Hangklip Community Care Centre
Reg No. 102-000-NPO
Hangklip Community Care Centre (HCCC) is a fully independent, registered NPO, operating from premises leased from and shared with the Lakeside Chapel, corner of Wheeler and White Roads, Betty’s Bay. Our vision is to promote a closely-knit Hangklip community (residents of Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els) in which there is mutual caring for one another, and in which problems of inadequate nutrition, loneliness, infirmity, neglect, etc., are effectively addressed.
We facilitate a range of services to the community, assisted by a large team of dedicated, community-based volunteers. Such services include:
- Nutritious and enjoyable meals provided at subsidised, affordable prices
- Food parcels disseminated free of charge to residents who struggle to meet their basic nutritional needs
- A clinic for dispensing chronic medication, also offering routine medical tests and access to medical/nursing aids on loan
- Opportunities for group activities, recreation and social interaction.
These services, along with others more directly concerned with home-based care and support, underpin our HAIL (Home- based Assisted Independent Living) initiative – through which residents with diminished capacity to care for themselves, or inability to function with full independence, can be assisted to continue living in their own homes, within the community and surroundings they love, for as long as possible.
Provision of meals – satisfying a growing need
An ever-growing proportion of Hangklip residents are feeling the pinch of rising cost of living and relying more and more on the availability of subsidised meals prepared in the HCCC kitchen on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Subsidised meals are provided to HCCC members at prices which range from R10/meal to R35/meal, depending on household income. Members who do not qualify for subsidised meals are able to purchase meals at approximately cost price (R40 as from 1 April 2019). During the 2018/19 financial year which ended on 31 March, the kitchen provided a total of 4 485 meals, 10.1% more than in 2017/18. Of these, 1 801 (about 40%) were not subsidised. In the subsidised category, the number of meals sold at the lowest price level of R10 amounted to 2079, i.e. in excess of 46%. These figures show that (a) meals are sought after across the board for their good quality and low cost and (b) balanced meals are being made available to households where such meals are no longer affordable. For this, thanks are due to our manager (Patricia Ackerberg), her kitchen assistant (Edith Smith) and a host of dedicated volunteer cooks. (For more information regarding meals, please contact Patricia Ackerberg – 082 378 1641).
Recreational and cultural events and activities
Providing opportunities for residents to socialise and engage in recreational and cultural activities is an important part of HCCC’s mission. One such opportunity centres around the HCCC dining room, where HCCC members (and also non- members) are able to sit down and enjoy one another’s company over lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Wednesday lunch has grown in popularity and on most Wednesdays the dining room is filled to capacity, predominantly with regular attendees. There is scope for similar lunch groups to form and meet on Mondays and Fridays. Booking is essential; call Patricia Ackerberg – 082 378 1641.
A Pilates group meets twice weekly (Monday and Thursday mornings) at the Crassula Hall under the leadership of volunteer instructors. Popularity is such that there is a long waiting list to join the group. Formation of a second Pilates group is a possibility, but for this we await a competent instructor to step forward and offer his/her services. An equally popular “bridge club” meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of each month. All are welcome, novices included. However, please notify Willemien Law (072 368 8780) a day ahead of your plan to participate. There is no cost, but a small donation would be appreciated. We are also planning a (fund-raising) Bridge Drive on 24-25 May. Again, please advise Willemien if you wish to participate. Further details will be circulated on our facebook page.
Two special social/cultural events are being planned for later in the year, each of which also has a fundraising component. A High Tea will be held in the Nivenia Hall at Harold Porter Gardens on August 17th. Secondly, an Art Exhibition is to be held at Bistro 365, Pringle Bay during the whole month of December. Further announcements will follow in due course.
We would welcome any further ideas or suggestions for additional community-building, recreational or cultural activities to support our vision. Please refer these to our Secretary, René Kaljee – 079 840 0868.
Home-Based Care and HAIL
HAIL (Home -Based Assisted Independent Living) is the acronym we have coined for our broader vision for the development of better home- based care in our Hangklip community, enabling the elderly, disabled and frail among us to remain in their homes as long as possible, drawing on appropriate support from a caring community. To this end we have engaged with local practising carers in our area, including trained nurses for whom a large thrust of their work involves palliative care. With support from Overstrand Hospice, we have also introduced a monthly educational forum for health care workers. Our objective in this is not only to help oversee a good professional standard of care, but also to develop an ethos of co-operation and communication among our carers, establishing also a network for identification and feedback of additional needs which HCCC would hope to be able to address. Such needs – for which we aim to develop a volunteer support group – must first be specified and detailed. A number of you have already offered voluntary support in a variety of capacities, and for this we aremost grateful. Once we have a clearer idea of the exact needs, we plan to workshop how best we can launch an effective volunteer support group.
