If you would like to advertise on our site, please contact Adrian for info.

Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
Reg No. 102-000-NPO
Membership is open to all residents of the Hangklip area, i.e., Betty’s Bay (including Mooiuitsig), Pringle Bay and Rooi Els. Your HCCC membership fee, which is payable annually, contributes to supporting needy people within the Hangklip community and also enables you to purchase cooked meals at subsidised rates. This membership fee is currently R60.00. If, however, your monthly household income does not exceed R3 000, the annual fee reduces to R30.00. The normal cost per meal for a HCCC member is currently R40.00 (non-members pay R50.00). A member who is part of a low-income household (R9 000/m or less) could, however, purchase the same meal at a reduced cost ranging between R10.00 and R35.00, depending on income.
Lidmaatskap is oop vir alle inwoners van die Hangklip-gebied, naamlik Bettysbaai (insluitend Mooiuitsig), Pringlebaai en Rooiels. U jaarlikse lidmaatskapsfooi dra by tot die ondersteuning van behoeftiges binne die Hangklip- gemeenskap en stel u ook in staat om gekookte etes teen gesubsideerde pryse te bekom. Die huidige lidmaatskapsfooi is R60.00. As u gesins-inkomste egter nie R3 000 oorskry nie, word hierdie fooi na R30.00 verminder. Die normale prys wat ‘n HGSS lid vir ‘n ete betaal is huidiglik R40.00 (nie-lede betaal R50.00).’n Lid wie egter deel is van lae-inkomste gesin (R9 000 of minder) kan dieselfde bord kos koop teen ‘n verlaagde prys wat wissel tussen R10.00 en R35.00, afhanklik van gesinsinkomste.
Contacts and Application Forms
Membership enquiries: Patricia Ackerberg - 082 378 1641
Application Forms: English (PDF) and Afrikaans (PDF)
Joy Rourke: 028 272 9914 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
George Green: 083 283 4454 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Like us on www.facebook.com/hccc.bb
For those wishing to make a once-off or regular cash donation to this worthy cause (tax-deductible), our banking details follow.
Please use your last name and initials as reference and e-mail your contact details to our treasurer, Adrian de Kock (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to allow us to issue an appropriate receipt for tax purposes:
Account Name: Hangklip Community Care Centre
Bank: First National Bank
Branch code: 210460 (Kleinmond)
Account No: 62460003818
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- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2229
Support local artists for a good cause at the HCCC Group Art Exhibition in Pringle Bay from the 30 November 2019 to the 28 April 2020.
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- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2249
Please follow these links to find the October PDF newsletters and application forms:
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- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2725
Hangklip Community Care Centre (HCCC) is a fully independent, registered NPO, operating from premises leased from and shared with the Lakeside Chapel, corner of Wheeler and White Roads, Betty’s Bay. Our vision is to promote a closely-knit Hangklip community (residents of Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els) in which there is mutual caring for one another, and in which problems of inadequate nutrition, loneliness, infirmity, neglect, etc., are effectively addressed. We facilitate a range of services to the community, assisted by a large team of dedicated, community-based volunteers. Such services include:
- Nutritious and enjoyable meals provided at subsidised, affordable prices
- Food parcels disseminated free of charge to residents who struggle to meet their basic nutritional needs
- A clinic for dispensing chronic medication, also offering routine medical tests and access to medical/nursing aids on loan
- Opportunities for group activities, recreation and social interaction.
These services, along with others more directly concerned with home-based care and support, underpin our HAIL (Home- based Assisted Independent Living) initiative – through which residents with diminished capacity to care for themselves, or inability to function with full independence, can be assisted to continue living in their own homes, within the community and surroundings they love, for as long as possible
Hangklip Gemeenskapsorg Sentrum (HGSS) is ‘n ten volle onafhanklike, geregistreerde nie-winsgewende organisasie. Ons werk vanuit fasiliteite wat ons by die Lakeside Chapel (h/v Wheeler- en Whitestraat, Bettysbaai) huur en met hulle deel. Ons visie is die bevordering van ‘n samehorige Hangklipgemeenskap (inwoners van Bettysbaai, Pringlebaai en Rooiels), waarin ‘n kultuur van omgee-vir-mekaar heers sodat probleme van onvoldoende voeding, eensaamheid, siekte, verwaarlosing, ensovoorts effektief aangespreek kan word. Ons fasiliteer, ‘n reeks dienste aan die gemeenskap, hoofsaaklik met behulp van vrywilligers Dit sluit in:
- Voorsiening van voedsame en smaaklike etes teen gesubsideerde, bekostigbare pryse
- Gratis verskaffing van kospakkies aan inwoners wat sukkel om in basiese voedingsbehoeftes te voorsien
- ‘n Kliniekdiens vir die reseptering van chroniese medikasie, roetine mediese toetse en uitleen van basiese verpleegtoerusting
- Geleenthede vir groeps-aktiwiteite, ontspanning en sosiale interaksie.
Hierdie dienste, tesame met ander wat meer direk betrekking het op tuis-versorging en -ondersteuning, is die onderbou vir ons HAIL (Home-based Assisted Independent Living) inisiatief, waardeur inwoners wat oor verminderde kapasiteit beskik om vir hulself te sorg, of ten minste onafhanklik te kan funsioneer, gehelp word om so lank moontlik in hulle eie wonings en binne die gemeenskap en omgewing waarvoor hulle lief is, te bly voortleef.
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- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2619

Hangklip Community Care Centre
Reg No. 102-000-NPO
Hangklip Community Care Centre (HCCC) is a fully independent, registered NPO, operating from premises leased from and shared with the Lakeside Chapel, corner of Wheeler and White Roads, Betty’s Bay. Our vision is to promote a closely-knit Hangklip community (residents of Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els) in which there is mutual caring for one another, and in which problems of inadequate nutrition, loneliness, infirmity, neglect, etc., are effectively addressed.
- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2247

Hangklip Community Care Centre
Reg No. 102-000-NPO
- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2292

Hangklip Community Care Centre
Reg No. 102-000-NPO
- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2451

- Details
- Written by HCCC
- Parent Category: Community
- Category: Hangklip Community Care Centre / Gemeenskapsorgsentrum
- Hits: 2469
Come to the public talk by Elizabeth Scrimgeour on Thursday 18 October 2018, at 5h30 for 6PM, in Crassula Hall, Betty's Bay.
Here's a poster you can print out and hang to spread the word.