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Greetings to you all. Beste Lesers.

The burglaries that took place during April were less than the average for the preceding months. The area around the main beach however, has shown an increase during the past month. Residents are urged to remain vigilant and report any unusual activity to their security companies and the 24/7 emergency phone 072 0155729.

Die inbrake wat gedurende April plaasgevind het was minder as die gemiddelde van die voorafgaande maande. Die gebied rondom die Hoofstrand het egter ‘n toename getoon teenoor die vorige maande. Inwoners word versoek om paraat te bly en alle ongewone aktiwiteite aan hul betrokke sekuriteits maatskappy en die 24/7 nood nommer 072 015 5729 te rapporteer.

 (English continues below)

Daar is ‘n belangrike saak wat dringende aandag moet geniet. Daar is tans 597 mense op die databasis, 375 op ons “whattsapp” groepe en slegs 11 mense wat gereeld help met operasies! Verder is die meerderheid van die 11 mense afkomstig uit die Sunny Seas en Jock’s Baai gebiede. Die lede raak keelvol om die hele Bettysbaai te dek. Ons het verskeie pogings aangewend om nuwe lede te werf. Mense is entoesiasties maar sodra hul die opleiding moet ondergaan, is hul nie meer beskikbaar nie. Hierdie situasie is nie volhoubaar nie. Daar is ‘n dringende behoefte aan toegewyde inwoners en eienaars wat om na vore sal kom om te help in die voorkoming van misdaad in ons dorp.

Enige persoon wat bereid is om te help, word versoek om hul naam, adres, telefoon nommer en kontak besonderhede te stuur na ons epos adres: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Die kamera-projek word steeds ondersoek en ons is tans besig met navorsing aangaande ‘n spesiale aanslag gebied vir Bettysbaai as ‘n moontlike manier om die projek te finansier en te onderhou. Die werk wat gedoen word is daarop gemik om Bettysbaai ‘n veiliger dorp te maak om sodoende te verseker dat misdaad dié dorp nie ‘n slegte reputasie gee nie - wat weer die eiendoms-waardasie negatief sal beinvloed.

Ek wil al ons mense wat die afgelope maande by operasies betrokke was bedank. Diegene offer hulle eie tyd en motorvoertuig op sonder enige vergoeding. Julle toewyding word waardeer. Verder word diegene wat donasies gemaak het oor die afgelope jaar vir hul vrygewigheid bedank.

‘n Spesiale woord van dank aan Tim Mc Gavin wat onlangs ‘n golfdag vir fondsinsameling by Kleinmond Golf Klub georganiseer het en meer as R20 000 vir BBBW ingesamel het. Meer inligting hieroor sal in die Overstrand Herald verskyn.

Inwoners moet die meriete van ‘n boodskap op ons ‘’Whattsapp’’ groepe noukeurig oorweeg, veral in die middel van die nag. In stede daarvan om 250 mense wakker te maak, bel ons 24/7 noodtelefoon 072 0155729 in ‘n noodgeval.

‘n Veilige maand word julle toegewens.
Buurtwag groete,

Donasiesvir die beoogde kamerasisteem en ons operasionele kostes sal waardeer word. On bankbesonderhede is altyd bo op die kategorie bladsy (hier).

There is an important issue that needs attention. There are 597 people on our data base, 375 on our whattsapp groups and only 11 people who regularly assist with operations! Another issue is that the majority of the 11 people come from Sunny Seas and Jocks Bay and they are getting fed up covering the whole of Bettys Bay. We have had various attempts at recruiting new members and people are keen to help but as soon as they have to come for training they are no longer available. This situation is not sustainable and needs a serious commitment from residents and property owners to come forward and assist in preventing crime in our town.

Any persons willing to help us are asked to send their details including names, telephone numbers and address to our e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are pushing ahead with the camera project and are doing more research in the special ratings area concept as a means of funding this project. The work we do is aimed at making our town safer and in so doing prevent Bettys Bay getting a bad reputation which will eventually effect property valuation.

I need to thank all of our people who worked during the past months in the operations we conducted. Those working during our operations are giving of their time and use their own vehicles with no compensation; your dedication is much appreciated. In addition all those who have made donations over the past year are thanked for their generosity.

A special word of thanks to Tim Mc Gavin who organized the fund raising golf day, at the Kleinmond Golf Club, and raised in excess of R20 000 for the BBNW. There will be more information in the Overstrand Herald.

Residents should carefully consider the merits of a message on our whattsapp groups, especially in the middle of the night. Rather than wake up 250 people please consider phoning our 24/7 emergency phone 072 0155729.

Wishing you all a safe month

Donations towards funding the camera system and our operating costs will be greatly appreciated. Our banking details are always on the top of the category (here).