
If you would like to advertise on our site, please contact Adrian for info.

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(Afrikaans onder)

Dear member. We are rapidly approaching the end of the year and this is our penultimate newsletter. The last one will briefly report on the annual general meeting.

Beste lid. Ons nader nou vinnig die einde van die jaar en hierdie is ons voorlaaste nuusbrief. Daar sal nog ‘n kort nuusbrief, gebaseer op die uitkomste van die algemene jaarvergadering, wees.

Annual General Meeting (agm)

Our AGM is due to take place at 10h00 on Saturday 12 December 2020 in the Crassula Hall but with Covid-19 we might have difficulty in obtaining a quorum at the meeting so it is intended to conduct the AGM as follows:

  1. For those who cannot attend in person we will place the Chairman’s report, Financial statement and Treasurer’s report on our web site.
  2. The notice of the AGM will go out to all members by E-Mail and they will be requested to confirm acceptance thereof by return E-Mail. This notice will of course include issues such as committee membership and all other arrangements for the adjusted AGM.  

We will then combine these acceptances and physical attendances to make up the quorum of 40 being the 10% of membership required.

Community And Cultural Affairs

Gert Claassen’s talk on a lost city that he found in a jungle in the Amazon was very interesting and well attended. The audience was unanimous that that this initiative should continue and the next presentation is being arranged for the second half of January 2021. Hopefully his will become a monthly event.

Eskom Contact Particulars

Power failures can be reported as follows:
Telephonically: 08600 37566/08600
ESKOM SMS: 35328
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Have your meter/erf/account number ready when contacting ESKOM.

Any unresolved complaint can be followed up at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or with Lizette Schulze at 068 2096532.

Baboon Management

At a special meeting with the Municipality various problems relating to the proposed baboon management in Betty’s Bay were pointed out. The Municipality is attending thereto and the appointed contractor will for now only operate in other problem areas.


The status of Betty’s Bay conservatory has been somewhat neglected and a revival effort has been launched under Carol Clark’s initiative. Persons wishing to assist her can contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Braai = Fire

The fire season has officially started!

Everybody enjoys a nice braai during the holiday season but please be extra careful. Betty’s Bay’s renowned winds can cause fire havoc.

We have just experienced our first local fire in the Hangklip/Kleinmond area but thanks to the fast response of all the fire personnel the scene was contained quickly and members stayed on the scene to monitor the area.

We welcome our new volunteers and if you would like to join the volunteers, we have different roles and responsibilities and would love to hear from you. Make contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please join us at our Wild Fire Awareness Day on Wednesday 16 December from 10h00 to 17h00 at the Crassula Hall. Programs of the day’s events will be posted at Crassula Hall, on the Fire & Rescue Telegram group as well as various Whatsapp and Face Book groups and local shops.

Come along any time during the day to meet the team and we can help you answer the following questions and more!

  • Are YOU wild fire ready?
  • Does your house have a defendable space?
  • Have you and your loved ones discussed who will do what in the event of a fire?
  • Do you know what to prepare in advance in the event of an evacuation?
  • Do you have you a fire plan?  

Let us help you get Wild Fire Ready! See you there!  

Electronic copies of the ‘Be Wild Fire Ready’ booklet as well as the amazing ‘Betty’s & Pringle Bay Wildfire Pre-Attack Plan’ map (both of which will be discussed and explained on the 16th December at Crassula Hall) can be downloaded from our website and Facebook site.

Clarence Drive (r44)

Regular speed checks are being conducted on Clarence drive (R44) in Betty’s Bay.

The statistics for October as well as for November have, in spite of follow-up requests, not yet been received from the Municipality. The appointed consulting engineers who are investigating the possibility of creating a circle at the Porter Drive intersection with the R44 will present their findings to interested and affected parties on 11 December. A report thereon will also appear in our next newsletter.

Maintenance Of Gravel Roads

Members of the roads and storm water portfolio are currently investigating the condition of all gravel roads in Betty’s Bay. In the meantime the Municipality is grading gravel roads.

Drop Off Cage At Library

Residents are again reminded that the drop off cage will remain operational until approximately mid-January 2021. The Municipality’s by-law requiring each household having animal-proofed bins must still be adhered to. Home owners are urged to inform holidaymakers in their homes to use these bins alternatively the drop off cage.

