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Because BBNW is a portfolio of the BBRA, we will no longer be sending out separate bulletins. Our intention is to put the BBNW information into the BBRA newsletter every month. With this last and final bulletin I am asking you to give me permission to send you a BBRA newsletter with all the BBNW information in it. I therefore require each person to indicate to me via any media platform if you do not want the BBRA newsletter sent to you. If I don’t receive any communication from you I will accept that you have given consent to receive the BBRA newsletter with the BBNW information in it.

Aangesien die BBBW (Bettysbaai Buurtwag) ‘n portefuelje van die BBBV (Bettysbaai Belastingsbetalersvereniging) is, sal ons nie voortaan aparte bulletins uitstuur nie. Ons wil die BBBW-inligting insluit in die maandelikse BBBV-nuusbrief. In hierdie laaste, finale Bulletin versoek ek dus u toestemming om aan u ‘n BBBV-nuusbrief met al die BBBW-inligting daarin, te stuur. Elke persoon moet dus asseblief via enige mediaplatform aandui indien u nie die BBBV-nuusbrief wil ontvang nie. As ek nie kommunikasie vanaf u ontvang nie, sal ek aanvaar dat u toetstemming verleen om die BBBV-nuusbrief met BBBW-inligting te ontvang.

Here is the final bulletin.