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Minutes of the Committee Meeting of 26 May 2015 at 16H00 at Crassula Hall, Betty's Bay


Rudi Perold, Heinie Foot, Adrian de Kock, Hilda van der Merwe, Richard Starke, Wilna Rademeyer & Lisel Krige.


Donn Ingle and Wendy Tawse.


Rudi welcomed all.

Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of 28 April:

The minutes were accepted without amendment.

Matter Arising from the Minutes:
  1. Adrian has discussed with Dave Muirhead their lease agreement with Overstrand Municipality for Pringle Bay community hall. They are not required to have insurance cover. Adrian will meet with Desmond Lakay in due course to discuss the renewal of our lease with the same terms.
  2. The bank account signatories are still to be changed.

  3. 15 members have been deleted from our records due to non payment of membership fees. Last year there were 10 cancelled.

  4. Helen has been reimbursed R1,499-00 in respect of the purchase of MS Publisher.
Correspondence (Adrian):
  1. Recorded in the Secretaries register the usual municipal accounts plus our SARS tax assessment. Nil payable.

Finance (Adrian):
  1. April 2015 financials distributed. YTD surplus R123,269-55 mainly due to the donations received for the volunteer fire fighters.

Ward Committee Report Back (Rudi):
  1. Advice received from Susan that they are not prepared to E-Mail minutes and agenda to Heinie and Adrian.

  2. Adrian subsequently took this up with Lisel Krige who has intimated that it would be done in future.

  3. Most requests for action by the Overstrand Municipality meet with the response that there is no money.

WCDF Report Back (Rudi & Heinie):
  1. Neither Rudi or Heinie were able to attend the last meeting and offered their apologies.

  2. The fallout by certain members is regretted as this forum is constituted to deal with matters which affect the whole of Overstrand and can not be effectively handled by the Ward Committees.

  3. A draft constitution has been drawn up and is open for comment.

Federation Report Back (Heinie):

The next quarterly meeting will be held on 1 June 2015 in Crassula Hall.

Portfolio Matters:
    1. The Buzz (Helen):

      1. Helen is writing much of the material herself and is looking for more contributions from others.

      2. A number of readers have commented on the improvement of content in The Buzz.

      3. The Buzz for May has been sent to the printers.

    2. Web Site (Donn):

      Donn was unable to attend due to ill health but provided a report for consideration in the future with regard to the way forward. This report is attached.

    3. Sand Dune Management, Beaches & Amenities (Hilda):

      1. Hilda reports that despite continued E-Mail follow up with Desmond LaKay other than acknowledgments there is no indication of any of the identified items being addressed nor when they will be handled.

      2. Should this situation continue the matter will have to be escalated.

      3. Rudi, Hilda & Adrian had a meeting with Gottlieb to obtain some insight into the plans for the sand dunes. This has given us a better understanding of the plans. The following will now take place:

        1. A meeting has been set up with the Overstrand Municipality and Pringle Bay Ratepayers Association to explore certain matters including a special rating area.
        2. A public participation meeting will be held in Crassula Hall, chaired by Laurie Barwell to inform the residents/ratepayers of plans re the sand dunes. This is scheduled to take place on either 26 June or 18 July 2015.

    4. Roads & Storm Water (Wilna):

      1. Wilna reports that despite acknowledgments many matters are not being addressed by Overstrand Municipality.

      2. There is a problem where tarred roads meet gravel roads. Pot holes are formed due to the fact that tarring is not carried on to the gravel section for a metre or two.

      3. Hydrants are overgrown and therefore not visable.

    5. Property, Planning & Development (Rudi):

      1. Rudi reports that property matters brought up at Ward Committee meetings and then addressed by him to the municipality are then rejected as out of date. He has taken this up with them.

      2. The matter of the legality of access to De Wets Bay being closed off by a gate has still to be addressed.

    1. Water, Waste & Sanitation (Richard)

Richard reports that the Water Committee has met with the Overstrand Municipality and he will provide notes on their discussion for the committee.

    1. Fire & Emergency Services, Security & CPF (Wendy):

      1. Wendy was unable to attend but provided a report as per attached.

      2. As Wendy has not been able to attend a meeting since January 2015 Rudi requested Adrian to write a letter for his signature to her to arrange a meeting to discuss various issues that need clarification. This has been done.

      3. As at 30 April 2015 donations to the volunteer fire fighters amounts to R93,450-00.

      4. Adrian has written a note re the donations for The Buzz and Web Site.

    2. Crassula Hall (Heinie):

      1. Adrian gave his updated list of Crassula hall bookings to Heinie.

      2. R250-00 deposit received from Britz for their hall booking.

      3. Hall running at a surplus of R1,232-44 YTD April 2015.

      4. Richard asked what the cost of hiring the hall would be. Quoted R300-00 per hour for their organisation.

    3. Advertising (Vacant):

      1. Two accounts for The Buzz advertising are outstanding. Adrian has followed up.

    4. General:

      1. Adrian said he would E-Mail Desmond LaKay the list of budget items requested and ask for information as to which items are included in the 2015/16 budget.

      2. Lisel commented on the urgent issue of attending to storm water problems as there apparently is no budget for this item?

Next Meeting:

Tuesday 30 June 2015 @ 16H00 at Crassula Hall