Refuse Removal

Residents are reminded that refuse must be placed on the sidewalk/road verge by NOT LATER than 07h30 on the collection day.


Resident and holiday makers are urged to keep our beautiful beaches clean and to obey instructions given by life guards.

Be Crime Vigilant

With the holiday season approaching especially opportunistic crimes can spike. Some tips:

  • Don’t openly display valuables such as cash, mobile phones, cameras and jewellery;
  • Don’t hike or cycle on your own;
  • Don’t leave windows and doors open when leaving the house and activate your alarm system

Program the following numbers on your phone:

  1. 028 312 2400 for fire, floods or medical emergencies. NOTE: This is the corrected number – please amend your records
  2. 028 313 8980 for security and safety issues
  3. 028 313 8111 for basic service emergencies e.g. burst water pipes
  4. 028 313 8996 law enforcement complaints.


If required, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers Please visit and like.

Reminder: Your membership fees of R75.00 per person are now due. Please only do an EFT as cheques and cash carry exorbitant banking fees. The ABSA account No is 4066616439 and use your surname and erf number as reference.

There is a motion on the AGM agenda that membership fees be increased to R100 – pay now and save!

Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on our website www.bettysbay.info 

Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The committee wishes all our members a wonderful festive season and a better 2021!

Algemene Jaarvergadering (AJV)

Die AJV vind om 10h00 op Saterdag 12 Desember in die Crassulasaal plaas. As gevolg van COVID-19 beperkinge mag ons probleme ondervind om die vereiste kworum te hê en daarom sal die volgende geld:

  1. Ons het die voorsittersverslag, finansiële state en tesouriersverslag op ons webtuiste geplaas waar persone, wat nie in persoon kan bywoon nie, dit kan aflaai.
  2. Die kennisgewing is reeds aan alle lede per e-pos versend en hul kan ‘n bywoningsontvangs per e-pos erken. Die kennisgewing bevat ook volle besonderhede van komiteelede en reëlings vir die vergadering.

Hierdie elektroniese bywoning saam met lede wat in persoon teenwoordig is, behoort ons die vereiste 10% bywoning te gee.

Gemeenskaps- En Kulturele Sake

Gert Claassen se praatjie op 11 November oor ‘n verlore stad in die woude van die Amasone was uiters interessant en goed bygewoon. Die gehoor was eenparig dat hierdie inisiatief voortgesit word en die volgende praatjie word vir die tweede helfte van Januarie 2021 gereël. Dit word vertrou dat dit ‘n maandelikse instelling sal word.

Eskom Kontakbesonderhede

Kragonderbrekings kan soos volg rapporteer word:

Hou asb jou meternommer/rekeningnr/erfnr byderhand wanneer jy ESKOM kontak. Wanneer ‘n gerapporteerde klagte onopgelos bly, kontak This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of skakel Lizette Schulze by 068 209 6532.


Tydens ‘n spesiale vergadering met die Munisipaliteit op 24 November is verskeie probleme met die beoogde bestuursprogram in Bettysbaai uitgewys. Die Munisipaliteit gee nou aandag daaraan en inmiddels sal die aangestelde kontrakteur slegs in ander probleemgebiede werk.


Die Bettysbaai bewaringsgebiedstatus het die afgelope tyd agterweë gebly en ‘n poging om dit te laat herleef, word tans onder leiding van Carol Clark geloods. Belangstellendes kan haar by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak.

Braai = Brandgevaar

Die brandseisoen het amptelik begin! Almal wil graag ‘n vleisie tydens die vakansie braai, maar wees asb ekstra versigtig – veral wanneer die wind waai (wat maar in Bettysbaai ‘n gereelde verskynsel is).

Ons het pas ons eerste brand in die Hangklip/Kleinmondgebied gehad, maar danksy die flink optrede van die brandpersoneel is dit vining onder beheer gebring en daarna dopgehou.

