Minutes of the Committee Meeting of 28 April 2015 at 16H00 at 4011 Diastella Road, Bettys Bay
Rudi Perold, Heinie Foot, Adrian de Kock, Hilda van der Merwe, Richard Starke, Wilna Rademeyer, Helen George & Lisel Krige.
Donn Ingle (operation) & Lisel Krige phoned as she would be late due to another meeting.
Rudi welcomed all.
Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of 24 February 2015 and Notes of 31 March 2015:
The relevant minutes and notes were accepted without amendment.
Matter Arising from the Minutes:
The contract which was drawn up for use when the Crassula Hall was leased is confirmed in use by Heinie.
A discussion took place as to our liability in insuring Crassula Hall. Should this be implemented then a figure of R2,5m was mentioned. Adrian to ascertain from Dave Muirhead as to the position of Pringle Bay and then discuss with Desmond LaKay re this requirement.
The bank account signatories will be changed when Adrian is mobile.
The contact persons detailed on our web site have been updated.
Hilda will follow up with Desmond LaKay the progress with the items which they have discussed and report back next meeting.
The accounts to advertisers in The Buzz for the first quarter have been sent out and some have been settled,
Once Adrian receives the banks statement for April he will cancel the membership of those who have not paid the current years subscriptions. They have had a number of reminders.
The Buzz for April has now been completed for April and will be distributed by Heinie.
Helen has purchased MS Publisher for use in compiling The Buzz at a cost of R1,499-00. She will be reimbursed as previously authorized.
Correspondence (Adrian):
Per the Secretary’s register there was a registered letter from the Overstrand Municipality re the rejection of the application from the owner of erf 4013. Handed to Rudi for attention.
We had received an E-Mail from Gottlieb van der Merwe in respect of a plan to address the sand dune challenge. Adrian raised some issues in this regard as follows:
The BBRA would be prepared to receive donations required to tackle this matter and control them through our bank account. The relevant funds would be ring fenced.
Deposits would have to be referenced to identify the source and purpose i.e. Smith – Dunes.
The method for authorizing payments would have to be clearly set out.
Establish whether after expending R50,000-00 on a plan the likelihood of implementation. There have been plans in the past and visits by senior Provincial Officials but to no avail.
Whether Overstrand Municipality will pay the R25,000-00 to obtain a three D map.
How is the approximately R3m for a contractor to be raised?
Establish who will deal with subsequent maintenance after implementation i.e. “Working for Coast”.
What will be the contribution of those most affected i.e. residents of Nerine Crescent and Morea Road other that possibly establishing a special rates area?
This is not an exhaustive list and the document will have to be studied further to establish other points needing clarification. Rudi would therefore set up a meeting with Gottlieb to address questions and if satisfactory the BBRA would be prepared to contribute towards the planning document.
Finance (Adrian):
Adrian has distributed the financials for March 2015 which show a healthy surplus of R117,627-47 YTD March 2015.
The main reason for this is the generous donations of R86,950-00 by 87 residents/property owners towards the Volunteer Fire Fighters. Subsequently another R6,000-00 from two persons has been donated giving a balance of R92,950-00.
These donations are to be used for equipment and uniforms etc. and expenditure will be strictly controlled.
The Crassula Hall is managing to break even at present but The Buzz has a deficit of R1,473-00 to date.
Ward Committee Report Back (Rudi):
Items mentioned by Rudi were relevant to property matters and as such would be discussed under his portfolio.
Adrian has E-Mailed Susan asking that both he and Heinie receive the minutes and agenda by E-Mail on a monthly basis.
WCDF Report Back (Heinie):
Heinie said that he had read the report compiled by Tommy Snibbe in respect of the Overstrand Municipal budget for 2015/16 and found it interesting.
Unfortunately there have subsequently been objections and comments to this document resulting in ill feelings by members and some resignations. The author has quite categorically stated that the document was submitted to the Overstrand Municipality in his own name with no connection to any organisation.
At the next meeting in May 2015 the position will become clearer.
