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Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
Reg No. 102-000-NPO
Membership is open to all residents of the Hangklip area, i.e., Betty’s Bay (including Mooiuitsig), Pringle Bay and Rooi Els. Your HCCC membership fee, which is payable annually, contributes to supporting needy people within the Hangklip community and also enables you to purchase cooked meals at subsidised rates. This membership fee is currently R60.00. If, however, your monthly household income does not exceed R3 000, the annual fee reduces to R30.00. The normal cost per meal for a HCCC member is currently R40.00 (non-members pay R50.00). A member who is part of a low-income household (R9 000/m or less) could, however, purchase the same meal at a reduced cost ranging between R10.00 and R35.00, depending on income.
Lidmaatskap is oop vir alle inwoners van die Hangklip-gebied, naamlik Bettysbaai (insluitend Mooiuitsig), Pringlebaai en Rooiels. U jaarlikse lidmaatskapsfooi dra by tot die ondersteuning van behoeftiges binne die Hangklip- gemeenskap en stel u ook in staat om gekookte etes teen gesubsideerde pryse te bekom. Die huidige lidmaatskapsfooi is R60.00. As u gesins-inkomste egter nie R3 000 oorskry nie, word hierdie fooi na R30.00 verminder. Die normale prys wat ‘n HGSS lid vir ‘n ete betaal is huidiglik R40.00 (nie-lede betaal R50.00).’n Lid wie egter deel is van lae-inkomste gesin (R9 000 of minder) kan dieselfde bord kos koop teen ‘n verlaagde prys wat wissel tussen R10.00 en R35.00, afhanklik van gesinsinkomste.
Contacts and Application Forms
Membership enquiries: Patricia Ackerberg - 082 378 1641
Application Forms: English (PDF) and Afrikaans (PDF)
Joy Rourke: 028 272 9914 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
George Green: 083 283 4454 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Like us on www.facebook.com/hccc.bb
For those wishing to make a once-off or regular cash donation to this worthy cause (tax-deductible), our banking details follow.
Please use your last name and initials as reference and e-mail your contact details to our treasurer, Adrian de Kock (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to allow us to issue an appropriate receipt for tax purposes:
Account Name: Hangklip Community Care Centre
Bank: First National Bank
Branch code: 210460 (Kleinmond)
Account No: 62460003818
- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 1272
Please follow these links to find the HCCC PDF newsletters:
Application Forms: English (PDF) and Afrikaans (PDF)
#16 July 2021
- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 1620
Non-Profit Organisation
Reg No 102-000-NPO
Manager: Patricia Ackerberg
082 378 1641
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We confirm that a full complement of Covid vaccine is available for administration at Crassula Hall this coming Thursday, 22 July, from 09:30 until 13:30.
Please note the following arrangements.
Booking appointments will be allocated prior to commencement of vaccinations, to allow persons arriving to leave or go home, and return at the appointed time.
Over 60’s
From 08:00 – 09:00 we shall issue appointments only to those aged > 60, whom we have been instructed to prioritise. This will include all needing either a first or a second vaccination, whether or not an SMS notification has been received.
Please note you would only qualify for a second vaccination if you received your first vaccine dose on or before 10 June. The EVDS system will not allow second vaccinations to be be given within the 42-day period after the first vaccination. (It is, however, perfectly acceptable to receive the second vaccine after 42 days, and up to 8 weeks later).
Over 50’s
From 09:00 onwards we shall also issue appointments to those aged >50 who are EVDS registered. This age group will not yet have received a vaccination notification by SMS.
We encourage all who have not yet been vaccinated, to please follow through and attend asap.
We further urge you to please not to queue earlier than 08:00 on Thursday (over 60s) or 09:00 (over 50s). It is currently simply not safe to gather in close proximity for longer than necessary. We are optimistic that you will be accommodated.
- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 1235
Non-Profit Organisation
Reg No 102-000-NPO
Manager: Patricia Ackerberg
082 378 1641
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear All
Vaccinations for the Bedridden in Overstrand The Western Cape Government Health Department has requested us to bring the attached notice (image below) to the attention of Hangklip residents to help ensure that any bedridden persons we are aware of are given the opportunity to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Kind regards HCCC.
- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 1471
Please follow these links to find the HCCC PDF newsletters:
Application Forms: English (PDF) and Afrikaans (PDF)
#14 January 2021
#13 October 2020
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 1719
Please follow these links to find the HCCC April PDF newsletters:
- Details
- Written by Adrian
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 1882
I would like to thank those members who so generously donated towards supplying food stuffs for residents who were adversely financially affected by Covid-19 and the subsequent "lock down". This was greatly appreciated by the recipients.
We have now reached the stage with many returning to work and able to fend for themselves which in turn means that nutrition assistance has only become necessary in a few cases. Taking this into account the BBRA is closing down their involvement and is handing over the few cases left to a local charitable organisation, Hangklip Community Care Centre, HCCC.
This independent organisation has been operational in the Hangklip area since 2014 and supplies subsidised meals, free food parcels to the needy, runs a chronic medication clinic and various social and recreational facilities. HCCC is a registered NPO with registration number 102-000-NPO and is also registered with SARS for the issue of form 18a certificates allowing donors who wish to receive certificates for tax deduction purposes.
Should you wish any other information on HCCC their information can be accessed on this web site here.
In the light of the above we intend to donate the balance of donors funds held to HCCC to subsidise their charitable work in attending to the nutrition of the needy in our area provided our donors are in favour of this action.
Additionally should any member wish to donate towards the initiatives of HCCC they can deposit to the bank account as follows:
Hangklip Community Care Centre
FNB Hermanus
Cheque Account 62460003818
Reference Surname & Initials
Should you wish to discuss any of these arrangements you can contact me.
Thanks and Be Safe
Adrian de Kock Secretary/Treasurer BBRA Treasurer HCCC
Cell: 082 940 4619
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 1986
Please follow these links to find the HCCC April PDF newsletters:
- Details
- Written by BBRA
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2156
Please follow these links to find the January PDF newsletters: