Please note: The date has changed AGAIN. The meeting is now on the 15th October 22 October.
Please note: A letter from the Kleinmond SAPS has been added to this article since it was published.
Following on from the memo sent out on 5 August regarding the revival of the Hangklip/Kleinmond CPF which has unfortunately become dysfunctional, I wish to advise that we had a very constructive meeting this morning (13 August) with the Cluster Commander, Brigadier Dyantyi; Chairperson of the Cluster Board, Ms. Mangiagalli; DOCS representative, Ms. Mgijima; Provincial Commissioner’s representative, Mr. Sanders and Station Commander, Captain Kutu.
It was agreed that in terms of the Constitution a Special General Meeting of the CPF needs to be held to fill several vacancies. This is scheduled to be held on the 28th September 15th October 22 October at 18h00 in Kleinmond Hall Main road, next to library.
Kindly distribute the attached Notice. All organizations who previously nominated representatives need not re-register. However, any new organizations wanting to nominate representatives will be required to register. Representation from all community-based organizations are invited and it is essential that all our villages are represented on the CPF for the next 5 years.
Another advert will be placed in the Overstrand Herald.
We request that all make an effort to attend.
Further correspondance from Kleinmond SAPS:
The Provincial Office was here yesterday and WO Mostert was in the meeting together with the Cluster Board Chairperson.
He then reported to me that it was agreed that on 2015-09-30 is the dead line date for the submission of the application.
Then after five days from the 30th September 2015 it will be the final day for the screening of the candidates.
Then on 2015-10-15 (15th October) 22 October it will be the AGM.
The Provincial Office then suggested that the Kleinmond CPF Bank Account must be frozen until the new Executive has been nominated.
Please admit my apology as I was not here for the last two days.
Kindly regards
Attached documents:
- CPF Registration form — This Form needs to be completed and returned to the Station Commander to be stamped, signed and screened.
- CPF Special Meeting 28th Sept 15th October 22 October 2015
- Revival of the CPF