The scope of broader needs incorporated in the HAIL vision includes issues of security, isolation, stimulation and loneliness, access to nutrition and medical services, transport, communication and home and garden maintenance at a DIY level. Meeting such needs would depend on our being able to call on the services of motivated and appropriately skilled volunteers. In the initial stages of rolling out such assistance, calls upon volunteers may not be frequent, but we foresee that as HAIL gathers momentum, the growth of a well-coordinated volunteer network will become a necessity. We would be particularly interested to hear from any more of you who would be willing to offer your services in any capacity towards the development of a volunteer group for ancillary services. For example, administrative support would be valuable, in addition to specialised skills in the arena of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or home maintenance, not forgetting also community-building/recreational expertise as previously mentioned.
(For enquiries or to volunteer services, please contact Joy Rourke – 060 983 8446).
Other services
The ongoing food parcel service entails the monthly distribution of some 35 parcels to households, currently within Betty’s Bay and Mooiuitsig. Members of needy households throughout the whole Hangklip area may apply to become beneficiaries of this service. Approval of applications depends on the outcome of a means test based on household income. (Enquiries: Patricia Ackerberg – 082 378 1641).
Support for the clinic, held once every eight weeks, continues to grow steadily, with approximately 140 patients currently receiving government issued chronic medication and having basic medical observations recorded. Patients encounter a congenial atmosphere and are able to socialise and enjoy tea or coffee and refreshments while waiting for medications. (Enquiries: Linette Perold – 084 522 0809).
Funding and fundraising
The HCCC’s total income from all sources, excluding the sale of meals and bank interest, amounted to R246 059 during the 2018/19 financial year. Membership fees (R60 per annum, reduced to R30 for low-income members) contributed only 3.5% towards this income. We have therefore been obliged to rely on other funding sources to sustain the organisation. The largest single source (contributing a massive 63.3% in 2018/19) was (and remains) a grant received from the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) by virtue of our participation in their Older Person’s Programme. Funding from this source is granted in three-year cycles, at a level dependent on the number of beneficiaries of age 60 years and older. Donations (received from local churches, other organisations, businesses and individuals) are collectively the next largest source of income (26.9% contributed in 2018/19). Fundraising activities, which have to date centred mainly around street collections, contributed a meagre 5.3% and therefore need to be intensified and diversified in order to accommodate the expansion of services to our community that we envisage. The planned bridge drive, High Tea and Art Exhibition (as previously mentioned) represent steps in this direction.
Compliance with statutory requirements
Our participation in DSD’s Older Person’s Programme makes it mandatory for us not only to maintain our NPO registration, but also to obtain registration as a service provider to the elderly in terms of the Older Persons Act (Act 13 of 2006). Registration requires the meeting of a host of stringent standards relating, amongst others, to sound governance and financial management and also to be certified fully compliant with a range of health and safety regulations. We have over recent years been subjected to several inspections in this regard and hope to register successfully in the very near future.
AGM – 2019
Our AGM is due to be held at the Lakeside Chapel on Monday, 3 June 2019 at 10:00. Voting is restricted to approx 180 paid- up members. However, all Hangklip residents, being potential members, are welcome to attend to become better acquainted with the affairs of HCCC, share ideas, and possibly identify some way of being of service to fellow residents in a voluntary capacity. Besides the presentation of financial and activity reports, a new management committee will be elected. We expect that most, if not all, current members will be available for re-election. Enlarging the committee is, however, not only possible but also desirable in view of the ongoing expansion of our portfolio of services to the community. Persons with drive and a passion for community service are therefore urged to make themselves available for nomination and possible election to the management committee.
Please assist in ensuring that this newsletter is brought to the attention of as many Hangklip residents as possible, both to inform them of the services that HCCC facilitates and to encourage more to apply for membership. For those wishing to make a once-off or regular cash donation to HCCC (tax-deductible), our banking details follow:
Please use your last name and initials as reference and e-mail your contact details to our treasurer, Adrian de Kock (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to allow us to issue an appropriate receipt for tax purposes.
Account Name: Hangklip Community Care Centre
Bank: First National Bank
Account No: 62460003818
Like us on Facebook @hccc.bb (updated weekly)
Kwartaallikse Nuusbrief – Nr. 7, April 2019
Hangklip Gemeenskapsorg Sentrum (HGSS) is ‘n ten volle onafhanklike, geregistreerde nie- winsgewende organisasie. Ons werk vanuit fasiliteite wat ons by die Lakeside Chapel (h/v Wheeler- en Whitestraat, Bettysbaai) huur en met hulle deel. Ons visie is die bevordering van ‘n samehorige Hangklipgemeenskap (inwoners van Bettysbaai, Pringlebaai en Rooiels), waarin ‘n kultuur van omgee- vir-mekaar heers sodat probleme van onvoldoende voeding, eensaamheid, siekte, verwaarlosing, ensovoorts effektief aangespreek kan word. Ons fasiliteer, hoofsaaklik met behulp van vrywilligers, ‘n reeks dienste aan die gemeenskap. Hierdie sluit in:
- Voorsiening van voedsame en smaaklike etes teen gesubsideerde, bekostigbare pryse
- Gratis verskaffing van kospakkies aan inwoners wat sukkel om in basiese voedingsbehoeftes te voorsien
- ‘n Kliniekdiens vir die reseptering van chroniese medikasie, roetine mediese toetse en uitleen van basiese verpleegtoerusting
- Geleenthede vir groeps-aktiwiteite, ontspanning en sosiale interaksie.
Hierdie dienste, tesame met ander wat meer direk betrekking het op tuis-versorging en -ondersteuning, is die onderbou vir ons HAIL (Home-based Assisted Independent Living) inisiatief, waardeur inwoners wat oor verminderde kapasiteit beskik om vir hulself te sorg, of ten minste onafhanklik te kan funsioneer, gehelp word om so lank moontlik in hulle eie wonings en binne die gemeenskap en omgewing waarvoor hulle lief is, te bly voortleef.
Voorsiening van etes – bevrediging van ‘n toenemende behoefte
‘n Steeds groeiende persentasie van Hangklip inwoners voel die knyp van stygende lewenskoste en maak al hoe meer staat op die beskikbaarheid van gesubsidieerde etes wat Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae in die HGSS kombuis voorberei word. Sodanige etes word aan HGSS-lede voorsien teen pryse wat wissel tussen R10 en R35 per ete, afhangende van huishoudelike inkomste. Lede wat nie vir gesubsideerde etes kwalifiseer nie, kan die etes koop teen ongeveer kosprys (R40 vanaf 1 April 2019). Die kombuis het in die 2018/19 finansiële jaar (geëindig 31 Maart) ‘n totaal van 4 485 etes voorsien - 10.1% meer as in 2017/18. Hiervan was 1801 (± 40%) nie gesubsideer nie. In die gesubsideerde groep is 2079 etes (meer as 46%) vir slegs R10 (die laagste prysklas) verkoop. Hierdie syfers dui daarop dat (a) etes deurgaans gesog is weëns hulle goeie gehalte en lae koste en (b) gebalanseerde maaltye aan huishoudings voorsien word wat sulke etes nie meer kan bekostig nie. Hiervoor is dank verskuldig aan ons bestuurder, Patricia Ackerberg en haar kombuis-assistent, Edith Smith, sowél as menige toegewyde vrywillige kokke. Vir meer inligting ivm etes, skakel asb vir Patricia Ackerberg – 082 378 1641.
Ontspannings- en kulturele gebeure en aktiwiteite
‘n Belangrike deel van HGSS se missie is om vir inwoners geleenthede te skep vir sosiale interaksie en deelname aan ontspannings- en kulturele gebeure en aktiwiteite. Een sodanige geleentheid sentreer rondom HGSS se eetsaal, waar lede (en ook nie-lede) op Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae kan gaan aansit en mekaar se geselskap tesame met middagete geniet. Woensdag se middagete is veral gewild – die meeste Woensdae is die eetsaal tot kapasitieit gevul met lede wat gereeld bywoon. Maandae en Vrydae bied verdere geleenthede vir ontwilkkeling van soortgelyke groep-etes. Bespreking is noodsaaklik (Kontak Patricia Ackerberg – 082 378 1641).
‘n Pilates-groep kom tweekeer per week (Maandag- en Donderdag-oggende) in die Crassula-saal byeen onder leiding van vrywillige instrukteurs. Dit is só gewild dat daar ‘n lang waglys is om aan te sluit. Die vorming van ‘n tweede groep sal moontlikwees indien ‘n bevoegde instrukteur na vore tree en sy/haar dienste aanbied. ‘n “Brugklub” wat net so gewild is, vergader die 1e en 3e Dinsdag van elke maand. Almal is welkom, nuwelinge ingesluit. Dit is egter nodig om vir Willemien Law (072 368 8780) een dag voor u beplande bywoning, daarvan in kennis te stel. Geen koste is daaraan verbonde nie, maar ‘n klein donasie sal waardeer word. Ons beplan ook ‘n “Bridge Drive”, gedeeltelik vir fondsinsameling, op 24-25 Mei. Weereens, stel asb vir Willemien in kennis as u wil deelneem. Verdere besonderhede sal op ons facebook-blad bekend gestel word.
