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BBRA header image

hccc logo header for posterHANGKLIP COMMUNITY CARE CENTRE
Non-Profit Organisation
Reg No 102-000-NPO
Manager: Patricia Ackerberg
082 378 1641

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We confirm that a full complement of Covid vaccine is available for administration at Crassula Hall this coming Thursday, 22 July, from 09:30 until 13:30.

Please note the following arrangements.

Booking appointments will be allocated prior to commencement of vaccinations, to allow persons arriving to leave or go home, and return at the appointed time.

Over 60’s

From 08:00 – 09:00 we shall issue appointments only to those aged > 60, whom we have been instructed to prioritise. This will include all needing either a first or a second vaccination, whether or not an SMS notification has been received.

Please note you would only qualify for a second vaccination if you received your first vaccine dose on or before 10 June. The EVDS system will not allow second vaccinations to be be given within the 42-day period after the first vaccination. (It is, however, perfectly acceptable to receive the second vaccine after 42 days, and up to 8 weeks later).

Over 50’s

From 09:00 onwards we shall also issue appointments to those aged >50 who are EVDS registered. This age group will not yet have received a vaccination notification by SMS.

We encourage all who have not yet been vaccinated, to please follow through and attend asap.

We further urge you to please not to queue earlier than 08:00 on Thursday (over 60s) or 09:00 (over 50s). It is currently simply not safe to gather in close proximity for longer than necessary. We are optimistic that you will be accommodated.