
If you would like to advertise on our site, please contact Adrian for info.

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 Dear member


Covid cases in Overstrand appear to have stabilised a bit after reaching almost 700 at one stage. On 30 July there were 519 active cases, on 2 August it was 558 and 481 on 4 August.

The vaccination centre at Crassula Hall had a good turnout on 5 August and 150 doses were administered with ease. The next planned dates are: 19 August; 2, 16 and 30 September.

Please support this initiative of the Hangklip Community Care Centre and the BBRA.


Residential property owners have until 30 September 2021 to apply for a change in their current vacuum tanker service.


A basic fee of R102,44 pm plus infrastructure levy of R14,98 pm plus R699,36 per service (6kl or part thereof) requested before 15h00 on weekdays or R1 398,72 per service after hours.

Option 2.

A basic fee of R152,04 pm plus the infrastructure levy of R14,98 pm plus R17,13 per kl of water consumed to a maximum of 35 kl (70% of 50kl) for multiple call outs during office hours. The after hour call out fee as above also applies to this option.

Option 1 will probably be the best option for owners who rarely occupy their houses and, when they do, have a low water consumption.
Option 2 is ideal for permanent/regular occupants with a relatively moderate to high water consumption.

Application forms can be found at www.overstrand.gov.za click on Documents and then on Forms. For further information or advice send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The one thing to avoid at all costs is to order a service after hours!


The AGM has been scheduled for 11 December 2021. Some of the present committee members have indicated that they are no longer available for re-election. Civic minded members who wish to be elected to the committee are invited to contact our secretary, Adrian de Kock (contact particulars below) and they will be invited to attend a meeting as observers to determine for themselves how the committee functions.


The following answers were supplied by the Municipality in response to questions posed by a member:

Recycling of waste: The recycling of waste is targeted for the last quarter of 2021. The new materials recovery facility is then due for completion.
Law enforcement: The draft amendments to the by-law are soon to be adopted, then published in the Provincial Gazette and only thereafter enforced.
Baboon proof public bins: This process has started and wheelie bins are envisaged to facilitate the removal process.
Organic waste recycling: Negotiations are underway with the District Municipality to treat all bulk organic waste at its Karwyderskraal site. This should ensure that the soon to be implemented 50% target is reached.

Please ensure that your domestic waste is placed in an animal proof bin on the sidewalk in time for the refuse collection team.


The callouts were for two accidents and a few false/minor alarms. Various inspections were done to assist with fire breaks and to ensure emergency vehicle access routes are not blocked.

Phone 028 312 2400 for fires and emergencies.


All traffic infringements and related matters can be reported to the control room at 028 313 8996

The Municipality’s undertaking to meet with the provincial roads engineer to find a solution to the excessive speeding and the problem areas at Porter West, the Betty’s Bay CBD and the Penguin Café/Coffee on Clarence areas has not yet yielded any positive results.


Your contact for the NHW is Wayne Jackson 082 928 1260 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Poaching can be reported to SAPS in Kleinmond on 028 271 8200 or CapeNature at 082 453 0835 or DEFF Fisheries on 028 313 2703.


The Betty’s Bay Gravel Street Condition Survey has revealed all the shortcomings in our roads. The harsh reality is that most of the repair/maintenance work is eventually only of a temporary nature unless the storm water problems are first addressed. The two current storm water projects in Oyster and Gladiolus costing R2 940 000 are essential within the master plan, but have an almost insignificant impact within the total picture. It is appreciated that the sheer extent of the roads and storm water issues may take decades to resolve. To provide some perspective the following information was obtained:

  • Gravel roads 49,77km
  • Asphalt roads 13,97 km
  • Dust controlled 2,28 km
  • Paved 0,2km

It will cost almost R35 m just to do basic road construction and surfacing!

The solution lies in the adoption and implementation of realistic maintenance-cum-construction strategic plan. To achieve this objective a meeting with the technical staff of Overstrand is being arranged.

Technical service complaints can brought to the attention of Rob Boyd at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Richard Starke at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will follow this up.


In spite of bad weather and rocky conditions the upgrading of the main water network is proceeding well and should be largely completed by the end of August. This is a significant improvement in service delivery.


In a rather confusing document the BBRA was advised that the original decision for allowing a TOPS bottle store together with a grocery store on erf 5580 Coral Road had been revoked by the appeal tribunal. This means that no relaxation of the title deed conditions which inter alia prohibits a bottle store has been granted.