Twee spesiale sosiale/kulturele gebeure, beide met ‘n fondsinsamelings-komponent, word vir later in dié jaar beplan. ‘n “High Tea” sal in die Nivenia-saal by Harold Porter-tuine op 17 Augustus gehou word. Tweedens sal ‘n Kunsuitstalling gedurenede die hele Desembermaand by Bistro 365 in Pringlebaai aangebied word. Verdere aankondigings sal mettertyd volg.Ons verwelkom enige verdere idees of voorstelle vir bykomende gemeenskaps-bou, ontspannings- of kulturele aktiwiteite wat ons visie ondersteun, en versoek dat u ons Sekretaresse, René Kaljee – 079 840 0868, daarvan in kennis stel.
Tuisversorging en HAIL
HAIL (Home-based Assisted Independent Living) is die akroniem of afkorting wat ons gebruik vir ons breër visie vir die ontwikkeling van beter tuisversorging in ons Hangklip gemeenskap, om die bejaarde, gestremde en verswaktes onder ons in staat te stel om so lank as moontlik in hul huise te bly, met die toepaslike ondersteuning van ‘n sorgsame gemeenskap. Met hierdie doel voor oë, het ons kontak gemaak met plaaslike praktiserende versorgers in ons gebied, insluitend opgeleide verpleegkundiges wie se werk grootliks gerig is op palliatiewe sorg.
Met die ondersteuning van Overstrand Hospice, het ons ‘n maandelikse opvoedkundige forum vir gesondheids- werkers op die been gebring. Ons doel daarmee is nie slegs om te help met die toesig oor ‘n goeie professionele standaard van sorg nie, maar ook om ‘n etos te ontwikkel van samewerking en kommunikasie tussen versorgers. Ons wil ook ‘n netwerk vir die identifikasie en terugvoer van addissionele behoeftes skep, wat HGSS hopelik sal kan addresseer. Sodanige behoeftes – waarvoor ons graag ‘n vrywillige steungroep wil ontwikkel, - moet eers gespesifiseer en gedetaileer word. ‘n Aantal van julle het reeds hulp aangebied in ‘n verskeidenheid van hoedanighede, waarvoor ons baie dankbaar is. Sodra ons ‘n duideliker beeld van die spesifieke behoeftes het, word ‘n werkswinkel beplan oor hoe ons ‘n effektiewe vrywilliger ondersteuningsgroep kan loods.
Die omvang van die breër behoeftes ingesluit in die HAIL visie, sluit aangeleenthede in soos sekuriteit, afsondering, stimulering en eensaamheid, toegang tot voeding en medies dienste, vervoer, kommunikasie en tuis- en tuin instandhouding op die vlak van ‘doen dit self’. Om hierdie behoeftes te kan aanspreek sal afhang of ons kan staatmaak op die dienste van gemotiveerde vrywilligers met die nodige vaardighede. In die vroeë sradium van die projek, sal daar waarskynlik nie baie beroepe op vrywilligers gedoen word nie. Soos HAIL egter momentum kry, voorsien ons dat die ontwikkeling van ‘n goed geköordineerde netwerk van vrywilligers noodsaaklik sal word. Ons hoor graag van enige persoon wie gewillig sal wees om sy/haar dienste aan te bied in enige hoedanigheid ,om ‘n vrywilligergroep vir aanvullende dienste te ontwikkel. Voorbeelde van dienste benodig: administratiewe steun sal baie waardevol wees, aanvullend tot gespesialiseerde vaardighede in die veld van fisioterapie en arbeidsterapie. Daarby kom ook kundigheid in gemeenskap-bou/ontspanning en tuis instandhouding waarna voorheen verwys is.
(Vir navrae of vrywilliger dienste, kontak asb. Joy Rourke – 060 983 8446)
Ander dienste
Die voortgesette kospakkie-diens behels tans die maandelikse versreiding van ± 35 pakkies onder huishoudings in Bettysbaai en Mooiuitsig. Lede van behoeftige huishoudings in die hele Hangklip gebied kan egter vir die diens aansoek doen. Goedkeuring van aansoeke is gegrond op die oorweging van huishoudelike inkomste. (Navrae: Patricia Ackerberg – 082 378 1641).
