
If you would like to advertise on our site, please contact Adrian for info.

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(Afrikaans onder)

Dear member; this newsletter contains important information – please read and take note!
Beste lid; hierdie nuusbrief bevat belangrike inligting -  lees asseblief en neem kennis!

(Afrikaans onder)

Dear member, at our monthly meeting held on 30 March we considered a few interesting matters which are reported below./

Beste lid, tydens ons vergadering gehou op 30 Maart was daar ‘n paar interessante items op ons sakelys waaroor ons verder hieronder berig.

You can download this press release as a docx or a pdf. Or read it below:

CONTACT: Municipal Manager: Coenie Groenewald
Tel: 028 313 8003 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Overstrand Municipality Media Liaison & Social Media Officer: Riana Steenekamp
Tel: 028 313 8043 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

29 July 2020

Overstrand Pensioners Reminded To Apply For Property Rates Rebate

Pensioners and disabled persons have until 30 November 2020 to submit their applications for a rebate on property rates to Overstrand's Rates and Data Control Office.

The decision to temporarily extend the last receipt date for applications for rebates from 30 September 2020 to 30 November 2020 was made during a virtual Council meeting held on Wednesday 29 July 2020, to afford ratepayers more time to acquire and submit the necessary documentation required for the approval of applications.

Retired and Disabled persons qualify for special rebates on property rates, according to their total gross monthly household income.

A rebate will be considered if:

    • The owner(s) must be a South African citizen(s)
    • The applicant(s) must be the registered owner(s)
    • The owner(s) must occupy the property as his/her/their primary residence
    • The owner(s) must be at least 60 years of age or in receipt of a disability pension from the State
    • The gross monthly household income may not exceed eight times the state-funded social pension per month (R14 880)
    • The property may not consist of more than one residential unit
    • The applicant(s) may not be owner(s) of more than one property

Pensioner's rebate application forms are available on Overstrand’s website at www.overstrand.gov.za, click on Documents, click on Forms.
Enquiries with regard to the above, can be directed to the Rates and Data Control Office on 028 313 8000. Alternatively send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Remember to include your account number, your name and surname and a contact number when applying for the application form for Pensioner Rebate on Property Rates.

You can also apply at your closest Municipal Office and they will gladly assist you.

KLEINMOND: 33 5th Avenue, Kleinmond; Tel: 028 271 8400
HERMANUS: Magnolia Street, Hermanus; Tel: 028 313 8000/8111
STANFORD: 17 Queen Victoria Street, Stanford; Tel: 028 384 8500
GANSBAAI: Main Street, Gansbaai; Tel: 028 384 8300


This long awaited feedback meeting is taking place on Saturday 16 November 2019 @ 10H00 in Crassula Hall in Betty's Bay. You are invited to attend and get some information on this devastating fire, future preventative measures to be taken and you will be given the opportunity to pose questions in this regard.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10H00 and be finished by 12H00.

Adrian de Kock
BBRA Cell: 082 940 4619

The all NEW, tried and tested baboon-proofed wheelie bin!

The Chacma Lock has been designed by one of our very own Pringle Bay BAG members and developed in conjunction with the municipality to ensure that it is compliant with all of the Overstrand Municipality’s requirements. The Chacma Lock is hot dip galvanised for exterior durability and comes with a carabiner clip for locking the bin.

chacma lock

Many traditional baboon-proof locks only use one or two clasps at the front, leaving the sides and back corners vulnerable. The Chacma Lock has been specifically designed to strengthen the whole lid, from corner to corner.

Buy now and get a new black recycled plastic 240l wheelie bin WITH the Chacma Lock pre-installed, ready to use for only R1200. Pick-up in Pringle Bay (if need be, special arrangements can be made for delivery).

Order yours NOW!

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or WhatsApp 079 515 0553

Geagte Burgemeester en gemelde amptenare

Namens die Belastingbetalersvereniging van Bettysbaai (BBBV) wil ek u almal opreg bedank vir die pasaangekondigde tegemoetkoming ten opsigte van bouplangelde wat uit ons vertoë voortgespruit het. Dit is nie alleenlik 'n besondere ruim finansiële bydrae nie, maar getuig ook van empatie met die slagoffers van die vernietigende brande van 11 Januarie 2019.

Ek glo dat u simpatieke optrede die emosionele en finansiële trauma van die slagoffers sal help verlig.

Ons wens u, namens 'n dankbare gemeeenskap, sterkte met u onderskeie verantwoordelikhede toe.

Werner Zybrands
Onder-Voorsitter van die BBBV
083 631 0667
Posbus / PO Box 325 Hermanus 7200

sanparks Apri 2019

See this one and more in our growing list of ebulletins in the Conservation category.
