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Dear member; Beste lid ...

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Dear member

The BBRA AGM was held at 10h00 on Saturday 11 December in the Crassula Hall. It was well attended and the new Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, newly elected ward 10 Councillor, Theresa Els and Grant Cohen, ward 9 Councillor and newly elected Speaker, honoured us with their presence.

The Chairperson, Bill Steyn, in his report highlighted the benefits obtained by maintaining a positive working relationship with the Municipality. These included the major upgrading of the water reticulation in various parts of Betty’s Bay, significant storm water investments, the upgrading of various roads and the process of establishing a fire sub-station . Matters of concern included the condition of gravel roads and storm water drainage and the pressure on the understaffed building control division.

As usual, the financial report was well received. Various amounts are held in trust inter alia for fire and emergency, the camera project and Neighbourhood Watch.

The summarised outcome of the proposed amendments to our constitution was as follows:

  • The legal/technical correction and numbering of clauses to avoid confusion between the Committee and the Executive Committee (Exco) was approved;

  • The motion to define the quorum as a majority of the elected members of the Committee was adopted;

  • The motion that the members of the Exco should permanently reside in Betty’s Bay was carried;

  • The motion that the remainder of the Committee should reside for at least six months of a year in Betty’s Bay was NOT carried;

  • The motion that in future only owners* (as opposed to renters as well) may become members of the BBRA was NOT carried.

* Owners could be natural as well as juristic persons such as partnerships, trusts, close corporations and companies.

Four current committee members were not available for re-election namely Bill Steyn (chairperson for a number of years), Werner Zybrands (deputy chairperson and author of the newsletter – this edition being his last one), Richard Starke (roads and stormwater – one of our longest serving committee members) and Dr Louis Wessels (cultural and community matters). The remaining nine members being Adrian de Kock, Karon Scholefield, Wendy Lucas, Carol Clark, Renee Bish, Liz Buncker, Jorika Rabie, Rob Boyd and Donn Ingle were re-elected as well as Wayne Jackson, Richard Gould, Graeme McGill, Laura Brown, Dorrienne Maes and Pieter Swart. A warm welcome to all committee members – both old and new.

The office bearers and portfolio holders will be determined by the committee at its first meeting.


Dr Vic Hamilton-Atwell, our guest speaker had a fascinating story to tell on “Fynbos and Fire” on Wednesday 24 November in the Crassula Hall. This talk drew a good audience and elicited various questions and comments.


The removal of kelp by a permit holder is being followed up with the national government department with the help of the Municipality.

More new signs are being erected on Silver Sands beach warning beachgoers of breeding coastal birds thanks to our BBRA committee members, Birdlife Overberg and the Municipality.

High numbers of exhausted/deceased seals are found and further sightings can be reported to Seal Search at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The proposed establishment of a sub-fire station on Clarence Drive near the Botanic Garden is still on the cards and taking its winding course through all the legal red tape.

Phone 028 312 2400 for fires and emergencies and PLEASE do not place messages on WhatsApp or other social media groups. This practice causes confusion, late or no responses and promotes false alarms.


The Municipality has awarded a contract for speed checking and hopefully the service provider will become active on the R44 during December.

All traffic infringements and related matters can be reported to the control room at 028 313 8996


Your contact for the NHW is Wayne Jackson 082 928 1260 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Poaching can be reported to SAPS in Kleinmond on 028 271 8200 or Cape Nature at 082 453 0835 or DAFF on 028 313 2703.


Gravel roads are undergoing their annual maintenance. Pothole repairs are being done subject to suitable weather conditions prevailing.

Technical service complaints are being addressed and further technical service complaints can brought to the attention of Rob Boyd at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will follow this up.


The Municipality has contracted additional vacuum tankers to deal with the expected increased demand for this service over the December/January holiday.


The municipal court is now actively dealing with building transgressions.

The building control division is under tremendous pressure as in Betty’s Bay alone there are 132 active building sites.

Should you have any issues which you would like investigated feel free to mail Karon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Residents interested in the revival of the Conservancy (BBC) can visit the Facebook page or make contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The baboon-proofing of public waste bins in our area is progressing well with 6 already provided and a further 4 to follow.


Facebook summary

Page likes – was 439 and now 477 / followers – was 493 and now 534

Reach – 1 223 in November/ 1 078 in October/1 956 in September/ 1 818 in August/ 1 584 July / 696 June and 198 May.

Top Performing Posts: Baboon proof bins, vaccinations terminated at Crassula Hall, recycling, festive season waste procedures and BOTSOC.

If required, you can also obtain further information from our website where more recent news will be placed. To supplement this newsletter and the website we have our own Facebook page. You can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/BettysBayRatepayers

Please encourage your friends to join and strengthen our numbers and voice. Application forms can be found on our website www.bettysbay.info Address any BBRA related enquiries to Adrian de Kock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Beste lid

Beste lid


Die AJV van die BBBV het om 10h00 op Saterdag 11 Desember in die Crassulasaal plaasgevind. Dit is goed bygewoon en die nuutverkose Burgemeester, Dr Annelie Rabie, Theresa Els, nuwe raadslid vir ons wyk, en Grant Cohen raadslid vir wyk 9 en ook die nuwe Speaker van die Raad, was op uitnoding teenwoordig.

Die Voorsitter, Bill Steyn, het in sy verslag die voordele van die noue samewerking met die Munisipaliteit beklemtoon. Hy het verwys na die grootskaalse opgradering van die waternetwerk, betekenisvolle beleggings in die stormwaterstelsel, die opgradering van verskeie paaie en die beoogde nuwe sub-brandweerstasie. Sake wat nog aandag verg, sluit in die toestand van talle gruispaaie, die stormwaterstelsel en die druk op die onderbemande boubeheerafdeling.

Die finansiële verslag was, soos gebruiklik, goed ontvang. Verskeie bedrae word in trust gehou onder andere vir brand- en ramptoestande, die kameraprojek en die Buurtwag.

Die uitkoms van die voorgestelde wysigings aan die grondwet kan soos volg opgesom word:

  • Die regstegniese wysiging om die begrippe “Komitee” en “Uitvoerende Komitee” (UK) te onderskei en te hernommer, is goedgekeur.

  • Die vasstelling van die kworum van die Komitee as die meerderheid van die verkose lede van die Komitee is goedgekeur;

  • Die bepaling dat lede van die UK permanente inwoners moet wees, is goedgekeur;

  • Die voorstel dat die ander lede van die Komitee vir minstens ses maande in die jaar in Bettysbaai moet woon, is afgestem; en

  • Die voorstel dat in die toekoms lidmaatskap van die BBBV tot eienaars* (in teenstelling met huurders) beperk word,is afgestem.

* Eienaars kan of natuurlike of regspersone (soos vennootskappe, trusts, beslote korporasies of maatskappye) wees.

Vier van die huidige Komiteelede was nie herkiesbaar nie, naamlik Bill Steyn (Voorsitter vir etlike jare), Werner Zybrands (Onder-voorsitter en opsteller van die Nuusbrief waarvan hierdie sy laaste poging is), Richard Starke (een van die langsdienende Komiteelede) en Dr Louis Wessels (gemeenskaps en kulturele sake).

Die oorblywende 9 lede, naamlik Adrian de Kock, Karon Scholefield, Wendy Lucas, Carol Clark, Renee Bish, Liz Buncker, Jorika Rabie, Rob Boyd en Donn Ingle is almal herkies. Die nuutverkose lede is Wayne Jackson, Richard Gould, Graeme McGill, Laura Brown, Dorrienne Maes en Pieter Swart.

Welkom aan al die Komiteelede – beide nuut en oud!