Ondersteuning van die kliniek, wat elke 8 weke bedryf word, neem steeds toe. Ongeveer 140 pasiënte ontvang staatsvoorsiende chroniese medisyne en basiese mediese observasies word op heelwat van hulle uitgevoer. Kliniekpasiënte ondervind ‘n gemoedelike atmosfeer en geniet die sosiale omgang sowél as tee of koffie en verversings terwyl hulle vir medisyne wag. (Navrae: Linette Perold – 028 272 9054 of 084 522 0809).
Befondsing en fondsinsameling
HGSS se totale inkomste uit all bronne (die verkoop van etes en bankrente uitgesluit) het in die 2018/19 finansiële jaar R246 059 beloop. Ledegelde (R60 per jaar, verminder tot R30 vir lae-inkomste lede) het slegs 3.5% tot die totale inkomste bygedra. Ons is dus verplig om op ander befondsingsbronne staat te maak om die organisasie te onderhou. Die grootstse enkele bron (wat ‘n massiewe 63.3% in 2018/19 bygedra het) was (en is steeds) 'n toekenning ontvang van die Wes- Kaapse Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling (DMO) uit hoofde van ons deelname aan hul Ouer Persone Program. Hierdie befondsing word in 3-jaar siklusse toegeken op ‘n vlak wat afhang van die aantal bejaarde begunstigdes van ons dienste (60 jaar of ouer). Donasies (van plaaslike kerke, ander organisasies, besighede en individue) vorm gesamentlik die naas-grootse bron (26.9% in 2018/19). Fondsinsamelings-aktiiteite, wat tot nou toe hoofsaaklik op straat-kollektes staatgemaak het, het ‘n karige 5.3% bygedra. Uibreiding en diversifisering van dié bron is dus nodig om ons beoogde toename in dienste aan ons gemeenskap te akkommodeer. Die beplande “bridge drive”, “high tea” en kunsuitstalling (soos voorheen genoem) verteenwoordig stappe in hierdie rigting.
Nakoming van statutêre vereistes
Vanweë ons deelname aan DMO se Ouer Persone Program, is ons verplig om nie net ons NPO registrasie in stand te hou nie, maar ook om registrasie as diensverskaffer aan bejaardes in terme van die Wet op Ouer Persone (Wet 13 van 2006) te bekom. Registrasie vereis die nakoming van 'n klomp streng standaarde wat o.a. verband hou met gesonde bestuur (administratief sowél as finansieël), asook sertifisering dat voldoen word aan ‘n verskeidenheid gesondheids- en veiligheids-regulasies. Ons is die afgelope jaar aan verskeie inspeksies in hierdie verband onderwerp en hoop om in die baie nabye toekoms suksesvol te kan registreer.
Algemene Jaarvergadering – 2019
Ons AJV word op Maandag 3 Junie om 10:00 by die Lakeside Chapel gehou. Stemreg is beperk tot ons 180 opbetaalde lede. Alle Hangklip inwoners, omdat hulle gesien word as potensiële lede, is egter welkom om by te woon om nader kennis te maak met die sake van HGSS, idees te deel en moontlik een of ander wyse van vrywillige diens aan mede-inwoners te identifiseer. Behalwe aanbieding van finansiële- en aktiwiteitsverslae, sal ‘n nuwe bestuurskomitee ingestem word. Ons verwag dat die meerderheid, indien nie alle huidige lede nie, vir herverkiesing beskikbaar sal wees. Vergroting van die komitee is egter moontlik en ook wenslik vanweë die voortgesette uitbreiding van ons portefeulje van dienste aan ons gemeenskap. Persone met dryfkrag en 'n passie vir gemeenskapsdiens word dus aangemoedig om hulself beskikbaar te stel vir nominasie en moontlike verkiesing tot die bestuurskomitee.
Ten slotte
Help asseblief om te verseker dat hierdie nuusbrief onder die aandag van soveel as moontlik Hangklip inwoners gebring word om hulle bewus te maak van die dienste wat HGSS fasiliteer en hulle aan te moedig om lede te word.
Vir diegene wat graag ‘n eenmalige of gereelde (belastingaftrekbare) donasie wil maak, voorsien ons graag die nodige bankbesonderhede. Gebruik asb u van en voorletters as verwysing, en stuur u kontakbesonderhede aan Adrian de Kock (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) sodat hy mettertyd ‘n belastingsfaktuur kan uitreik.
Rekening: Hangklip Community Care Centre
Bank: Eerste Nasionale
Bank Rekeningnr: 62460003818
Like us on Facebook @hccc.bb (word weekliks opdateer)