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Articles re the sand-dune problems in Betty's Bay.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 5230
Hallo Almal,
Aangeheg is ‘n Operasionele Plan, opgestel deur die Overstrand Natuurbewaring afdeling, vir die inwerkingstelling van die eerste fases van die Onderhoud Bestuur Plan vir die duine.
Die Operasionele Plan het ten doel om die werk duidelik aan die Area Bestuurder en die Operasionele Bestuurder (wat die werk moet doen) uiteen te sit. Ons het bietjie gehelp met die plan. Die plan word op die oomblik met die Areabestuurder bespreek en die uitvoering daarvan sal hopelik binnekort begin – moontlik volgende week. Ek verwag nie dat hulle die werk voor die aanvang van die fees seisoen sal kan voltooi nie, maar dit is ‘n begin.
Die werk vir die kus werkspanne sal volgens alle aanduidings op 1 Desember begin werk en sal tot volgende winter ten volle vir Bettiesbaai beskikbaar wees volgens ooreenkoms met Pringlebaai wat hulle weer in die winter nodig het. Wat die koste sal wees en tot watter mate daar van ons ‘n bydrae verwag word (indien enige) is nog nie duidelik nie.
Ek is ongelukkig van more af eers uitstededig en dan oorsee (China) 10 Desember en sal net beperkte epos verbinding he.
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Gottlieb van der Merwe
Pr Eng Specialty Group Manager - System Engineering
REUTECH Radar Systems
P O Box 686 | Stellenbosch 7599 | South Africa Tel: +27 21 880 1150 | Fax: +27 21 880 1153 Cell: +27 82 8221228 | www.reutech.co.za
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 4402
Proposal To Address The Various Concerns
Over the past few years parking problems have occurred at the main beach in Bettys Bay. These problems have been on the increase with more and more visitors to our area, particularly during the holiday season.
The following proposal was put forward: Read it here.
- Details
- Written by Gottlieb van der Merwe
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 5939
Herewith a brief update on progress to date with submission and approval of the Betty’s Bay Beachfront Management Plan.
The Betty’s Bay Beachfront Management Plan, paid for by donors from the Betty’s Bay Dune Interest Group and the Betty’s Bay Ratepayers Association, has been submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) by the Overstrand Municipality (OSM) late last year. It was hoped that the plan would be approved by DEADP before the Christmas break, as they have been consulted during the generation of the plan.
- Details
- Written by Henry Hopkins
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 3757
Inwoners en besoekers vind dit al moeiliker om op die parkeerterrein by Bettysbaai se hoofstrand stil te hou. Storting van sand uit naburige strate het die parkeerarea oor die afgelope paar maande na minder as die helfte laat krimp en die einde is nog nie in sig nie. Maar hou moed!
’n Munisipale woordvoerder sê die opdrag om sand daar te stort kom van die provinsiale regering se department omgewingsake, maar dié het darem ook ’n langtermyn onderhoudsplan wat glo bepaal dat die sand – waarvoor daar nie eintlik ander plek is nie – uiteindelik in die see gestoot gaan word. Wanneer weet die munisipale woordvoerder nog nie, maar hy meen die hele parkeerarea behoort op dié wyse herwin te word.
Intussen hou gereelde strandgangers duim vas dat dit nog hierdie swemseisoen gaan gebeur.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 4757
A letter and a response.
Thank you very much for the work that is being done regarding the dunes and the sand invasion and I am sure that this will have significant long term benefits.
However I was at Betty’s this past weekend and was amazed to find:
- The parking area has been reduced by about 30 to 40% by sand dumped.
- On all the roads near the beach no parking signs have been erected.
- The trench through which water previously flowed has been fully covered.
- The natural approach to the beach from the car park is no longer clearly defined as a result of which people are walking over all the dunes.
- Previous access to the beach from the road immediately behind the beach seems to have been closed off.
- A new house has been built on the beach.
I am afraid there will be absolute chaos over the season with so little parking available and that access to the beach has been impeded rather than improved.
As far as I can see the only people who will benefit from what has been done so far will be the municipality, who will raise a lot of money through ticketing cars parked in the newly designated no parking areas.
I would like to know what arrangements have been made for alternative parking with beach access – none was visible this weekend.
As the owner of a holiday house I consider beach access to be important, especially for the elderly and those with young children. One of the major attractions of Betty’s is the beautiful beach, which was highlighted in your e-mail of 18 June. From what I have observed the 4 points noted ie access to beach, safety of road network, preservation of fresh water ecology and aesthetic improvement of beach area have been impeded rather than improved.
This is indeed disappointing.
I really hope that I am wrong and that something will be done to improve matters before the holiday crowd descends upon Betty’s in the next 10 days.
Terry Simon
The response
Hi All
I refer to a mail from a Betty’s Bay property owner regarding limited access to the Main Beach parking area due to the excessive amounts of sand dumped there. I became aware of the situation at the parking area two weeks ago and last week I discussed this with the nature conservation people at the OM making exactly the statements made in this mail. It is unacceptable that the only public access to Main Beach is effectively blocked by sand – placed there by the OM.
The OM has a real problem in that, in terms of the temporary Maintenance Management Plan approved by the Western Provence Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) last year, the Main Beach parking area is the only location where sand removed by the OM from Nerine Crescent and Morea Road may be legally placed. This has resulted in the situation that we have now.
The new Betty’s Bay Dune Management Plan, which has been developed by a specialist consultant commissioned by The Betty’s Bay Dune Interest Group and the Betty’s Bay Rate Payers Association, has completed its public participation process and has now been submitted to the DEADP for approval in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act and Regulations. This plan, when approved by DEADP, will allow for the proper management of the Main Beach dunes including the parking area. Unfortunately it is unlikely that this approval process will be completed before Christmas.
During our discussion with the OM nature conservation they suggested that the sand could be move temporarily off the parking area for the festive season and returned after the season, where it will stay until the Plan has been approved. The OM has now requested permission from DEADP to implement this temporary measure and is currently awaiting a reply.
The best case scenario is this will happen tomorrow and that the sand will be moved before the end of the week. However there is also the possibility that the request will not be approved or that the resources to move the sand cannot be found in time.............Let’s hope for the best.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 4715
Updated Management Plan for Pringle Bay and Beach Front Management Plan for Betty’s Bay
Invitation for public input on the updated managements plan for the Pringle Bay beach and adjacent dune area and Betty's Bay beach front management plan.
The public meeting for the presentation of the two Management Plans will take place on 21 November 2015 at 16:00 at the Community Hall in Pringle Bay. The Management Plans will be available for inspection during normal office hours (07:45 – 13:00 and 13:45 – 16:30) at the Hermanus, Kleinmond and Betty’s Bay Libraries from 6 November 2015 for public review.
The Management Plans will also be available on the Overstrand Municipal website for viewing from 6 November 2015 (www.overstrand.gov.za).
Interested and affected parties are hereby invited to submit written comments (quoting municipal notice number) with regard to the aforementioned to the Overstrand Municipality, Environmental Section by ordinary mail to PO Box 20, Hermanus 7200; by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; by fax to +27 (0)28 316 4953); or by hand to the aforementioned address before or on 27 November 2015.
- Details
- Written by Gottlieb van der Merwe
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 4153
English below.
Baie dankie vir almal wat bygedra het en gehelp het om die mooi bedrag van R52 650.00 in te samel om te betaal vir die opstel van die Bettiesbaai Duine Bestuursplan. Baie dankie ook aan die BBRA wat die fondse ontvang en bestuur en baie dankie in die besonder vir die bedrag van R2000 wat die BBRA self bygedra het tot die fonds. Ons hoop dat die Plan voltooi sal wees in Oktober wat meer as genoeg tyd laat vir openbare deelname en goed keuring voor dat implementering aan die einde van die komende somer.
Ons het in totaal 24 bydraes ontvang waarvan een van die BBRA is, 4 van BBRA lede (wat nie ook lede van die Duine Belange Groep (DBG) is nie), 1 bydrae van ‘n persoon wat nie lid van BBRA of DBG is nie en 18 bydraes van DBG lede. Geld wat nie gespandeer word op die Plan nie sal oorgehou word vir die implementeringsfase.
English version
Thank you very much for all the contributions to the value of R52 650.00 that we received to pay for the Betty’s Bay Dune Management Plan. Thank you very much to the BBRA who received and administers the funds and a special word of thanks for the R2000 that the BBRA contributed from own funds. We hope that the Plan will be completed in October, leaving more than enough time for public participation and approval before implementation at the end of the new summer season.
We received a total of 24 contributions of which 1 was from the BBRA, 4 from members of the BBRA (who are not also members of the Dune Interest Group (DIG)), 1 contribution from a person who are not a member of either the BBRA or DIG) and 18 contributions from DIG members. Money not spent on the Plan will be used during the implementation phase.
Gottlieb van der Merwe
Pr Eng
Bettiesbaai Duine Belange Groep – Betty’s Bay Dune Interest Group
- Details
- Written by Gottlieb van der Merwe
- Parent Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Dunes
- Hits: 4592
Note—There are two files attached to the end of this article. Be sure to scroll to the end.
Good Day
Here is the promised report back, questions & answers and presentation in respect of this worth while project. At last this problem has reached a stage where positive steps can be taken to address an area which to some extent affects all property owners of our village.
Should you wish to contribute towards the planning stage the bank details appear hereunder.
We would also like to thank those who have already contributed to the fund for their generous support.
Kind Regards
Adrian de Kock
Secretary/Treasurer Bettys Bay Ratepayers Association