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Daar is 'n 69% verbetering in die aantal voorvalle in vergelyking met Februarie. Drie arrestasies is in die maand gemaak, wat, glo ons, 'n aansienlike impak het op die vermindering in die misdaadsyfer. Die uitstekende samewerking tussen die polisie, sekerheidsmaatskappye en die BBBW het tot hierdie arrestasies gelei. / There has been a 69% improvement in total incidents reported, compared to the statistics for February. There were 3 arrests made during the month which, we believe, has made a significant impact in the reduced crime incidents. There was great co-operation between the police, security companies and BBNW that resulted in these arrests.


(English below)

Afrikaans Nuusbrief

Ons groet al die inwoners.

Hier volg die Maart-statistieke:

Voorvalle in Maart 2017
  • SUNNY SEAS – 1
  • JOCK SE BAAI – 3
  • SENTRAAL – 0

Aantal voorvalle in die maand 9

Ontleding van voorvalle
  • Diefstal uit motor 1
  • Petroldiefstal 0
  • Motordiefstal 0
  • Poging tot huisbraak 0
  • Huisbrake 8
  • Algemene diefstal 0

Daar is 'n 69% verbetering in die aantal voorvalle in vergelyking met Februarie.

Drie arrestasies is in die maand gemaak, wat, glo ons, 'n aansienlike impak het op die vermindering in die misdaadsyfer. Die uitstekende samewerking tussen die polisie, sekerheidsmaatskappye en die BBBW het tot hierdie arrestasies gelei.

Tydens ons patrollering het ons lede met onsteltenis waargeneem hoe baie inwoners hul gordyne snags oop los. Dit maak dat booswigte op die beweging van mense in die huis en ook die plasing van hul waardevolle eiendom kan spioeneer. Inwoners, asseblief, trek jul gordyne toe, sluit jul deure en, indien moontlik, sluit die motor in die garage toe. Huiseienaars moet asseblief ook seker maak dat mense wat hul huise gebruik bewus is van ingeboude alarmstelsels en ook hoe om dit te gebruik.

Ons is besig om te ondersoek of die installasie van kamera’s op strategiese punte in Bettysbaai voordele inhou. As die feite daarop dui, sal 'n formele projek aangepak word. Inwoners sal op die hoogte van sake gehou word. Ons hou tans ons fondse terug hangende die uitkoms van die aanvanklike ondersoek.

Donasies sal verwelkom word. Ons bankbesonderhede is bo op die bladsy.

Dit het onder ons aandag gekom dat alle inwoners nog nie weet van ons 24 uur noodnommer nie. Dit is 072 015 5729. Lede word versoek om hul vriende wat nog nie op ons ledelys is nie aan te moedig om hul besonderhede op rekord te plaas en lid van die organisasie te word.

Daar was vrae oor die betrokkenheid van die BBBW by die onlangseRooiels-brand . As daar 'n brand in Bettysbaai is, is dit die primêre plig van die BBBW om inwoners wakker te maak en te help met die ontruiming na die nood-versamelpunte. Die omliggende gemeenskappe van Pringlebaai en Rooiels sal dan help om maaltye en drinkgoed aan die vrywilliger-brandslaners te voorsien. Met die onlangse brand in Rooiels het presies die omgekeerde gebeur en brandslaners kon ook in die Crassulasaal oornag.

Ons het belowe om die Februarie-statistieke as 'n aanduiding van ons vlak van betrokkenheid bekend te maak:

  • 14 sigbare operasies waarby BBBW lede betrokke was
  • 11 reaksies op inbrake en pogings tot inbraak waarby die BBBW, die polisie en sekerheidsmaatskappye betrokke was
  • 11 bedekte ‘in die bos’ operasies met die BBBW en die polisie
  • 31 mense was betrokke
  • Mensure gewerk: 792 uur
  • Afstand gery: 12 943 Km

Ons sal die prosedure hierbo in een van die wintermaande herhaal om te kan vergelyk.

Ons is besig om 'n inligting-uitruil vergadering saam met 'n gasspreker te reël waartydens spesifieke vrae betreffende sekuriteit in Bettysbaai gevra sal word. Verdere inligting sal bekendgemaak word sodra reëlings gefinaliseer is.


Groete BBBW


English newsletter

Greetings to all residents, below are the statistics for March.

March 2017 Incidents
  • SUNNY SEAS – 1
  • JOCK’S BAY – 3
  • CENTRAL – 0

Total incidents for the month 9

Breakdown of the incidents
  • 1 x Theft out of motor vehicle
  • 0 x Petrol theft
  • 0 x Car stolen
  • 0 x Attempted house break-ins
  • 8 x Burglaries
  • 0 x General theft

There has been a 69% improvement in total incidents reported, compared to the statistics for February.

There were 3 arrests made during the month which, we believe, has made a significant impact in the reduced crime incidents. There was great co-operation between the police, security companies and BBNW that resulted in these arrests.

During patrols conducted by our members it is alarming to see how many residents leave their curtains open during the night, making it easy for thieves to observe the movements of people and the position of your valuables. Residents, you are encouraged to close your curtains, lock your doors and, where possible, to lock your car in a garage. Homeowners are urged to ensure that people using their homes are made aware of how to use the installed alarm systems.

We are in the process of identifying what benefits can be achieved by the installation of security cameras at various strategic points in Betty’s Bay. If the investigation proves that there are benefits a formal project will be initiated and residents will be kept informed of developments. We are reserving our funds pending the outcome of the initial investigation. Donations will be welcomed and our bank details areat the top of the page.

It has come to our attention that residents are not all aware of our 24 hour emergency phone number. This number is 072 015 5729 and members are urged to make sure that friends who may not be on our database are urged to give us their details and join our organization.

There have been questions raised about the involvement of BBNW in the major fire at the recent Rooi Els fire. If there is a fire in Betty’s Bay, the primary duty of the BBNW would be to assist with the waking up and possible evacuation of residents to the emergency assembly points. The surrounding towns of Pringle Bay and Rooi Els would then assist by providing meals and drinks for the volunteer fire fighters. Similarly with the fire at Rooi Els the roles were reversed with us assisting with food and [drinks]. We also arranged for the fire fighters to sleep at Crassula Hall.

We indicated previously that we would provide the following statistics for February as an indicator of the level of involvement:

  • 14 overt operations involving BBNW members.
  • 11 reactions to burglaries and attempted burglaries involving BBNW, SAPS and Security Co’s
  • 10 covert operations in the bush involving BBNW and SAPS members.
  • A total of 31 people were involved.
  • Total man-hours worked 792 hours.
  • Total distance travelled 12 943km.

We will repeat the above exercise again during one of the coming winter months as a comparison.

We are in the process of organizing a information sharing evening with a guest speaker at which questions can be asked specific to security in Bettys Bay. More information will be made available as soon as arrangements are finalized.

Regards BBNW