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Dear member

The BBRA AGM will be held at 10h00 on Saturday 11 December in the Crassula Hall. All members are invited and will soon receive the formal notice of the meeting and supporting documents.

Other than the chairman’s report and financial statements there are two important matters.

The first is a number of proposed amendments to the Constitution the gist of which is to further clarify the composition and functioning of the committee and executive committee. Another matter relates to membership which in future will be restricted to property owners only as opposed to the admittance of renters of properties. Owners could be natural as well as juristic persons such as partnerships, trusts, close corporations and companies.

The second matter is the election of committee members as some of our current members are no longer available to serve on the committee.


The BBRA Community and Cultural Affairs portfolio, in collaboration with HCCC’s 3rd presentation “A Year on the SANAE Antarctic Base” by Dr Louis Wessels drew a full house and was a great success.

The proposed talk by Dr Robin Lee on the history of the Stony Point whaling station had to be postponed to next year.

Fortunately we were able to secure Dr Vic Hamilton-Atwell as our next speaker. Based on his extensive research over many years he has a fascinating story to tell on “Fynbos and Fire” and please join us at 17h45 for 18h00 on Wednesday 24 November in the Crassula Hall.

There is no admission fee but a small donation will be appreciated. We will strictly observe Covid-19 protocols. In order to meet social distancing requirements in terms of seating arrangements, you are required to send an RSVP to George Green (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) at any time between now and Monday 22 November.


The vaccination centre at Crassula Hall will operate again on:

3 November and 1 December – all being the first Wednesday of the month.

  • Vaccinations can be pre-scheduled. To be booked for a specific time slot, please send a WhatsApp message to 083 283 4454, giving your name, contact number and preferred time of vaccination. We will accommodate you as best possible, and send you timely confirmation.
  • Walk-ins will be allocated the first available time slot, from 09:10 onwards.

Please support this initiative of the Hangklip Community Care Centre and the BBRA.


There’s a severe outbreak of Avian Flu amongst our seabirds, with infected birds found along our coastline and even wandering the streets. Residents are warned not to touch them and to keep dogs away from infected birds, preferably keeping dogs away from the beaches altogether during this time as they are at risk of cross-contamination.

The removal of kelp from the beaches is being followed up with the national government department with the help of the Municipality.

New signs were erected on Silver Sands beach warning beachgoers of breeding coastal birds thanks to our BBRA committee members, Birdlife Overberg and the Municipality.


The proposed establishment of a sub-fire station on Clarence Drive near the Botanic Garden is still on the cards and taking its winding course through all the legal red tape.

No controlled fire burns will be allowed after Friday 29 October as we head into the warm summer months

Phone 028 312 2400 for fires and emergencies and PLEASE do not place messages on WhatsApp or other social media groups. This practice causes confusion, late or no responses and promotes false alarms.


All traffic infringements and related matters can be reported to the control room at 028 313 8996


Your contact for the NHW is Wayne Jackson 082 928 1260 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Poaching can be reported to SAPS in Kleinmond on 028 271 8200 or Cape Nature at 082 453 0835 or DAFF on 028 313 2703.


Gravel roads are undergoing their annual maintenance. Pothole repairs are being done subject to suitable weather conditions prevailing.

Technical service complaints are being addressed and further technical service complaints can brought to the attention of Rob Boyd at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Richard Starke at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will follow this up.


The upgrading of the main water network is nearing completion and most houses have been connected in Betty’s Bay. Many new fire hydrants, especially in Sunny Seas where previously there were hardly any, have been provided. All finishes and final clean ups will hopefully be done before end of November.


The municipal court is now actively dealing with building transgressions. Numerous slow progress and illegal occupancy notices were issued. Should you have any issues which you would like investigated feel free to mail Karon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) took place from 22 – 25 October.  Many people headed outdoors, camera or cell phone in hand, to capture part of the fantastic biodiversity in the Overstrand. So far 146 people have uploaded 7384 observation’s (images) to iNaturalist and 1387 specifies have been identified. This currently places the Overstrand GSB project 3rd on the list in the overall GSB – what an incredible achievement! Participants are given two weeks after the bioblitz to upload their photos, so we will only know the final results then. Thanks to all our proactive local residents and experts who caught the vision and participated! All these photos of the beautiful flora and fauna are a vivid reminder  of what gems are on each erf in Betty’s Bay  and should inspire us as custodians of our erven to retain as much fynbos as possible to help conserve this biodiversity.

