Effect acts as a drop off for recycling for the group of young men in Kleinmond who run this project.
  • Natalie also does welfare recycling of various goods such as bread bags, bread tags, plastic bottle tops, second-hand Bibles, unused cat and dog medicines as well as veggie scraps that get made into stews to feed animals in need.
  • The Butterfly Effect also accepts welfare goods for redistribution or resale to raise funds to continue the charity work. These include:
    • nappies and linen protectors, medical equipment such as crutches; commodes; wheelchairs; nebulizers; walkers,
    • unwanted household goods such as linen; curtains; materials; knitting stuff; bric-a-brac; pots and pans; clothing; books; tools; garden stuff.
    • Appliances - working or not.
    • Electronics - working or not.
    • Furniture – which they will collect.
    • Hardware/Building Materials - this includes roof sheets; windows and frames; stripped built-in cupboards; security gates; doors; half tins of paint; tiles; sinks; wood and sheeting - to build kennels, outside gates; poles; fencing - to help unchain dogs in townships and improve their living conditions.

Where there is a will there is a way!

Refuse Removal

Some residents have complained that their refuse had not been removed on the collection day and, on investigation, it was found that it had been taken out too late.

Residents are reminded that refuse must be placed on the sidewalk/road verge by NOT LATER than 07h30

Municipal Court

The lockdown and various other personnel issues resulted in the Municipal court being non-functional for quite a while. As problem buildings that are non-compliant with the National Building Regulations and municipal by-laws can only be effectively dealt with in this court, the matter was followed up with the Municipality and the BBRA was assured that it was now fully functional.

Rebates On Property Tax

Pensioners and people with disabilities and who comply with the following conditions may apply for a rebate on the property tax payable:

SA citizen being 60 years or older or being disabled, own and personally occupy the property, not own more than one property and have an income not exceeding R14 880 per month.

Phone 028 313 8400 or visit the Kleinmond municipal office before 30 November to apply. Forms can also be downloaded from www.overstrand.gov.za

In Closing...

Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on our website www.bettysbay.info 

Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Beste lid, Waar nodig, sal daar op ons webtuiste meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure gevind kan word. Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is: https://web.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers, besoek dit gerus.


Daar is toenemende en geregverdigde kommer dat, met die naderende brandseisoen, die westelike deel van Bettysbaai, soos dit in Januarie 2019 in Sunny Seas die geval was, deur ‘n vernietigende brand getref kan word.

Dit is veral die gebiede vanaf Silver Sands, Blesberg, om die mere en tot by Jock se Baai waar daar ‘n tikkende brandbom is wat kan ontplof.Dit kan aan die opbou oor die afgelope jare van brandbare plantegroei toegeskryf word.

Die Munisipaliteit is hieroor ingelig en versoek om die brandrisiko op alle munisipale eiendom soos oopruimtes, sypaadjies en padreserwes te verminder. ’n Paar besorgde inwoners onder leiding van die BBBV is ook in noue kontak met die Brandweerhoof.

Nog ‘n inisiatief is om eiendomseienaars van die brandrisiko bewus te maak en hulle aan te moedig om die brandrisiko op hul eiendomme te verminder en om meer brandbewus te raak. Dit sluit in om alle geute skoon te maak, alle brandbare materiaal naby woonhuise te verwyder en om beskermende oppervlaktes soos grasperke, plaveisel en begruising te skep. Doen dit asseblief en moedig bure aan om jul voorbeeld te volg. Dit is onwaar dat slegs uitheemse plantegroei ‘n brandgevaar skep – fynbos brand! Inheemse plantegroei behoort teruggesnoei en dooie hout verwyder te word.

Meer vrywilligers, jonger as 65, word vir brandbestryding benodig. Belangstellendes kan Liz Cartwright of Jorika Rabie by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak.

Belangrik: Daar is ‘n telegramgroep genaamd Bettys Bay Fire & Rescue sowel as ‘n facebookgroep Betty’s Bay Community Volunteer Fire Fighters waar belangrike vars nuus geplaas word en ‘n sogenaamde “FireWise” bewusmaking sal ook eersdaags begin.

Die Munisipale Begroting

Die verdere vertoë tot die Munisipaliteit om bykomstige besparings, veral ten opsigte van die beoogde salarisverhogings, te bewerkstellig, het nie geslaag nie.

Spoed op Clarencerylaan (R44)

Bykomende en meer onlangse voorstelle wat ontvang is, word tans verwerk en sal verder in September heroorweeg word.

Die raadgewende ingenieurs wat die moontlikheid ondersoek om ‘n verkeerssirkel by die Porterwegaansluiting met die R44 aan te bring, het verdere vergaderings met die BBBV taakspan en die Munisipaliteit gehou. Die kommentare word nou in ‘n meer gevorderde ontwerp ingesluit waarna dit met eiendomseienaars van sakepersele bespreek sal word.

