Dear member; Beste lid
Please take note that the Covid vaccinations due to take place on Thursday 10th June at the Crassula Hall, Betty's Bay have had to be cancelled because of a temporary shortage of the vaccine nationally. Depending on national availability, it is planned to resume the roll-out on Thursday, 17th June and continue with weekly administration of the vaccine on every Thursday thereafter.
Vaccinations at Crassula Hall commenced this morning and proceeded very smoothly, thanks to the efficiency of the team made up of W Cape Dept of Health personnel and HCCC volunteers. Seventy of our local residents (over 60s) have now received first doses of the Pfizer vaccine and await second doses in about six weeks time.
At the time of writing the big news is that as from 10h00 (?) on Thursday 10 June and the following Thursdays COVID vaccinations will be given at Crassula hall. This initiative of the Hangklip Community Care Centre and with the support of the BBRA is dependent on all green lights being obtained from the Department of Health, both national and provincial. Residents from the Hangklip area (Rooiels, Pringle Bay and Betty’s Bay) who are registered on the national data base are eligible and will be informed per SMS of their scheduled day and time – hopefully a few days in advance.
Dr Vic Hamilton Attwell’s talk in the Crassula hall on Wednesday 12 May on the impact of e-waste on the environment was a great success. It was a truly riveting talk with a clear message of how e-waste detrimentally affects our environment.
As a result of this talk the BBRA took two decisions. The first was to postpone the planned talks for the foreseeable future. In spite of prior acceptances a number of people didn’t attend the talk. Fortunately this was compensated for with an equal number of walk-ins. The message was clearly that with a pending 3rd Covid wave and cold winter monhs we are not going to do justice to the invited speakers who spent hours in preparing their talks. Once circumstances have changed and with more residents being vaccinated the talks will resume.
Having been made aware of the need to recycle waste and in particular e-waste the BBRA has found two further service providers. The first is a local business person, Egon Swarts, who has been collecting recyclable waste on Wednesdays in parts of Betty’s Bay. A more structured collection service is being developed whereby he will collect all recyclable waste (including e-waste) as from 11h00 on Wednesdays in Sunny Seas. This service could progressively be expanded to the rest of Betty’s Bay. He will also collect by appointment (061 385 9246) provided that the volume warrants a special trip. The only requirements are that there should be no food or wet waste in the bag placed on the sidewalk and that no milk cartons, egg boxes, plastic milk bags or Styrofoam cups and trays should be included.
Another service provider, exclusively on e-waste, is NC-Electronix who can be contacted on 021 879 2288 (ask for Heidine or Clifford) or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This firm collects per appointment.
Some Fire Wise tips:
Never braai without a connected hosepipe within easy reach
Create a clear zone of at least 3m around your house – no fire wood or compost heaps.
Ensure your tap/hosepipe system covers the whole exterior of your house.
Ensure your LP gas cylinders are legally housed.
Regularly remove all alien vegetation and dead wood from your property.
Phone 028 312 2400 for fires and emergencies.
The BBRA’s inputs on both documents were well received by the Municipality and its response augers well for the future. The need for a sub-fire station was acknowledged and a further meeting with the Municipality will take place on 10 June.
Vehicle check points were regularly conducted.
Crime has been relatively low thanks to the SAPS, the private security companies and the Betty’s Bay Neighbourhood Watch. Your contact for the NHW is Wayne Jackson 082 928 1260 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The first camera with licence plate recognition has been bought from the funds donated by our community has been installed on the R44.
Poaching can be reported to SAPS in Kleinmond on 028 271 8200 or CapeNature at 082 453 0835 or DEFF Fisheries on 028 313 2703.
An urgent request is again made that, in addition to erf numbers, street numbers be prominently displayed.
Gravel road maintenance and the attendance of complaints such as potholes and worn speed humps has been hampered by various constraints - the most important being inadequate machinery due to major repair work and also problems experienced in obtaining the gravel material for road repairs and maintenance. After having placed pressure on the Municipality the BBRA has now been assured that a full team with the necessary material and equipment will be deployed in Betty’s Bay during June.
Technical service complaints can brought to the attention of Rob Boyd at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Richard Starke at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will follow this up.
The upgrading of the Betty’s Bay water network has just recommenced after the contract with the previous service provider had been terminated. The newly appointed service provider has shown visible progress within days of coming on site. Where the network is upgraded by way of larger diameter pipes fire hydrants and pressure reduction valves are also being provided. The latter are needed to prevent the old asbestos cement network bursting under the higher water pressure.
