Herewith some information, which we normally publish in the Buzz. -Ed.
Library hours: Mon to Fri 9h00 – 16h00
Good wishes to all for another New Year;
may you experience good health, purpose & much Joy in 2014!
AGM / Algemene Jaar Vergadering : 29 January/Januarie 2014, 10h30, Betty's Bay Library.
Join the Friends of the Library / Sluit aan by die Vriende van die Biblioteek.
Your ideas, suggestions & talents make this organization a successful group of people coming together, sharing ideas and offering cheerful fellowship. We support the Library & librarian by helping to maintain an efficient service to the community.
Annual fee of R25 pp or R30 per family. This can be paid at the Library.
Become involved with The Local History Collection at the Hangklip Library, Betty's Bay. If you have any articles/newspaper clippings/ photographs of the Hangklip area
( Rooiels, Pringle Bay or Betty's Bay) - PAST or PRESENT, we would be very grateful to receive them to include them in this Collection; appreciation for your help & expertise too!
Do you have any past editions of the BUZZ, PRINGLE POST?
Periodic dates for meetings to work on the Collection will be displayed at the Hangklip Library in Betty's Bay.
Contact: Rosaline Matthews at the Library (028 272 9263) or Pip Prinsloo (028 272 9949)