Ons verwelkom ons nuwe vrywilligers en indien jy ook wou betrokke raak, is daar ‘n verskeidenheid van rolle en take om te vervul. Ons verneem graag van jou by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Op Woensdag 16 Desember vanaf 10h00 tot 17h00 hou ons ’n brandbewusmakingsgeleentheid by die Crassulasaal – kom besoek ons asb! Die dagprogram verskyn op ons “Fire&Rescue Telegram”-groep, ons webtuiste, ons Face bookgroep, by Crassulasaal en by verskeie winkels.

Kom ontmoet ons span vrywilligers en ontvang antwoorde op vrae soos:

  • Is jy brandgereed?
  • Het jou huis ‘n verdedigbare ruimte?
  • Het jy en jou geliefdes al besluit wat jul in geval van ‘n brand gaan doen? • Weet jy nou reeds wat jul in geval van ontruiming moet doen?
  • Het jy ‘n brandplan?

Ons kan jul met antwoorde op hierdie en ander vrae help! Kom vra net!

Die dokumente “Be Wildfire Ready” en “Fire Pre-Attack Plan Map”, wat ‘n meerdaagse brandstrategie bevat, sal op 16 Desember bespreek word en dit kan ook vanaf ons webtuiste en Face Bookblad elektronies afgelaai word.

Clarencerylaan (R44)

Gereelde snelstrikke word op die R44 (Clarencerylaan) in Bettysbaai opgestel. Die statistiek vir beide Oktober en November is, ten spyte van navrae, ongelukkig nog nie van die Munisipaliteit ontvang nie.

Die raadgewende ingenieurs wat die moontlikheid ondersoek om ‘n verkeersirkel by die Porterwegaansluiting met die R44 aan te bring, sal op 11 Desember aan belanghebbendes verslag doen. ‘n Artikel daaroor verskyn in die volgende nuusbrief.

Instandhouding Van Gruispaaie

Ons portefeuljehouers vir paaie en stormwater is tans besig met ‘n opname oor die toestand van gruispaaie. Inmiddels is die Munisipaliteit aktief besig om gruispaaie te skraap.

Oorlaaihouer By Die Biblioteek

Inwoners word daaraan herinner dat die oorlaaihouer tot ongeveer middel Januarie 2021 by die biblioteek sal bly. Die munisipale verordeninge oor dierbestande vullishouers moet steeds nagekom word. ‘n Beroep word op huiseienaars gedoen om vakansiegangers in hul huise in te lig om net die oorlaaihouer of die regte vullishouers te gebruik.


Inwoners word daaraan herinner dat vullishouers nie later nie as 07h30 op die sypaadjie geplaas moet word.


Inwoners en veral vakansiegangers word versoek om ons mooi strande skoon te hou en om die lewensredders se aanwysings te gehoorsaam

Wees Misdaad Waaksaam En Noodnommers

Geleentheidsmisdadigers slaan meer dikwels toe tydens die vakansieseisoen. Volg gerus hierdie wenke:

  • Moenie waardevolle artikels soos kontant, beursies, selfone, kameras en juwele sigbaar hou nie.
  • Moenie op jou eie fietsry of stap nie.
  • Moenie deure en vensters ooplos wanneer daar niemand tuis is nie en aktiveer die alarmstelsel.

Plaas die volgende op jou foon:

  • 028 312 2400 vir brande, vloede of mediese nood. LET WEL: Hierdie is die korrekte nommer – wysig asb indien nodig want die nommer het verander.
  • 028 313 8980 vir sekuriteit en veiligheid.
  • 028 313 8111 vir noodgevalle van ‘n basiese diens soos ‘n gebarste waterpyp.
  • 028 313 8996 vir klagtes oor wetstoepassing.


Waar nodig, sal daar op ons webtuiste meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure gevind kan word.Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is: https://www.facebook.co/BettysBayRatepayers Besoek dit gerus.

ONTHOU dat die ledegeld van R75,00 per persoon nou betaalbaar is. Plaas asb die fondse elektronies oor in ons ABSA rekeningnr 4066616439, met jou van en erfnr as verwysing, want banke hef uitermate hoë fooie op kontant en tjekinbetalings. Daar is ‘n mosie wat by die AJV dien om dit tot R100,00 te verhoog. Betaal nou en bespaar!

Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste www.bettysbay.info beskikbaar. Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Die komitee wens al sy lede ‘n wonderlike feesgety en ‘n voorspoediger 2021 toe!