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Daar is 'n duidelike verbetering in die statistieke vergeleke met Desember en Januarie. Die toestand is nietemin onaanvaarbaar / As can be seen there has been an improvement compared to the statistics for December and January. The situation, however, remains unacceptable.

Afrikaans Nuusbrief

(English newsletter below)


Ons groet al die inwoners.

Hier volg die Februarie-statistieke:

  1. SUNNY SEAS – 0
  2. JOCK SE BAAI – 4
  4. SENTRAAL – 3
  5. RONDEVLEI – 6
  6. STONEY POINT – 10

Aantal voorvalle in die maand 26

Ontleding van voorvalle

  1. Diefstal uit motor 1
  2. Petroldiefstal 0
  3. Motordiefstal 0
  4. Poging tot huisbraak 2
  5. Huisbrake 22
  6. Algemene diefstal 1

Daar is 'n duidelike verbetering in die statistieke vergeleke met Desember en Januarie. Die toestand is nietemin onaanvaarbaar. Dit is ontstellend om te sien dat by 54% van die inbrake die alarms nie geaktiveer is nie. Die vernaamste toegangsroetes was deur skuifdeure oop te dwing en deur badkamervensters.

Ons het 18 operasies in die maand gedoen, gefokus op die probleemgebiede. In die volgende nuusbrief sal ons verslag doen oor die afstand afgelê in Februarie en die mensure gewerk.

Teen die end van Februarie het die polisie as eksperiment 3 perde vir patrolliewerk ingespan. Ons is heel tevrede dat daar in daardie tyd geen inbrake aangemeld is nie. Dit wys duidelik watter soort resultate hierdie soort patrollering kan meebring.

Dit is duidelik dat die WhatsApp-stelsel in Bettysbaai verkeerd ingespan word. Ons wil graag die volgende onder lesers se aandag bring:

  1. Die What’s Up is alleenlik bedoel om misdaadvoorvalle te rapporteer. Dit is nie bedoel vir vrae en algemene kletspraatjies nie.
  2. As iemand bykomende inligting verlang, moet die oorspronklike bron van die boodskap geraadpleeg word.
  3. As daar brand in die gebied ontstaan, sal ons inwoners waarsku as eiendom bedreig word.
  4. Daar is 'n voorgeskrewe metode om lid van die groep te word. 'n Vorm moet ingevul word voordat lede toegelaat word. Kontak Jorika of u buurtwagkoördineerder direk.
  5. U kontak met mede- WhatsApp –lede moet nie op persoonlike vlak plaasvind nie.

Daar is 'n toename in die vlak van stropery in ons gebied. Inwoners word herrinner dat ons nie direk by voorvalle van stropery betrokke kan raak nie, hoewel ons die wetstoepassingsowerhede sal inlig as ons op inligting afkom.

Die groep betrokke by operasies het 'n ontleding van sterk- en swakpunte gedoen wat as inset vir ons beplanning sal dien. Inwoners sal ingelig word soos sake ontplooi. Dit het onder ons aandag gekom dat alle inwoners nog nie weet van ons 24 uur noodnommer nie. Dit is 072 015 5729. Lede word versoek om hul vriende wat nog nie op ons ledelys is nie aan te moedig om hul besonderhede op rekord te plaas en lid van die organisasie te word.

Ons het bykomende nagsigtoerusting gekoop en dit verseker.

Ons ondersoek tans die potensiële voordele van kamera’s wat op strategiese posisies geplaas kan word en donasies sal verwelkom word. Ons bankbesonderhede is bokand die  bladsy.

English Newsletter

Greetings to all residents

Below are the statistics for February

February 2017 Incidents
  1. SUNNY SEAS – 0
  2. JOCK’S BAY – 4
  4. CENTRAL – 3
  5. RONDEVLEI – 6
  6. STONY POINT – 10

Total incidents for the month 26

Break down of the incidents
  1. 1 X Theft out of motor vehicle
  2. 0 x Petrol theft
  3. 0 x Car stolen
  4. 2 x attempted house burglaries
  5. 22 x Burglaries
  6. 1 x general theft

As can be seen there has been an improvement compared to the statistics for December and January. The situation, however, remains unacceptable.

A concern is that in 54% of the burglaries the alarms were not activated. The main means of entry were through forcing sliding doors and open bathroom windows.

We conducted 18 operations during the month with the focus on the problem areas. In our next newsletter we will inform residents of the total distance travelled and person-hours worked during February.

A trial was conducted towards the end of February in which the police used 3 horses for patrol work and we are pleased to announce that during that period no burglaries were reported. This clearly demonstrates the improvement this type of patrol can bring about.

The Betty’s Bay Watch WhatsApp is not being used as it originally was intended; we need to bring the following points to readers’ attention:

  1. The whatts app is for reporting of crime incidents only, not for asking questions and having chats.
  2. If additional info is needed please contact the originator of the message directly.
  3. When fires are in the area we will notify residents if there is any danger to property.
  4. There is a procedure to be followed to gain access to this group. We require a form to be completed before people are admitted. Please contact your Warden or Jorika directly.
  5. Please do not get personal with other users.

There has been an increased level of poaching in our area and residents are reminded that we do not get directly involved in poaching incidents, we however do inform the authorities when info comes to hand.

The Operations Group recently conducted a SWOT analysis and the outcome of this session will provide input into our planning and relevant issues will be communicated to residents.

It has come to our attention that residents are not all aware of our 24 hour emergency phone number. This number is 072 015 5729. Members are urged to make sure that friends who may not be on our membership list should give us their details and join our organization.

We have purchased additional night vision equipment and have taken out insurance on this equipment.

We are currently exploring the potential benefits of installing cameras at various strategic positions and any donations will be welcomed. (Our banking details are at the top of the page.)