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It seems that the time has flown by and we are about to enter the season when our town hosts many visitors and holiday makers and that brings with it the increased risk of opportunistic crime.

Die tyd het verby gevlieg en ons staan op die punt om gereed te maak vir ‘n tydperk wanneer ons dorp baie besoekers en vakansiegangers gaan ontvang.

(Afrikaans onder)

Greetings to you all,
It seems that the time has flown by and we are about to enter the season when our town hosts many visitors and holiday makers and that brings with it the increased risk of opportunistic crime. The crime statistics for September show no significant increase, when compared to previous months.

A concern, which we mentioned last month, is the number of complaints being received about poor service from security companies. We are conducting a survey through this newsletter, could you please give us your reply by e-mail, and not via whattsapp to the following questions (a simple yes or no):

  1. Do you think that crime in Bettys Bay is a problem?
  2. Are you satisfied with the service from your security company?
  3. Do you think the security companies should do more to prevent crime in our area?
  4. Are you willing to pay a small monthly premium for improved security in our town? 

It has been announced that the Kleinmond police station is going to be upgraded which means that additional vehicles and manpower will be allocated by SAPS. It is not clear exactly when this will be in place, for that reason we need to focus on issues which we can control.

The two whattsapp groups that we have were created for residents to report crime and any suspicious issues which need reaction from BBNW. We need to react as quickly as possible and residents are urged to report things as they happen on our 24/7 number 072 0155729. There have been incidents during the month were we have reacted to information that was not accurate and we were wasting the time of the responders, who volunteer their time and also pay for their own fuel. Residents are urged to give as much detail as possible, as quickly as possible.

We have established an interim committee to liaise with the Overstrand Municipality regarding the camera project and primarily to explore sustainable funding options. The meeting mentioned in the previous letter has taken place and further work is required from the interim committee regarding the project. Home owners and residents will be kept up to date as information becomes available.

We are depending on a group of between 8 and 10 people who are regular participants in our operations and the strain on them is beginning to show. Unfortunately there are those who criticize us on whattsapp yet do not come forward to assist us in any way.  Some of our operations are being done with only 3 people in the whole of Bettys Bay. A sorry state of affairs with very little commitment from residents on display! Anyone who is interested in joining our operational team are urged to contact us on either 072 015 5729 or send an e-mail with your contact details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you join the operations team you will not be required to be alone in a vehicle. Some people do operate alone but this is not ideal. With 2 people in a car the passenger can look out for open windows, doors, garages and suspicious vehicles while the driver can focus on the road. Spotting suspicious vehicles at night and trying to get the registration number, colour and type is difficult and this requires two people to work together.

We do not apprehend people or stop vehicles; we report such incidents to SAPS and the security companies and ask them for assistance if necessary. All people doing an operation are in radio contact and we can quickly respond if someone needs backup. If more people join we can do more random operations with longer durations without people having to work long shifts. We need people to assist and be the eyes and ears of Bettys Bay and help keep our town safe.

We have spent R3 000.00 during the past month on radio equipment and we are also exploring other means of communication.
Donations towards funding the camera system and our operating costs will be greatly appreciated.

Donations towards funding the camera system and our operating costs will be greatly appreciated. Our banking details are always on the top of the category (here).

 Wishing you all a safe month.

Gegroet is julle,
Die tyd het verby gevlieg en ons staan op die punt om gereed te maak vir ‘n tydperk wanneer ons dorp baie besoekers en vakansiegangers gaan ontvang. Die ontspanne gees bring ook die gepaardgaande risiko van opportunistiese misdaad mee. Die misdaad statistiek vir September toon geen beduidende verhoging in vergelyking met die vorige maande nie. ‘n Bekommernis  wat ons in verlede maand se skrywe uitgespreek het, was die getal klagtes wat ontvang is van swak dienslewering deur die sekuriteits maatskappye.

‘n Menings opname word met hierdie nuusbrief  gedoen. Beantwoord asseblief die volgende vrae skriftelik d.m.v. van ‘n epos, nie deur die ‘’whattsapp’’groepe nie. (slegs ja of nee)

  1. Dink u misdaad in Bettiesbaai is ‘n probleem?
  2. Is u tevrede met die diens ontvang van u sekuriteits maatskappy ?
  3. Dink u dat die sekuriteits maatskappye meer behoort te doen om misdaad in ons gebied te voorkom?
  4. Is u bereid om ’n klein ekstra maandelikse premie te betaal om die sekuriteit in ons dorp te verbeter?