He said that of the 80,000 permanent residents 60% earned under R6,000-00 p.m. and therefore the cost burden mainly falls on the balance of the residents.
Ways and means should be investigated to encourage the growth of industry as well as the use by residents of local businesses to encourage employment and growth which in turn will generate additional income for the municipality.
Federation Report Back (Heinie):
Nothing to report as this body only meets on a quarterly basis.
Portfolio Matters:
The Buzz (Helen):
Helen attended her first meeting and now that she has become au fait with the system intends to slowly bring the publishing date forward a week at a time.
She is investigating sources of additional material so that she does not have to write as much herself.
She intends to look at subjects such as the history behind place/street names and will speak to Richard about this.
Generally the committee felt that The Buzz was moving in the right direction and the latest addition shows more of interest in the area to residents.
Web Site (Donn):
In Donn’s absence Adrian said that the Web Site was evolving nicely with informational content such as the dreaded “load shedding”, an advertising section and a number of other enhancements.
Don has enquired whether we should rebrand the web site as The Buzz rather that BBRA due to his feeling that The Buzz is friendlier and better known. It was pointed out that when you google The Buzz, BBRA or in fact Bettys Bay no reference to the ratepayers web site is shown.
The committee felt that the current header of BBRA/BBBV should be retained but a way sought to incorporate the word The Buzz. We need to look at a way to ensure that when either BBRA, Bettys Bay or The Buzz is gougled direction is given to the web site.
Sand Dune Management, Beaches & Amenities (Hilda):
Hilda would be following up with Desmond about the matters raised.
Roads & Storm Water (Wilna):
Besides acknowledgments Wilna is not getting feedback from Desmond about matters raised in writing to him. This is not satisfactory.
There are problems with regard to storm water in Jocks Bay and Waterfall Road.
Roads are becoming narrower due to lack of verges being cleared.
Some plots are being cleared in total without thought of rare Fynbos plant species and contractors from outside the area are being used who do not know the local requirements.
The infestation of the lakes with reeds is becoming more and more of a problem.
Property, Planning & Development (Rudi):
Building plans submitted to erect a garage on boundary line. Rudi O/K with this if neighbors accept and drainage is secured.
Access to De Wets Bay closed off by gate. Is this legal?
The use of a rehab centre in Sea View Drive was discussed and it appears that it is up to the neighbors to collect evidence and complain.
Water, Waste & Sanitation (Richard):
Richard and Mike Orren as the water committee had a meeting with Overstrand Municipality to update themselves in respect of some matters such as:
Fire hydrant needed near Otter Close. Present polycop pipes inadequate.
Apparently water loss has reduced from about 60% to less than 40%.
Feeder pipe from reservoir and alarm re excessive flow.
Visit to the water treatment plant.
Look at pipe replacement program.
There were also other matters but Richard would prepare a note thereon.
Fire & Emergency Services, Security & CPF (Wendy):
Rudi mentioned that the police ‘indaba” held on 17 April 2015 did not produce anything of interest and in fact achieved little.
Rudi has asked Wendy for a plan and she says that she will address the issue when she returns from leave on 4 May 2015.
Adrian to write a note for the Web Site & The Buzz re donations and control.
We need to address other issues when Wendy is back as detailed in the minutes and notes since she last attended a committee meeting.
Once we have spoken to Wendy a meeting needs to be set up with the Director Protection Services and Fire Department to discuss certain issues and clear up misconceptions.
Crassula Hall (Heinie):
Heinie reported a water leak in the urinal and has repaired same.
Adrian gave a list of bookings to Hanie for verification against his records.
The Jukskei Club has paid R900-00 towards their water bill and signed up 4 additional members to the BBRA and paid R240-00 membership fees.
Adrian has received the R3,000-00 payment for the Craft Market use of the hall over Easter.
The deposit of R250-00 for the Mooiuitsig wedding in June has been received and the fee reduced from R800-00 to R750-00.
Heinie offered to clear out junk from rear store.
Advertising (Vacant):
With the settling down of the Buzz we will again look for additional adverts.
Nothing to report.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 26 May 2015 @ 16H00 at Crassula Hall