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The following letter is written by one of the affected residents of Nerine Crescent. It has been sent to the local authorities on behalf of an action group seeking resolution to their problems.

Good Day

I am writing to you on behalf of a Committee appointed by a group of property owners in Nerine Crescent, Morea Road and Nivenia Road near the Main Beach in Betty's Bay. I am sure that you are all well aware of the problems experienced in recent times with sand encroachment from the Betty's Bay Main Beach onto properties in these streets and also onto the streets and the road reserves. Refer to the attached photographs taken during March 2012 and March 2013. The Committee has the support of 16 owners of properties in these streets.

Dialogue between property owners and Overstrand Municipality has been hampered in the recent past by the Court application brought by a group of property owners against the Municipality to keep Nerine Crescent and the road reserve clear of sand. This Court case has now been concluded with the Court ruling against the Applicants and leave to appeal being denied. The Committee now wish to, in terms of the mandate (included below) given to us by the group of property owners, establish a dialogue with the local authorities (Municipality and the Province) on the way forward in jointly addressing the sand encroachment problem at Main Beach Betty's Bay.

Please indicate by return mail if you would be willing to attend, or send a representative of your organisation to, a meeting at Betty's Bay to discuss this issue. We, the rate payers of this area, appeal to you our Local Government, to work with us on managing this problem, which is not of our making and which we cannot manage on our own. We have the full support of the Betty's Bay Ratepayers Association (BBRA) and a representative of the BBRA will join us for the proposed meeting.

Please feel free to forward this mail to other organisations that you feel could also make a contribution as the proposed meeting.

Mandate of the Committee:

We, a group of owners of properties being threatened or effected by drift sand in the vicinity of Nerine Crescent and Morea Road near Main Beach in Betty's Bay, hereby nominate Ron Whytock, Gottlieb van der Merwe and Belius Potgieter to on our behalf approach the local Council, officials of the Overstrand Municipality, the Province and political parties as may be appropriate, with the following mandate:

1. To request the Council and/or the Province to take measures to effectively control sand encroachment on to our roads and road reserves to provide uninterrupted access for normal sedan vehicles to our properties and to allow normal access to our Services (water, electricity and sewage).

2. To request the Council and/or the Province to take measures to effectively stabilise the dunes to the seaward side of Nerine Crescent and Morea Road to prevent sand movement onto the road and our properties.

3. To work with the Council in exploring possible measures to achieve the above.

4. To monitor progress in the implementation of measures proposed with officials of the Municipality or the Province.

The following is specifically excluded from the mandate:

1. The approval by the delegation of any measures proposed by the Municipality, as the nominees are not technically qualified to do so.

2. Agreement on behalf of the Group to any proposals that may have a financial impact or obligation on property owners.

Kind Regards
Gottlieb van der Merwe
On behalf of the Committee

Encroaching dunes Nerine Crescent March 2012 640


Nerine Crescent - repair electrical fault March 2013 640


Nerine Crescent electrical distribution box 640