The town-planning applications concerning 2666 corner Coral/Porter (communication antenna), 5580 and 4043 Gerbera (rezoning from filling station to business) are all still under consideration by the Municipality.

Covid related problems resulted in the municipal court not being able to function and deal with building transgressions.


 The very well prepared and informative publication BBWILD is now available at Coffee-on-Clarence and at Sitar.

The revival of the Betty’s Bay Conservancy (BBC) is going strong under the guidance of Carol Clark. Contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. A new wildlife magazine is also available.


A wireframe of content categories for the redesign of the website is being finalised – watch this space!

Facebook summary

Page likes – 383 / followers – 431 (65% women/ 35% men)

Reach – 1 584 July / 696 June / 198 May / 855 April / 2 450 March / 264 February / 395 January

Top 5 Performing Posts: Bottle store, tanker service, communication tower, community police forum meeting and COVID.


If required, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers

Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on our website www.bettysbay.info Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Beste lid


Dit lyk of die Covid-infeksiekoers in Overstrand, na ‘n hoogtepunt van ongeveer 700, nou begin daal het. Op 30 Julie was daar 519 aktiewe gevalle, op 2 Augustus 558 en op 4 Augustus 481.

Daar was ‘n goeie opkoms op 5 Augustus by die Crassulasaal toe entstof aan 150 persone toegedien is. Die volgende beplande datums is: 19 Augustus, 2, 16 en 30 September.

Ondersteun asseblief hierdie inisiatief van die Hangklip Community Care Centre en die BBBV.


Eienaars van residensiële eiendomme het tot 30 September 2021 tyd om aansoek om ‘n verandering aan hul diens te doen.

Opsie 1.

n Basiese fooi van R102,44 pm plus die infrastruktuurheffing van R14,98pm plus R699,36 per diens (6kl of ‘n gedeelte daarvan) indien die diens voor 15h00 aangevra is of R1 398,72 na-ure.

Opsie 2.

n Basiese fooi van R152,04 pm plus die infrastruktuurheffing van R14,98 pm plus R17,13 per kl water verbruik tot ‘n maksimum van 35 kl (70%van 50kl) vir meervoudige dienste tydens kantoorure aangevra. Die na-uurse tarief, soos hierbo, geld ook vir hierdie opsie.

Opsie 1 is waarskynlik die beste opsie vir huiseienaars wat selde hul huise bewoon en, wanneer hul dit wel doen, hul min water verbruik.

Opsie 2 is ideaal vir permanente /gereelde bewoners met ‘n matige tot hoë waterverbruik.

Aansoekvorms kan vanaf die webwerf www.overstrand.gov.za afgelaai word. Klik op “Documents” en dan op “Forms”. Vir verdere inligting of advies stuur ‘n e-pos na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Die boodskap is :Vermy na-uurse dienste!


Dit word beplan om die algemene jaarvergadering op 11 Desember 2021 te hou. Sommige komiteelede het reeds aangedui dat hul nie herverkiesbaar is nie. Lede wat hul burgerlike pligte wil uitleef, word uitgenooi om ons sekretaris, Adrian de Kock, wie se kontakbesonderhede hieronder verskyn, te kontak waarna hul uitgenooi sal word om as waarnemers ‘n komiteevergadering by te woon en vas te stel hoe die komitee sy werksaamhede vervul.


Na aanleiding van ‘n lid se vrae is die volgende antwoorde van die Munisipaliteit ontvang:

Herwinning van Afval: Dit word beoog om die diens weer in die laaste kwartaal van 2021 in te stel wanneer die nuwe herwinningsaanleg voltooi sal word.

Wetstoepassing: Die konsepwysigings aan die verordening sal, na aanvaarding, in die Provinsiale Koerant gepubliseer en daarna toegepas word.

Bobbejaanbestande openbare houers : Hierdie proses het reeds begin en dit word beoog om voortaan mobiele houers te gebruik om die verwyderingsproses te vergemaklik.

Organiese afval: Daar word met die Distriksmunisipaliteit onderhandel om die grootmaat organiese afval op die Karwyderskraalterrein te verwerk. Dit behoort daartoe by te dra dat die nuutbepaalde 50% mikpunt sodoende behaal word.

