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(Afrikaans onder)

Dear member; this newsletter contains important information – please read and take note!
Beste lid; hierdie nuusbrief bevat belangrike inligting -  lees asseblief en neem kennis!


On Wednesday 12 May at 17h45 for 18h00 Dr Vic Hamilton Attwell will talk in the Crassula hall on the impact of e-waste on the environment. He has done a tremendous amount of research in this field and as a nature lover and keen environmentalist he brings a special message for all of us who are so concerned about our own biosphere.


The devastating fire in Cape Town must once more sound the alarm bells for Betty’s Bay being a town under threat of a similar wild fire. It is not a matter of IF but WHEN – we live in a fire biome! Our constant companion is the fire risk.

Home owners are again urgently requested to improve their own properties by reducing the fire load, creating defendable spaces and taking various other precautionary measures such as the cleaning of gutters and removing flammable objects and by developing their own evacuation plans.

Property owners who received notices from the Municipality to reduce the vegetation are legally obliged to comply therewith – please do so!
Phone 028 312 2400 for fires and emergencies.


The BBRA gave its own inputs on both documents. While expressing concern over matters such as possible salary increases, we also expressed appreciation for services well rendered. The need for a sub-fire station was highlighted. Our comments have also been placed on our website.


As from 1 April 2021 (and this is no joking matter) ESKOM’s electricity tariffs increased by 15,06% .

In spite of this drastic increase for consumers in Betty’s Bay there are two “positive” matters. Firstly the ESKOM tariff is generally much lower than the municipal tariff as the Municipality inter alia has to provide all capital infrastructure and also pay for streetlights and their running costs. Secondly most households can benefit from ESKOM’s two scale tariff if they budget wisely.

A typical house has a 60 A connection and for the first 600 kWh (units) the tariff is R1,8221 per kWh and thereafter it jumps to R3,0971per kWh. You can “save” by only buying 600 kWh per month and let the unused kWh accumulate on your meter until you buy your next month’s 600 kWh. Each monthly cycle starts on the first day of the month and you can buy your 600 units at any time of the month even through multiple purchases as long as the total does not exceed 600 kWh.


The universities of Cape Town and of the Western Cape are conducting a research study on kelp. As our beaches are subject to a lot of kelp deposits there are diverse views on its removal or not. Residents who are interested in this research project are invited to participate. The survey can be found by following this link: https://redcap.uwc.ac.za/surveys/?s=TFC4DWMR7A


The latest statistics are not available but vehicle check points were regularly conducted.

Crime continued its downward trend in April, with one theft and one house-breaking recently reported, but please remain vigilant. The Betty’s Bay Neighbourhood Watch is doing great work and you contact Wayne Jackson 082 928 1260 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The first camera with licence plate recognition has been bought from the funds donated by our community and should soon be installed on the R44.

Poaching can be reported to SAPS in Kleinmond on 028 271 8200 or CapeNature at 082 453 0835 or DEFF Fisheries on 028 313 2703.

An urgent request is again made that, in addition to erf numbers, street numbers be prominently displayed.


The recently implemented system of reporting minor complaints, such as the odd pothole, broken/overgrown street name signs, overgrown sidewalks and worn speed humps has yielded positive results albeit on the slow side. Our portfolio holders and a municipal representative will soon be inspecting all the problems identified. This should lead to realistic action steps linked to target dates.

New similar complaints can brought to the attention of Rob Boyd at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Richard Starke at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will follow this up.


The revival of the Betty’s Bay Conservancy (BBC) has been compared to a bulb emerging from the ground and is taking place under the guidance of Carol Clark. Contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you wish to assist her alternatively contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The revival launch took place on 17 April and Pete Oxford, renowned nature photographer, had generously donated three exquisite photographs from his portfolio and these were mounted by a sponsor for auction at the launch.  Tim Atwell, the Chair of the local branch of BotSoc, acted as auctioneer for the event to raise funds for the Conservancy objectives.

Members of the BBC ExCom provided a brief background to the re-launch of the BBC, unveiled the new logo depicting the biodiversity of the area and shared the vision, mission and main objective of the BBC.

The Vision of the BBC is that Betty’s Bay, located in the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, will be a place where people live in a harmonious and sustainable relationship with their natural surroundings, guided by conservation principles.


