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Die sowat 18 maande wat verloop het sedert ek tot raadslid van wyk 10 in die Munisipaliteit Overstrand verkies is, was geweldig uitdagend en het my by veel meer as wykskomiteevergaderings, insette vir die Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan en die Begroting en sakelyste vir raads- en portefeuljekomiteevergaderings betrokke gemaak.

This year will be remembered for the violent protest action that occurred over a two week period from end August to middle September. There are different and diverse opinions of what exactly caused it: the difficult economic situation with accompanying poverty and unemployment, the impact of the fast changing demography in our area, the political tension in the country which also led to racial polarization, municipal service delivery.

There is certainly a bit of truth in each of the theories, but I think one should rather focus on why the situation suddenly ended – just at the time when one thought there was no way out. Off course Human Rights Commissioner Chris Nissen played an important role, but I believe that socio-economic realities made us see that we are one community and need each other. People need work to put food on the table, shops that are open where you can go and buy it and a peaceful environment to relax and rest for the next day’s work.

Dankie aan die Polisie, wetstoepassers en ander wat gehelp het om stabiliteit te herstel, maar ook dankie aan die groot groep geestelike en gemeenskapsleiers wat tans besig is om die brûe te bou en aan die herstel van verhoudinge te werk. Ek glo dat ons uiteindelik as ‘n sterker gemeenskap hier gaan uitkom.

Die staal van ons gemeenskap is vanjaar ook getoets deur talle ernstige veld- en struktuurbrande in ons gebied. Dit was ‘n riem onder die hand om te sien hoe Overstrand deur brandweerdienste vanuit Kaapstad, Stellenbosch en Robertson ondersteun is en hoe die inwoners van Hangklip-Kleinmond weer op hul beurt kos en water aangedra het. Die organisasie hiervan was imponerend.

Community safety is a major priority for me and it is clear to me that we have made vast progress towards that. Neighbourhood and street watches have been established in Rooiels, Pringlebaai and Bettysbaai and is functioning well. In Kleinmond ground-breaking work is being done with the setting up of a special ratings area that will create the necessary funding for community safety projects. The Community-Police Forum is once more functional and the whole safety community meets every Monday with the Police command structure to discuss safety issues.

Vordering met my ander prioriteit, ekonomiese ontwikkeling wat werksgeleenthede kan skep, is egter veel moeiliker. Groot dank aan die Kogelberg-biosfeerreservaatmaatskappy met wie se hulp twee koöperasies op die been gebring is. Die tuinbouprojek by Mthimkhulu Village staan al sterk en is ‘n voorbeeld van wat met energie en dryfkrag uit die gemeenskap nodig bereik kan word.

Toerisme is ‘n groot dryfveer vir ontwikkeling en ook op hierdie terrein is daar weer ‘n nuwe komitee pas verkies en baie inisiatiewe wat verwelkom word.

‘n Spesiale woord van dank aan die areabestuurder, mnr Desmond Lakey, die senior operasionele bestuurder, mnr Denovan van Rhoodie, die kantoorpersoneel en die munisipale werkers wat vanjaar onder moeilike omstandighede gewerk het en uit hul pas moes gaan om agterstande in te haal.

Also a special word of thanks to my colleague in Ward 9 (Kleinmond), Cllr Grant Cohen, the Mayor, the rest of the Council, the Municipal Manager and municipal staff elsewhere a special word of thanks.

In closing I want to wish everybody, especially all our residents and visitors, an enjoyable and restful summer break. Look after yourselves by taking responsibility, taking charge and taking care.

Mag Kersfees 2017 ‘n ware fees van geloof, hoop en liefde wees. Mag u deur vrede en vreugde omring word!