Maak asb seker dat jou huishoudelike afval betyds in ‘n dierbestande houer op die sypaadjie uitgesit word.


Daar was uitroepe na twee ongelukke en ‘n paar vals/geringe alarms. Verskeie inspeksies is uitgevoer om te verseker dat brandbane skoon en oop is en dat noodvoertuie vrye toegang na eiendomme het.

Skakel 028 312 2400 vir brande, vloede of mediese nood


Rapporteer verkeersoortredings en verwante verkeersake by die beheerkamer 028 313 8996.

Die Munisipaliteit se onderneming om die oormatige spoed en die knelpunte by Porterweg-Wes, die sentrale sakegebied en die omgewing van Penguinkafee/Coffee on Clarence met die provinsiale padingenieur op te neem, het tot dusver geen resultate gelewer nie.


Kontak Wayne Jackson by 082 928 1260 of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indien jy by die Buurtwag betrokke wil raak.

Stropery kan aan die SAPD in Kleinmond by 028 271 8200 of by Natuurbewaring by 082 453 0835 of by Seevisserye by 028 313 2703 gerapporteer word.


Die ondersoek na Bettysbaai se gruispaaie het getoon dat die meeste paaie regstellende optrede benodig.

Die harde realiteit is dat die meeste van die herstel/instandhoudingswerk slegs tydelike waarde het tensy die stormwaterprobleme eers aangespreek word. Die twee huidige stormwaterprojekte in Oyster en Gladiolus teen ‘n koste van R2 940 000 is wel noodsaaklik vir die meesterplan, maar bied weinig verligting vir die gebied in die geheel. Die omvang van die paaie-en stormwaterprobleme is sodanig dat dit dekades mag duur om dit op te los. Dit blyk ook uit die volgende inligting:

Gruispaaie 49,77 km
Teerpaaie 13,97 km
Stofbeheerde paaie 2,28 km en 0,2 km geplavei.

Dit sal ongeveer R35m kos om net basiese padkonstruksie en bestrating te doen.

Die antwoord is die aanvaarding en implementering van ‘n realistiese instandhoudings- en konstruksie strategiese plan. Vir hierdie doel word ‘n gesprek met die tegniese personeel van Overstrand gereël.

Tegniese klagtes kan onder die aandag van een van die volgende komiteelede gebring word: Rob Boyd by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of Richard Starke by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die nuwe diensverskaffer maak goeie vordering. Waar die netwerk met groter deursnee waterpype vervang word, word ook brandkrane en drukverligtingskleppe aangebring. Die ongerief en tydelike skade aan sypaadjies en motoropritte is ‘n geringe opoffering gemeet aan die waarde van so ‘n belangrike en noodsaaklike diens.


In ‘n ietwat verwarrende dokument is die BBBV ingelig dat die oorspronklike besluit oor die goedkeuring van ‘n TOPS drankwinkel saam met ‘n kruidenierswinkel op erf 5580 Coralweg herroep is. Dit beteken dat daar geen verslapping van die titelakte, wat onder andere ‘n drankwinkel verbied, goedgekeur is nie.

Die stadsbeplanningsaansoeke ten opsigte van erf 2666 hoek van Coral/Porter (Kommunikasie-antenna) en 4043 Gerbera (Vulstasie na besigheid hersonering) is almal nog onder oorweging.

COVIDverwante probleme het veroorsaak dat die munisipale hof nie oortredings van die bouregulasies kon bereg nie.


Die puik en insiggewende publikasie BBWild is nou by Coffee on Clarence en Sitar beskikbaar.

Die herinstelling van Bettysbaai as bewaringsgebied vorder goed onder leiding van Carol Clark. Belangstellendes kan haar by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak.


n Raamwerk vir die inhoudindeling van ons herontwerpte webtuiste word gefinaliseer – hou hierdie ruimte dop!

Facebook- opsomming:
Hou van – 383; volgelinge – 431 (65% vroue en 35% mans)
Trefwydte – Julie = 1 584; Junie = 696; Mei = 198; April = 855; Maart = 2 450; Februarie = 264 en Januarie = 395.
Die top 5 plasings was die drankwinkel; suigtenkdiens; kommunikasietoring, gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum en COVID.

Waar nodig, sal daar op ons webtuiste meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure gevind kan word.Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is: https:// www.facebook.com./BettysBayRatepayers

Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste www.bettysbay.info beskikbaar.

Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.