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We urgently need input from our members of the needs of our area that need to be tabled at the Ward Committee  meeting on Tuesday 13 September 2016. Should you have any matters that need inclusion other that the following please E-Mail us ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  ) by Sunday 11 September 2016:

    1. Improved gravel road maintenance i.e. use crushed clean builders rubble, better quality gravel & keep pot holes filled.
    2. Attend to storm water egress which accumulates on certain roads.
    3. Tar Myrica Road which will become the main exit from the main beach parking.
    4. See to the filling of pot holes in tarred roads expeditiously.
    5. Input required for attention to the sand dune invasion.
    6. Speed up the pipe replacement program for potable water.
    7. Improve Law Enforcement actions in dealing with traffic and other by law transgressions.
    8. Clearing of alien vegetation on Municipal property and road verges as well as the provision of fire breaks where necessary.
    9. Maintenance and cleaning of public abolition facilities.

Sorry for the short notice but this has just been sprung on top us.

Adrian de Kock
Secretary/Treasurer BBRA