Following requests from the BBRA the overturned, badly damaged and illegible kerstone type street name signs are now more permanently mounted on a proper concrete base, repainted and clearly visible names painted.
The pole mounted street name signs on Clarence Drive which could not be read have been redone and as a result the names are far more visible and readable both at day and at night.
The Municipality has been thanked for both these improvements.
The revival of the Betty’s Bay Conservancy (BBC) is now going places under the guidance of Carol Clark. Contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Vision of the BBC is that Betty’s Bay, located in the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, will be a place where people live in a harmonious and sustainable relationship with their natural surroundings, guided by conservation principles.
The BBC hosted a member’s workshop on 29 May that was facilitated by Rosalind Bush. Members who participated had a chance to meet and engage with each other and discuss some of the conservation issues in Bettys Bay that they had identified.
There is a new conservation oriented magazine in our midst! The first edition has been printed. It is an excellent publication initiated by the Rooiels Wild conservation group. Although small in stature (with intentions to grow) it is big in information and importance.
The editions will be sequentially alternated between Rooiels, Betty’s Bay and Pringle Bay, being titled RE Wild, BB Wild and PB Wild accordingly. Donor funding is however required.
Please make contributions to our Betty’s Bay Conservancy’s Nedbank account No 1211 375 870. Add your surname and BBWild as a reference and then send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with your full name, contact details and proof of payment for their records.
The Municipality’s service provider for baboon management, Human Wildlife Solutions, started to implement their brief to keep the baboons out of the residential areas. The debate as to the methods used and the efficacy thereof hasn’t stopped and it is receiving the on-going attention of the Municipality at the highest level.
If required, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at:
Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on our website Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daar is pas verneem dat weens 'n tekort aan entstowwe die beplande inenting op 10 Junie nie meer sal plaasvind nie. Dit sal egter op 17 Junie voortgaan.
Met die skryf van hierdie nuusbrief is die groot nuus dat vanaf 10h00 op Donderdag 10 Junie en die daaropvolgende Donderdae COVID-inentings by die Crassulasaal toegedien sal word. Hierdie inisiatief van die Hangklip Community Care Centre en die BBBV is onderhewig daaraan dat beide die nasionale en die provinsiale gesondheidsdepartemente dit die finale groenlig gee. Inwoners van die Hangklipgebied (Rooiels, Pringlebaai en Bettysbaai) wat op die nasionale databasis geregistreer is, kan by ontvangs van die SMSboodskap op die vermelde dag en tyd aanmeld.
Dr Vic Hamilton-Attwell se praatjie op Woensdag 12 Mei oor die impak van elektroniese afval op die omgewing, was ‘n groot sukses. Sy boeiende praatjie het die skadelike impak van elektroniese afval op ons omgewing beklemtoon.
Na aanleing daarvan het die BBBV twee besluite geneem. Die eerste was om beplande praatjies onbepaald uit te stel. Ten spyte daaarvan dat verskeie mense vooraf aangedui het dat hul die praatjie sal bywoon, het hul bloot nie opgedaag nie. Gelukkig het ‘n klompie mense net opgedaag en gesorg dat ons nie ‘n verleentheid gehad het nie. Dit was vir ons klinkklaar dat met die naderende derde COVIDgolf en ook die koue wintersaande ons nie reg aan die sprekers en hul deeglik voorbereide praatjies sal laat geskied nie. Sodra omstandighede ten goede verander en meer van ons inwoners inge-ent is, sal die praatjies hervat word.
Nou dat ons deeglik bewus is van die impak van skadelike e-afval het ons twee diensverskaffers gevind. Die eerste is ‘n plaaslike sakeman. Egon Swarts, wat vanaf 11h00 op Woensdae herwinbare afval by wonings in Sunny Seas sal kollekteer waarna die diens hopelik na die res van Betty’sbaai uitgebrei kan word. Hy sal ook per afspraak (061 385 9246) herwinbare afval kollekteer mits die volume dit loon.
Die enigste vereiste is dat daar geen voedselreste of nat afval en ook nie eierdose, melkkartonne, plastiese melksakkies en Styrofoam koppies en bakkies in die sak wat op die sypaadjie geplaas kan word, moet wees nie.
Die ander diensverskaffer, wat slegs elektroniese afval herwin, is NC-Electronix wat by 021 879 2288 (vra vir Heidine of Clifford) of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. gekontak kan word.
‘n Paar brandslimwenke:
Moenie sonder ‘n gekoppelde en byderhand tuinslang braai nie.
Skep ‘n 3m skoon area reg om die huis – en geen brandhout of komposhope daarbinne nie.
