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[News—There will be another meeting for those who can not attend on the 14th. It will be on Saturday 17 August 2019 at 09H30 in Crassula Hall.]

Residents are invited to attend a public meeting on Wednesday 14th August at 17h00 at Crassula Hall. At the meeting there will be a presentation and a discussion regarding the future of the organisation. SAPS, Department of Community Safety and the local security companies will be invited. This is an important meeting and residents are urged to make themselves available.

Inwoners word uitgenooi na ‘n publieke vergadering op Woensdag die 14de Augustus om 17h00 te Crassula Saal. Daar sal ‘n oorsig sowel as ’n bespreeking by die vergadering oor die toekoms van die organisasie wees. Die SAPD, Departement van Gemeenskap Veiligheid, en die plaaslike sekuriteit maatskapye is uitgenooi. Dit is ‘n belangrike vergadering en inwoners is gevra om by te woon.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible.