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Minutes of the Committee Meeting of 28 July 2015 at 16H00 at Crassula Hall, Betty's Bay


Rudi Perold, Heinie Foot, Adrian de Kock, Hilda van der Merwe, Richard Starke & Wilna Rademeyer.


Donn Ingle

Wendy Tawse has resigned from the BBRA Committee.


Rudi welcomed all.

Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of 30 June 2015:

The minutes were accepted with the following amendment:
h) Crassula Hall (Heinie): ii. Change R300-00 per hour to R100-00 per hour or R300-00 for meeting duration.

Matter Arising from the Minutes:
  1. Adrian still to discuss the lease of Crassula Hall with Desmond Lakay.
  2. Adrian has discussed with the manager of ABSA the change in signatories. Forms received and he will make an appointment to change signing authority.
  3. Adrian still to ask Desmond Lakay for feedback on budget requests.
Correspondence (Adrian):
  1. Recorded in the Secretaries register. Municipal account and ABSA statement.

  2. Wendy’s letter of resignation from BBRA Committee.
Finance (Adrian):
  1. June 2015 financials have been distributed by E-Mail.

  2. YTD June 2015 surplus R132,246-31 mostly made up of:

    1. R106,050-10 – Fire Fighters.
    2. R7,000-00 – DIG
  3. Crassula Hall running at a surplus of R1,291-91 at present.

  4. The Buzz running at a deficit of R3,652-00 at present.
  5. All membership paid up to date – 373 members.
  6. No questions re financials.
Ward Committee Report Back (Rudi):
  1. Various matters are brought up time and time again with very little or slow response from Overstrand Municipality.

WCDF Report Back (Rudi & Heinie):
  1. Due to prior arrangements for venue use the next meeting is scheduled for August.

  2. A final draft of a letter has been sent to the Overstrand Municipality.
Federation Report Back (Heinie):
  1. No meeting for this period as this takes place quarterly.
Portfolio Matters:
  1. The Buzz (Helen):

    1. We continue to receive plaudits for the content of The Buzz.

    2. Advertisers have been invoiced for two months due to the catch up by combining June and July issues.

  2. Web Site (Donn):

    Donn still manages to keep the site rolling despite his ill health. Thanks Donn and we wish you an improved health situation.

  3. Sand Dune Management, Beaches & Amenities (Hilda):

    1. The public sand dune meeting of the 18 July 2015 took place with 27 attendees. Disappointing when the extent of advertising is taken into account.

    2. The presentation, questions & answers and further comment has been published on our web site and will appear in the next issue of The Buzz.

    3. To date the donations toward planning have been a bit disappointing but the good news is that it appears that funding for the contractual work has been secured.

    4. Now that the new budget year is here Overstrand Municipality can undertake the public toilet upgrades.
    5. Missing life saving equipment needs to be replace
    6. The previously installed 2 notice boards warning of rip tides need to be found and securely installed. This matter has been brought up ad nauseam with no action from Overstrand Municipality. Rudi to take up at next Ward Committee meeting.
    7. Richard held a meeting with Overstrand Municipality re boardwalks etc. A walkway between the two ends of Bass lake would be advantageous.
  4. Roads & Storm Water (Wilna):

    1. Wilna continues to bring to the attention of Overstrand Municipality problem areas.

    2. Klip Road is a problem.

    3. Verges are being cleared.
  5. Property, Planning & Development (Rudi):

    1. The position of the SANBI training centre has apparently been moved next to the nursery but Rudi still has certain problems with the new plan. He will address the matter.

    2. Planning officials difficult to get hold of.

  6. Water, Waste & Sanitation (Richard)

    1. See Sand Dune management etc. vii. Above.
    2. The pipe situation accessing Otter Close is still a problem.

  7. Fire & Emergency Services, Security & CPF (Wendy):
    1. Rudi has had a meeting with the Fire Chief, Lester Smith who pointed out the following:
      1. Volunteers are there to devote 80% of their time to prevention and 20% to operational.
      2. They are the first response and then fall under the fire department when they arrive on the scene.
    2. Rudi to arrange a meeting with the Volunteer Fire Fighters to discuss the way forward with the resignation of Wendy. Lester will attend if necessary.
    3. Fire hydrants to be identified. This could be done by volunteers. Suggested that residents next to hydrants should position themselves next to same when there is a fire in the area with lights to point them out to fire fighters from outside the area.
    4. Rudi pointed out to Lester that at David’s Kraal there are braai places with notice boards next to them prohibiting fires. This needs to be addressed.
    5. CPF still dysfunctional.
    6. It was decided to split this portfolio.
  8. Crassula Hall (Heinie):
    1. A further booking for 29 August by Jo has been made. Fee R1,000-00.

    2. Heinie needs to purchase toilet paper, black bags etc. Go ahead and give invoices to Adrian for reimbursement.

    3. Junk removed from rear storage has been removed.

    4. Heinie has spoken to Denovan about attending to loose barge board. He will follow up.

  9. Advertising (Vacant):

    1. A new advertiser has been obtained for The Buzz and two existing advertisers have made changes.

  10. General:

    1. Portfolio management for Fire & Security need to be filled. Richard would speak to Mike about the security aspect.
    2. Rudi to approach Martin van Rooyen to join committee as the member responsible for property etc.
    3. Adrian will be away for next meeting so someone to take minutes and present his apologies.
Next Meeting:

Tuesday 25 August 2015 @ 16H00 at Crassula Hall