Verseker dat jou tuinslange en krane ‘n area reg om die huis kan dek.
Maak seker dat jou gassilinders volgens wetlike voorskrifte geberg word
Verwyder indringerplante en dooie hout op ‘n gereelde basis.
Skakel 028 312 2400 vir brande, vloede of mediese nood
Die BBBV se insette op beide dokumente is gunstig deur die Munisipaliteit oorweeg. Die behoefte aan ‘n sub-brandweerstasie is erken en ‘n opvolgvergadering met die Munisipalitei vind op 10 Junie plaas.
Gereelde voorstaandienste is gehou.
Danksy die SAPD, die privaat sekerheidsmaatskappye en die Bettysbaai Buurtwag was misdaad baie min. Kontak Wayne Jackson by 082 928 1260 of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indien jy by die Buurtwag betrokke wil raak.
Die eerste kamera wat nommerplate herken en uit skenkings vanuit die gemeenskap aangekoop is, is pas op die R44 geïnstalleer.
Stropery kan aan die SAPD in Kleinmond by 028 271 8200 of by Natuurbewaring by 082 453 0835 of by Seevisserye by 028 313 2703 gerapporteer word.
‘n Dringende versoek aan inwoners om, benewens die erfnommer, ook ‘n sigbare straatnommer prominent op die erf of selfs die woonhuis aan te bring.
Die instandhouding van gruispaaie en die herstel van slaggate en spoedhobbels is vanweë verskeie faktore vertraag waaronder toerusting wat herstel moes word en probleme om geskikte gruis te bekom.
Nadat druk deur die BBBV uitgeoefen is, het die Munisipaliteit onderneem dat ‘n vol span met die nodige toerusting en materiaal in Junie in Bettysbaai ontplooi sal word.
Tegniese klagtes kan onder die aandag van een van die volgende komiteelede gebring word: Rob Boyd by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of Richard Starke by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Die opgradering van die waternetwerk in Bettysbaai het pas weer begin nadat die kontrak met die vorige diensverskaffer be-eindig is. Binne dae nadat die nuwe diensverskaffer op terrein gekom het, is daar reeds sigbare tekens van vordering wat gemaak word. Waar die netwerk met groter deursnee waterpype vervang word, word ook brandkrane en drukverligtingskleppe aangebring. Laasgenoemde word benodig om vanweë hoër waterdruk skade aan die verouderde asbessementpype te voorkom.
As gevolg van die BBBV se vertoë is beskadigde en onleesbare randsteentipe straatnaamtekens herstel en in baie plekke ook van betonvoetstukke voorsien en behoorlik oorgeverf.
Die paalgemonteerde straatname op Clarencerylaan is oorgedoen en is nou beide bedags en snags redelik goed leesbaar.
Die Munisipaliteit is vir beide verbeteringe bedank.
Die herinstelling van Bettysbaai as bewaringsgebied vorder goed onder leiding van Carol Clark. Belangstellendes kan haar by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak.
Die visie is dat Bettysbaai, wat in die Kogelberg Biosfeer geleë is, ‘n plek sal wees waar mense in harmonie en ‘n volhoubare verhouding met die natuurlike omgewing en gerig deur bewaringsbeginsels, sal leef.
‘n Ledewerkswinkel het op 29 Mei onder leiding van Rosalind Bush plaasgevind. Deelnemers het die geleentheid gehad om mekaar te ontmoet en gedagtes oor bewaringsake uit te ruil.
Daar is ‘n nuwe omgewingstydskrif vir ons gebied en die eerste uitgawe is reeds gedruk. Die eerste uitgawe is deur die groep in Rooiels saamgestel en, ofskoon nog ‘n klein publikasie, bevat dit baie waardevolle inligting.
Die uitgawes sal tusen Rooiels, Pringlebaai en Betty’sbaai roteer, maar skenkings word benodig.
Bydraes kan aan Btty’s Bay Conservancy se Nedbankrekening 1211 375 870 gemaak word. Vermeld asb jou van en BBWild as ‘n verwysing en stuur ‘n e-pos na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. met jou volle name, kontakbesonderhede en bewys van betaling.
Die Munisipaliteit se diensverskaffer, Human Wildlife Solutions, het met hul opdrag begin om bobbejane uit die woongebiede te hou. Die debat oor die middele wat gebruik word en die doeltreffendheid daarvan bly warm en geniet deurlopende aandag van die Munisipaliteit.
Waar nodig, sal daar op ons webtuiste meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure gevind kan word.Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is:
Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste beskikbaar.
Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.