Many of our nature-loving residents get upset when owners of newly acquired vacant plots simply remove all vegetation (and often also valuable topsoil) when commencing building operations. There is not much the BBRA can do in this regard as the owner of a plot can decide what to leave or remove. We do work closely with the Municipality to ensure that on submission of building plans owners receive a copy of a pamphlet that gives very clear guidelines on building activities within a biosphere and this includes plot clearing.

Many owners still walk their dogs without a leash and/or fail to scoop the poop. These are contraventions of the by-law. Dog pooh is bad news for dung beetles and also for others stepping thereon! Dogs that are not under control follow their instincts and will try to “hunt” other animals and also disturb the nesting of endangered Oyster Catchers and Plovers.


The Municipality’s service provider for baboon management, Human Wildlife Solutions, on 19 April started to implement their brief to keep the baboons out of the residential areas. Thus far it appears as if the tide has turned in that hardly any reports of forceful entries into houses have been received. Prior thereto such break-ins were almost daily occurrences.


If required, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers please visit and like.

Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on the very top of our website www.bettysbay.info

Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Op Woensdag 12 Mei om 17h45 vir 18h00 sal Dr Vic Hamilton-Attwell in die Crassulasaal ‘n praatjie oor die impak van elektroniese afval op die omgewing aanbied. Hy is ‘n kenner op hierdie gebied vanweë sy deeglike navorsing. As ‘n natuurliefhebber en omgewingskundige het hy vir ons almal, wat so oor ons biosfeer omgee, ‘n besondere  boodskap.


Die onlangse verwoestende brand in Kaapstad moet vir ons as Bettysbaaiers, wat deur soortgelyke woeste brande bedreig word, as ‘n wekroep dien. Dis nie meer ‘n geval van OF nie, maar eerder van WANNEER. Die brandrisiko bly ‘n realiteit.

Inwoners word weer eens aangemoedig om hul eiendomme te  beveilig deur die brandlading te verminder, bestrydingsruimtes te skep, geute skoon te maak, brandbare materiaal te verwyder en ander voorkomende maatreëls te tref en om hul eie ontruimingsplanne op te stel.

Skakel 028 312 2400 vir brande, vloede of mediese nood.


Die BBBV het sy eie insette op beide dokumente gelewer. Ons het ons kommer oor moontlike verdere salarisverhogings uitgespreek, maar ook ons dank en waardering vir puik dienslewering betuig. Die behoefte aan ‘n sub-brandweerstasie is beklemtoon en ons volledige kommentaar is op ons webtuiste geplaas.


Met ingang 1 April het Eskom se tariewe met 15,06% gestyg – en dis geen gekkedaggrap nie!

Ten spyte van hierdie drastiese verhogings vir Bettysbaai verbruikers is daar darem twee “positiewe” aspekte. Die eerste is dat die ESKOMtariewe in die algemeen laer is as die munisipale tarief. Die Munisipaliteit moet sy eie infrastruktuur verskaf en ook straatligte voorsien en die bedryfskoste daarvan betaal.

Die meeste huishoudings kan, deur slim te begroot, baat by ESKOM se tweevlaktarief.

‘n Tipiese woonhuis het ‘n 60 A aansluiting en die eerste 600 kWh (eenhede) se tarief is R1,8221 per kWh en daarna spring dit tot R3,0971 per kWh. Jy kan dus “bespaar” deur slegs 600 kWh per maand te koop en die ongebruikte eenhede op jou meter te laat ophoop voor die volgende maand se 600 kWh se aankoop. Elke maandsiklus begin op die eerste dag van ‘n maand en jy kan jou 600 eenhede enige tyd van die maand koop – selfs deur meervoudige aankope mits die totaal nie 600 eenhede oorskry nie.


Die Universiteite van Kaapstad en Wes-Kaap is besig met ‘n kelpstudie. Aangesien daar groot hoeveelhede kelp  op ons strande uitspoel, het inwoners gemengde menings of dit verwyder moet word aldan nie. Belangstellende inwoners word uitgenooi om aan die studie deel te neem. Die vraelys kan op die volgende skakel gevind word: https://redcap.uwc.ac.za/surveys/?s=TFC4DWMR7A


Die jongste statistiek vir verkeerswetstoepassing is nie beskikbaar nie maar verskeie voorstaandienste is gehou.

Daar was weer ‘n effense afname in misdaad in April met een diefstal en een huisbraak wat onlangs aangemeld is. Bly asb waaksaam en ondersteun die Bettysbaai Buurtwag deur met Wayne Jackson by 082 928 1260 of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak te maak.

Die eerste kamera wat nommerplate herken, is reeds uit skenkings vanuit die gemeenskap aangekoop en sal hopelik binnekort op die R44 geïnstalleer word.

Stropery kan aan die SAPD in Kleinmond by 028 271 8200 of by Natuurbewaring by 082 453 0835 of by Seevisserye by 028 313 2703 gerapporteer word.

‘n Dringende versoek aan inwoners om, benewens die erfnommer, ook ‘n sigbare straatnommer prominent op die erf of selfs die woonhuis aan te bring.


Die stelsel om mindere klagtes soos ‘n enkele slaggat, stukkende of oorgroeide straatnaamtekens, oorgroeide sypaadjies en verweerde spoedhobbels op ‘n geordende wyse onder die Munisipaliteit se aandag te bring, het reeds vrugte afgewerp  al was positiewe uitkomste ietwat stadig. Ons portefeuljehouers en ‘n munisipale verteenwoordiger sal eersdaags al die klagtes ter plaatse ondersoek. Dit sal hopelik tot duidelike en realstiese aksiestappe en doeldatums lei.

Nuwe soortgelyke klagtes kan onder die aandag van een van die volgende komiteelede gebring word: Rob Boyd by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of Richard Starke by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die herinstelling van Bettysbaai as bewaringsgebied word treffend vergelyk met ‘n blombol wat weer verrys en dit geskied onder leiding van Carol Clark. Belangstellendes kan haar by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak.

Die loodsgeleentheid het op 17 April plaasgevind toe drie van die natuurfotograaf, Pete Oxford, se uitsonderlike foto’s  wat hy geskenk het, opgeveil is. Dit is deur ‘n weldoener geraam en Tim Atwell, voorsitter van die plaaslike tak van die Botaniese Vereniging opgeveil om fondse vir die bewaringsgebied te in.

Lede van die Bewaringsgebied se uitvoerende komitee het agtergrondinligting verskaf en die nuwe logo, wat biodiversiteit uitbeeld, asook die visie, missie en doelstellings van die Bewaringsgebied gedeel.

Die visie is dat Bettysbaai, wat in die Kogelberg Biosfeer geleë is, ‘n plek sal wees waar mense in harmonie en ‘n volhoubare verhouding met die natuurlike omgewing en gerig deur bewaringsbeginsels, sal leef.


Talle van ons inwoners wat ‘n passie vir ons natuur het, word ontstel wanneer nuwe eienaars van ‘n leë erf alle plantegroei, en dikwels ook waardevolle bogrond, verwyder in aanloop tot hul huisbouery. Daar is nie veel wat die BBBV in hierdie verband kan doen nie aangesien ‘n eienaar geregtig is om self te besluit wat hy wil behou en wat hy wil verwyder. Ons werk egter ten nouste met die Munisipaliteit saam om te verseker dat ‘n pamflet wat duidelike riglyne oor bou-aktiwiteite binne ‘n biosfeer (met inbegrip van die skoonmaak van erwe) uiteensit,  aan die bouplan geheg word.

Talle eienaars stap steeds  sonder om hul honde aan leibande te hou en om hondepoefies op te tel. Dit is strydig met die munisipale verordening. Sulke poefies is sleg vir miskruiers en vir ander stappers wat daarin trap!

Vrylopende honde volg hul instink en sal ander diere begin ‘”jag” en ook die broeiplekke van  bedreigde strandvoëls  versteur.


Die Munisipaliteit se diensverskaffer, Human Wildlife Solutions, het op 19 April met hul opdrag begin om bobbejane uit die woongebiede te hou. Tot dusver lyk die uitkoms positief met feitlik geen gewelddadige inbrake soos dit tot onlangs toe nog ‘n byna daaglikse gebeurtenis was nie.


Waar nodig, sal daar op ons webtuiste  meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure gevind kan word. Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is https://www.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers Besoek dit gerus.

Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste www.bettysbay.info beskikbaar.

Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.