Onlangs was dit amptelik aangekondig dat Kleinmond Polisie-stasie se status opgegradeer gaan word. Dit beteken die uitbreiding van bestaande hulpbronne deur addisionele hulpbronne, wat personeel en voertuie insluit. Wanneer dit gaan gebeur is nog nie duidelik nie, en om die rede moet ons fokus op probleme wat ons kan beheer.

Die twee ‘’crime whattsapp”groepe is geskep vir die rapportering van misdaad deur inwoners, asook enige verdagte optredes wat reaksie deur die buurtwag verg. Omdat die buurtwag so gou as moontlik wil reageer, word inwoners versoek om rapporterings telefonies te doen na ons 24/7 nommer 072 0155729 , soos, waar en wanneer dit ontstaan. Gedurende die afgelope maand was daar insidente aangemeld waarop gereageer was, maar waar van die informasie onakkuraat was. Dit mors die tyd van reaksie lede wat vrywillig hul eie tyd opoffer en vir hul eie brandstof betaal.  Inwoners word versoek om insidente onmiddelik telefonies aan te meld,  met soveel detail as moontlik.

Daar is ‘n tussentydse komitee gevorm wat met die Overstrand se Munisipaliteit skakel oor die kamera projek, in die besonder rakende die volhoubaarheid ten opsigte van befondsing. Die eerste vergadering waarna in die vorige nuusbrief verwys is, het reeds plaasgevind en tans is die komitee besig met die verkryging van verdere inligting.  Soos meer informasie beskikbaar word,  sal huiseienaars en inwoners verder ingelig word.

Bettiesbaai buurtwag steun tans op ‘n vrywillige operasionele groep van 8 tot 10 lede en tekens van die druk is reeds waarneembaar. Ongelukkig is daar ook die mense wat ons steeds kritiseer op “whattsapp”- of sosiale media groepe, sonder dat hul enigsins navore kom om ons op watter wyse ookal behulpsaam te wees.

Van die  word soms slegs deur net 3 lede verrig,vir die hele Bettiesbaai. ‘n Baie jammerlike toedrag van sake met baie min toewyding van inwoners wat getoon word! Enige person wat belangstel om  by die operasionele span aantesluit, word versoek om met ons te skakel by 072 015 5729 of om ‘n e-pos te stuur na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Indien jy by die operasionele span aansluit, word daar nie van jou verwag om alleen in `n voertuig te ry nie. Hoewel sommige mense alleen werk, is dit nie wenslik nie. Met twee mense in die voertuig, kan die passasier uitkyk vir oop vensters en deure en motorhuise en verdagte voertuie, terwyl die bestuurder op die pad konsentreer.  Dit is moeilik om verdagte voertuie saans te bespeur en die fabrikaat, kleur en registrasie nommer te identifiseer. Twee mense wat saamwerk is dus die ideaal. Ons arresteer nie mense nie en stop ook nie voertuie nie. Ons rapporteer enige verdagte optrede/insidente aan die SAPD en die sekuriteitsmaatskappye en roep hulle hulp in waar nodig.

Alle mense wat aan `n operasie deelneem is in radio kontak met mekaar. Indien iemand bystand benodig, kan ons vinnig reageer. As meer mense by ons aansluit, kan ons meer lukraak operasies doen met korter skoftye. Ons het meer mense nodig om die oë en ore van Bettysbaai te wees tydens operasies en ons dorp veilig te hou.

Ons het gedurende die afgelope maand R3,000 bestee aan radio toerusting en ons ondersoek ook ander wyses van kommunikasie.
Skenkings vir die befondsing van die kamera-projek en die operasionele koste word op prysgestel.

Donasies vir die kameraprojek en operasionele kostes sal waardeer word. On bankbesonderhede is altyd bo op die kategorie bladsy (hier).

‘n Veilige maand  word julle toegewens.
Buurtwag Groete