Residents interested in the revival of the Conservancy (BBC) can visit the Facebook page or make contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The BBRA, the Municipality and the media have commenced a new initiative “Biosphere Living” with its first project being the baboon-proofing of public waste bins in our area. Look out for social media releases and articles in the Overstrand Herald.


Facebook summary:

Page likes – was 429 and now 439 / followers – was 479 and now 493

Reach –1 078 in October/1 956 in September/ 1 818 in August/ 1 584 July / 696 June / 198 May and 855 April.

Top Performing Posts: Your place in the Kogelberg, seals beaching for rest, avian flu warning, weather warning and baboon proof bins.

If required, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers

Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on our website www.bettysbay.info Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


There will be no newsletter at the end of November but there will be an end of the year edition providing a résumé of the proceedings of the AGM to be held on 11 December 2021.

Beste lid


Die AJV van die BBBV vind om 10h00 op Saterdag 11 Desember in die Crassulasaal plaas. All lede word uitgenooi om dit by te woon en die kennisgewing van die vergadering sal eersdaags saam met ander verwante dokumente versend word.

Benewens die voorsittersverslag en finansiële state is daar twee ander belangrike sake.

Die eerste is ‘n aantal voorgestelde wysigings aan die grondwet met die fokus op die samestelling en funksionering van die komitee sowel as die uitvoerende komitee.

‘n Verdere voorstel is dat huurders voortaan nie meer lede kan word nie en lidmaatskap dus tot eiendomseienaars beperk word. Eienaars kan of natuurlike of regspersone (soos vennootskappe, trusts, beslote korporasies of maatskappye) wees.

Die tweede saak is die verkiesing van komiteelede wat veral belangrik is omdat sommige huidige lede nie weer verkiesbaar is nie.


Die BBBV, in samewerking met die Hangklip Community Care Centre, se derde praatjie, “n Jaar op die SANAE-basis in Antartika”, deur Dr Louis Wessels het ‘n vol saal getrek en was ‘n groot sukses.

Die beplande praatjie deur Dr Robin Lee oor die walvisstasie by Stony Point sal nou eers volgende jaar plaasvind.

Die goeie nuus is egter dat Dr Vic Hamilton-Atwell om 17h45 vir 18h00 op Woensdag 24 November ‘n boeiende praatjie oor Fynbos en brande, gebaseer op sy jarelange navorsing oor die onderwerp, sal aanbied.

Toegang is gratis, maar ‘n klein donasie sal verwelkom word. Ten einde aan Covid getalbeperkings te voldoen, is dit nodig dat jy voor Maandag 22 November by George Green by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. bespreek.


Die vraag na inentings het wel afgeneem, maar daar is steeds ‘n behoefte. Inentings by die Crassulasaal vind weer plaas op:

3 November en 1 Desember – telkens op die eerste Woensdag van die maand.

  • Inentingstye kan vooraf bespreek word. Stuur ‘n WhatsApp boodskap na 083 283 4454 en verskaf jou naam, kontaknommer en voorkeurtyd. Daar sal gepoog word om aan so ‘n versoek te voldoen en ‘n bevestigingsboodskap sal aan jou gestuur word.

  • Instappers sal ook na 09h10 in die eerste beskikbare tydgleuf gehelp word.

Ondersteun asseblief hierdie inisiatief van die Hangklip Community Care Centre en die BBBV.


Daar is ‘n ernstige uitbreking van voëlgriep onder ons seevoëls. Sommige dooie voëls is op ons strande aangetref terwyl ander selfs op ons paaie rondloop. Inwoners word vermaan om nie die voëls aan te raak nie en om hul honde weg van die siek voëls te hou. Nog beter - moenie jou hond op die strand bring nie en vermy sodoende kruisbesmetting.

Die verwydering van kelp op sommige van ons strande word nou met die nasionale departement in medewerking met die Munisipaliteit opgevolg.