Snelstrikke wat in Maart, en voor die grendeltyd, gestel is, het tot boetes vir meer as 20 oortreders gelei. Vanweë COVID-19 beperkings op die lewering van munisipale dienste kon spoedbeheer eers onlangs weer toegepas word en statistieke sal in die volgende nuusbrief vrygestel word.


Die Munisipaliteit het in Junie 2020 die diensverskaffer Human Wildlife Solutions (HWS), wat bobbejaanbeheer in Hermanus toepas, aangestel om ook die Kleinmond/Hangklipgebied te bedien. ‘n Openbare deelnameproses is begin om die aard en omvang per individuele gebied te bepaal omdat die onderskeie dorpe se behoeftes so verskil.

Na ondertekening van die ooreenkoms is ‘n eerste Zoomvergadering op 23 Julie met belanghebbendes gehou. Verteenwoordigers van die BBBV, die Kogelberg biosfeer, verskeie bobbejaan-aksiegroepe, die Munisipaliteit en Kaap Natuurbewaring, HWS en ‘n wetenskaplike het dit ook bygewoon. Daar was, soos gebruiklik, uiteenlopnde menings. Kommer is ook uitgespreek dat die kontrak gesluit is voordat afvalbestuur, wat ‘n integrale deel van bobbejaanbeheer is, gefinaliseer is. Die mens/dierkonflik het baie met goeie afvalbestuur te doen.(Kyk ook die volgende berig). Nog ‘n bron van kommer was die wyse waarop bobbejane verdryf word - onder andere met verfbalgewere. Gevolglik was daar talle onbeantwoorde vrae.

‘n Opvolgvergadering is op 26 Augustus gehou. Waar aanvanklik slegs 4 partye uitgenooi is, is dit uitgebrei om ‘n verskeidenheid van ander rolspelers in te sluit. ‘n Bobbejaanskakelkomitee (sonder bobbejane!) is gestig en sal ook as skakel tussen die gemeenskap en ‘n tegniese komitee dien. Dokumentasie in hierdie verband sal eersdaags van die Munisipaliteit ontvang word.

Daar is steeds belangstellende inwoners wat hul bydraes wil lewer en bekommerd is dat hul menings nie oorweeg sal word nie. Skakel gerus met die BBBV indien jy een van hul is.

Nog ‘n Bobbejaanverwante Saak: Oorlaaihouer by die Biblioteek

Diè houer bly ‘n humanitêre en bobbejaanprobleem. Daar is byvoorbeeld dikwels bruikbare voedsel wat eerder benut kan word as om dit toeganklik vir wilde diere te maak. Die Munisipaliteit se beplande verwydering van die houer gaan meebring dat huishoudings die munisipale verordeninge oor dierbestande vullishouers strenger sal moet nakom.

‘n Gedeeltelike oplossing is dat besoekers hul afval by Natalie by die Butterfly Effect, op pad uit Bettysbaaie na Kaapstad, kan aflaai. Daar is ‘n verskeidenheid welsynsverenigings wat hierby kan baat. Enigiets van goeie oorskietkos tot plastiekmateriaal, boeke, ongebruikte dieremedisyne en -kos, mediese hulpmiddels soos krukke en looprame, oortollige huishoudelike goedere soos linne, potte en panne, lere en tuingereedskap, meubels, hardeware, boumateriaal, oorskietverf, pale en hekke sal deur dankbare ontvangers benut kan word.

Die een se wegdoengoed, is ‘n ander se skat.


Sommige inwoners het gekla dat hul vullis wat op straat geplaas is, nie verwyder is nie. By ondersoek het dit geblyk dat hul dit te laat uitgesit het. Inwoners word daaraan herinner dat vullishouers nie later nie as 07h30 op die sypaadjie geplaas moet word.

Munisipale Hof

As gevolg van COVID-19 en personeelprobleme kon die munisipale hof vir ‘n geruime tyd nie na behore funksioneer nie. Aangesien oortredings van die Nasionale Bouregulasies en die munisipale verordeninge slegs deur hierdie hof doeltreffend hanteer kan word, is die aangeleentheid met die Munisipaliteit opgevolg en die versekering is ontvang dat die hof nou weer na behore funksioneer.

Korting op Eiendomsbelasting

Eiendomseienaars wat pensioenarisse is of gestremd is en wat aan die volgende vereistes voldoen, kan om ‘n korting in eiendomsbelasting aansoek doen:

SA burger en ouer as 60 of gestremd, eienaar wees en self bewoon, nie meer as een eiendom besit en nie meer as R14 880 inkomste per maand hê nie.

Kontak (028 313 8400) of besoek die Kleinmond munisipale kantoor om voor 30 November aansoek te doen. Vorms is ook op www.overstrand.gov.za beskikbaar.


Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste www.bettysbay.info beskikbaar. Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.