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- Written by Helen George
- Parent Category: Buzz
- Category: 2015 - April
- Hits: 5491
We are lucky enough to live in a breathtakingly beautiful environment. We take delight in our mountains, the fynbos, the sea and the sunshine and we even make excuses for the wind that batters our houses and destabilises our sanity. We relish the solitude and peace that Betty’s Bay offers us, so different from the hurly burly of city life.
But this solitude comes at a cost. Now and again you will strike up a conversation with a complete stranger at the Centre Shop, seemingly a newcomer or a visitor. Then you discover that both of you have lived in Betty’s Bay for the last ten years and have never clapped eyes on each other.
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- Written by Helen George
- Parent Category: Buzz
- Category: 2015 - April
- Hits: 3565
The new Stony Point Eco Centre on the old whaling station site was officially opened on Friday, 10 April, by Tourism Minister, Derek Hanekom, accompanied by local dignitaries and the trustees of the recently constituted Mooiuitsig Trust.
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- Written by Helen George
- Parent Category: Buzz
- Category: 2015 - April
- Hits: 3106
On Thursday, 16 April, a group of footsore, placard-waving demonstrators were spotted making their way along Clarence Drive in the direction of the municipal office complex. The most legible of the posters read: “HOOT FOR THE PENGUINS!” and most passing drivers did just that and then continued on their way. A people-carrier was waiting for the intrepid walkers at the Caltex Service Station. I stopped to chat to them as they were massaging their blistered feet and was made aware of the valid cause that prompted their efforts.
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- Written by Helen George
- Parent Category: Buzz
- Category: 2015 - April
- Hits: 4610
Fire is an inevitable and necessary factor in the ecology of the Fynbos Biome. To ensure the optimal regeneration of our precious veld it needs a comprehensive burn every ten to fifteen years. Dead growth is removed and precious nutrients re-enrich the infertile soil. And when the dense canopy is removed there is sufficient space and light to stimulate almost immediate regeneration.
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- Written by Helen George
- Parent Category: Buzz
- Category: 2015 - April
- Hits: 3713
Library Hours: Monday to Friday 9h00-16h00
The library in the Betty’s Bay municipal complex opened in 1993 to serve Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els.
Recently, albums with newspaper clippings, photos and other information on the very early years in the Hangklip area were donated to the Friends of the Hangklip Library. These documents are precious and invaluable in that they reflect the history of our particular area.
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- Written by Rudi Perold
- Parent Category: Buzz
- Category: 2015 - April
- Hits: 4103
Slightly less than a year ago my wife and I arrived with all our worldly possessions in our beautiful and, judging from the appearance, a very tranquil, Betty’s Bay. I am not one of the ordinary ‘incomers’. In fact, for many years I have owned a plot in our town and I have enjoyed many holidays here. Also, I am a true ‘Capey’ in that I started life in Tiervlei, which later was renamed Parow Vallei.