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Spring... the season of floral delight, birdsong, sunshine and gentle refreshing showers. A favourite song from the musical, Seven brides for seven brothers, states: “Bluebirds are twittering, they’re all baby-sittering, spring, spring, spring.” Ah, yes, rock thrushes zoom past our bedroom windows, en route to wherever only they know, pausing only long enough for a quick drink from the furrow, and sugarbirds alight upon, and delight in the nectar from the yet-to-fully-open pincushions.
Then, the bees... those busy little buzzers whose sole purpose in life seems to be pollination of the various species. According to the Encyclopaedia, the bee actually has no choice in the matter. It makes this statement: “Most flowers that are pollinated by birds and insects have colourful blossoms and an odour that attracts the animals. When they come into contact with a flower, pollen clings to their bodies, and they carry the grains to other flowers..” Our grandchildren’s reaction to this statement would probably be: “Wow, cooool!” My reaction to this activity is generally a sneeze.

Have you noticed how beautiful the Gonnabos is at present (Botanists, forgive me if the botanically correct name escapes me) with its flowers ranging from deep pink to lemon and the hues in between? A flower-arranger’s delight... and the hay-fever sufferer’s nightmare. It reminds me of the day I took my new colicky baby to the doctor and he informed me that all babies are a blessing, but most blessings are mixed ones...
But back to the bee. It is drawn, and succumbs to the lure of the flower. Once inside, the flower deposits its pollen on the unsuspecting little insect’s back, where it sticks. Until it reaches the next tempting flower. Cool... but have the botanists and entomologists established the possible effect this sticky stuff may have upon the little bee? Picture yourself in its position, crawling into a place with an inviting aroma (like Coffee specialists at the Mall). Then while you indulge, someone sprinkles heavy powder all over your scantily-clad back. It could itch. So after quenching your thirst you move on to another inviting aroma, depositing the icky stuff on the seats of the new venue, only to have them repeat the process with their own brew before you leave. Is this how we would choose to spend our day? The bee doesn’t seem to stop to think.
There is a well-known passage in Matthew 5:3-11, known as the Beattitudes, the blessings listed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are,” He said...
“Those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
The meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
The merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
The pure in heart, for they will see God.
The peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.“
Many a sermon has been preached on this subject, and as I am not a preacher, I would not presume to try. But perhaps we could try to emulate some “bee attitudes?” Consider...
That wonderful little creature goes out at dawn and starts working, in all the right places.
It never fights other bees to gain the best position on the flower, but works wherever its maker appointed it to be.
It never needs the whole picture; today’s little worker will never see next spring’s flowers.
It can be relied upon to complete each day’s task efficiently.
Should it’s life be threatened by hungry birds or frogs, it labours on, regardless.
It is happy to have things dumped on it in the course of a day’s labour because in the end those things will provide opportunities for others.
Ever heard a bee complain? Or plan something and leave it to the rest of the swarm to carry out?
Just a closing thought... we’ve all heard the expression “the bee’s knees” ...have you ever heard a bee sneeze?
Bev. Green