Nuwe inligtingstekens is deur BBBV komiteelede, Birdlife Overberg en die Munisipaliteit op Silver Sandsstrand aangebring om besoekers te waarsku dat daar kusvoëls is wat broei.


Die voorgestelde sub-brandweerstasie op Clarencerylaan naby die Botaniese Tuin is besig om deur die regskinkels te kronkel.

Geen beheerde brande sal na Vrydag 29 Oktober deur die Munisipaliteit toegelaat word nie omdat die warm somermaande dan begin .

Skakel 028 312 2400 vir brande, vloede of mediese nood en moet ASSEBLIEF nie boodskappe op WhatsApp of sosiale media plaas nie. Dit skep verwarring en bring mee dat daar òf geen òf ‘n laat reaksie is en bevorder ook vals alarms.


Rapporteer verkeersoortredings en verwante verkeersake by die beheerkamer 028 313 8996.


Kontak Wayne Jackson by 082 928 1260 of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indien jy by die Buurtwag betrokke wil raak.

Stropery kan aan die SAPD in Kleinmond by 028 271 8200 of by Natuurbewaring by 082 453 0835 of by Seevisserye by 028 313 2703 gerapporteer word.


Gruispaaie ondergaan tans jaarlikse instandhouding en slaggate in teerpaaie word, soos die weer dit toelaat, herstel.

Tegniese klagtes word nou stadig maar seker opgelos en nuwe klagtes kan onder die aandag van een van die volgende komiteelede gebring word: Rob Boyd by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of Richard Starke by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die opgradering van die waternetwerk nader nou voltooiing en die meeste huise wat daardeur geraak word, is reeds aangesluit. Talle nuwe brandkrane is veral in Sunny Seas, waar daar bykans geen krane was nie, aangebring. Afrondings- en opruimingswerk sal voor die einde van November gedoen word.


Die munisipale hof is nou aktief besig om oortreders van die bouregulasies vas te vat.

Verskeie kennisgewings vir stadige bouwerk en onwettige bewoning is uitgereik.

Indien daar ‘n saak is wat jy onder Karon Scholefield, ons portefeuljehouer, se aandag wil bring, stuur ‘n e-pos na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) het van 22 tot 25 Oktober plaasgevind. Talle mense het met hul kamera’s en selfone die besondere biodiversiteit van Overstrand vasgelê. Daar was 146 mense wat 7 384 waarnemings na iNaturalist versend het. Dit plaas Overstrand 3e op die algehele lys van die GSB – ‘n merkwaardige prestasie! Omdat deelnemers 2 weke tyd het om hul foto’s te laai, sal die finale uitslag eers later bekend wees. Baie dankie aan al die pro-aktiewe plaaslike inwoners en kundiges wat deelgeneem het. Al hierdie foto’s van ons pragtige fauna en flora bevestig net weer eens die skatte wat op elke erf in Bettysbaai aangetref word en sal ons hopelik inspireer om soveel as moontlik fynbos op ons erwe te behou en ons biodiversiteit te bewaar.

Persone wat in die herinstelling van Bettysbaai as bewaringsgebied belangstel, kan die Facebookblad besoek of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak maak.

Die BBBV, die Munisipaliteit en die media het ‘n nuwe inisiatief “Lewe in ‘n biosfeer” begin en die eerste projek is om openbare vullishouers bobbejaanbestand te maak. Meer inligting verskyn eersdaags op sosiale media en in Overstrand Herald.


Facebook- opsomming:

Hou van – was 429 en nou 439; volgelinge – was 479 en nou 493.

Trefwydte – Oktober= 1 078; September = 1 956; Augustus = 1 818; Julie = 1 584; Junie = 696; Mei = 198 en April = 855.

Die topplasings was: Jou plek in die Kogelberg, robbe rustig op die strand, voëlgriep, weerwaarskuwing en bobbejaanbestande houers.

Waar nodig, sal daar op ons webtuiste meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure gevind kan word.Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is:

https:// www.facebook.com./BettysBayRatepayers

Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste www.bettysbay.info beskikbaar.

Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Daar sal geen nuusbrief aan die einde van November wees nie, maar wel ‘n jaareind uitgawe wat ‘n opsomming van die jaarvergadering op 11 Desember se verrigtinge sal bevat.