Die ampsdraers en portefeuljehouers word tydens die eerste Komiteevergadering aangewys.


Dr Vic Hamilton-Atwell, ons gasspreker, het op Woensdag 24 November ‘n boeiende praatjie oor “Fynbos en Brande”, gebaseer op sy jarelange navorsing oor die onderwerp, aangebied. Die opkoms was goed en daar was talle vrae en kommentare.


Die verwydering van kelp deur ‘n permithouer word met die nasionale departement in medewerking met die Munisipaliteit gemoniteer.

Nog nuwe inligtingstekens is deur BBBV-komiteelede, Birdlife Overberg en die Munisipaliteit op Silver Sandsstrand aangebring om besoekers te waarsku dat daar kusvoëls is wat broei.

Groot getalle vermoeide of dooie robbe word aangetref en verdere gevalle kan aan Seal Search by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. gerapporteer word.


Die voorgestelde sub-brandweerstasie op Clarencerylaan naby die Botaniese Tuin is besig om deur die regskinkels te kronkel.

Skakel 028 312 2400 vir brande, vloede of mediese nood en moet ASSEBLIEF nie boodskappe op WhatsApp of sosiale media plaas nie. Dit skep verwarring en bring mee dat daar òf geen òf ‘n laat reaksie is en bevorder ook vals alarms.


Die Munisipaliteit het ‘n kontrak vir spoedbeheer toegeken en dit word vertrou dat dit reeds in Desember in werking sal tree.

Rapporteer verkeersoortredings en verwante verkeersake by die beheerkamer 028 313 8996.


Kontak Wayne Jackson by 082 928 1260 of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indien jy by die Buurtwag betrokke wil raak.

Stropery kan aan die SAPD in Kleinmond by 028 271 8200 of by Natuurbewaring by 082 453 0835 of by Seevisserye by 028 313 2703 gerapporteer word.


Gruispaaie ondergaan tans jaarlikse instandhouding en slaggate in teerpaaie word, soos die weer dit toelaat, herstel.

Tegniese klagtes word nou stadig maar seker opgelos en nuwe klagtes kan onder die aandag van Rob Boyd gebring word by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die Munisipaliteit het bykomstige suigtenkers gehuur om die verwagte verhoogde aanvraag vir die diens tydens die Desember/Januarie vakansie te hanteer.


Die munisipale hof is nou aktief besig om oortreders van die bouregulasies vas te vat.

Die boubeheerafdeling is onder geweldige druk om beheer uit te oefen – in Bettysbaai alleen is daar 132 aktiewe bouprojekte.

Indien daar ‘n saak is wat jy onder Karon Scholefield, ons portefeuljehouer, se aandag wil bring, stuur ‘n e-pos na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Persone wat in die herinstelling van Bettysbaai as bewaringsgebied belangstel, kan die Facebookblad besoek of by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kontak maak.

Die eerste 6 openbare vullishouers wat bobbejaanbestand is, is aaangebring en ‘n verdere vier is op pad.


Facebook- opsomming:

Hou van – was 439 en nou 477; volgelinge – was 493 en nou 534.

Trefwydte – November = 1 223; Oktober= 1 078; September = 1 956; Augustus = 1 818; Julie = 1 584; Junie = 696 en Mei = 198.

Die topplasings was: Bobbejaanbestande houers, inentings by Crassulasaal gestaak, herwinning van afval, die feesseisoen en BOTSOC.

Waar nodig, sal daar op ons webtuiste meer volledige en onlangse nuusgebeure gevind kan word.Ter aanvulling van ons nuusbrief en webtuiste het ons ook ons eie Facebookblad. Die besonderhede is:

https:// www.facebook.com./BettysBayRatepayers

Moedig asseblief ander inwoners aan om by ons aan te sluit – aansoekvorms is op ons webtuiste www.bettysbay.info beskikbaar.

Rig enige navrae aan Adrian de Kock by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.