Greetings to all residents,
We apologise for the delay in distributing this newsletter, as there was some uncertainty on the statistics which needed to be clarified. There has been a 10% reduction in the number of incidents reported when comparing August with July.
Die maand sal daar nie ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe wees nie, ons is jammer daarvoor maar sal sorg dat volgende maand alles weer normaal sal wees.
This month the BBNW is focusing on giving residents advice based on recent events and observations made during our patrols, this includes the following:
- Please be careful when employing casual/temporary workers and make sure that you get a copy of their ID as there are illegal foreigners in our area.
- If you have maintenance workers and/or builders working on your property please ask for their ID and have copies made. At times there appears to be a link between work having been done on your house and burglaries.
- After dark please close curtains or blinds as burglars scout your house and observe your movements and the position of computers, cell phones, handbags and TV’s etc.
- Please ensure that your alarm systems are fully operational and that you fully understand the system. If you are renting out your house, provide clear instructions to ensure that the residents use the alarm systems. It would be advisable to inform your security company when tenants or holiday makers will be using your property.
- Please inspect your property regularly, especially window frames for signs of wood rot or rust as thieves often remove the glass and gain access to your property.
- Homeowners who are still displaying the old Blue Energy signs at their properties are targets as the bad guys know that these systems are either not working or have not been upgraded for a long time. Those falling into this category are urged to consider having their systems checked and upgraded where necessary.
Please pass this info on to your friends and neighbours as not everyone is on our database.
With the summer season upon us there is the usual influx of visitors to our area and we need to increase our operations and we are appealing to residents to come forward and assist us by joining our operational team. Please e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or send a WhattsApp to 072 0155729 with your details and we will advise you of the process to be followed.
There are residents who are using our crime WhattsApps as a chat group, this needs to be stopped and only crime and emergency situations reported. If someone accidently posts an incorrect message please do not react with multiple comments.
We are awaiting a quote for the installation of cameras in Betty's Bay and soon we will be hosting a public meeting to give feedback on our proposal.
We are reserving our funds for this potential project and any donations will be very welcome, as we also need to purchase extra radios for our operational team. Our banking details are:
Account Name -Bettys Bay Ratepayers Association.
Bank - ABSA Hermanus Branch
Cheque Account Number 4066616439
Please use your surname, NW and erf number as a reference.
E-mail proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.