Greetings everyone. Groete aan almal,
Reported crime has shown a reduced number of burglaries during the last month and this letter is to clarify how the crime statistics that we report on are compiled.
Gerapporteerde misdaad toon 'n afname in inbrake gedurende die vorige maand. Hierdie brief het ten doel om te verduidelik hoe misdaad statistiek wat ons rapporteer, saamgestel word.
The weekly Jocom meetings are attended by SAPS, Security Companies, Neighbourhood Watches from Kleinmond, Bettys Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els, Municipal Law Enforcement, Cape Nature, DEFF, Ratepayer Organisations from the 4 towns, CPF and Child Welfare.
At these meetings, under the chairmanship of SAPS, the crimes reported, for which dockets are opened are presented.
Dockets opened between a Monday to Sunday. There may be some delays due to:
- Some incidents being captured after a few days and then reported to Jocom a week later,
- Some Security companies not attending on a regular basis which cause a delay in presenting their data or,
- there has been a delay in receiving a case number or,
- the owners have decided not to report the incident to property or a vehicle.
NHW will advise residents of both cases which have a docket and ones we come to hear of where no docket was opened.
It is in everyone’s best interest that reported crime statistics are as accurate as possible and therefore there can only be one channel through which crime statistics are generated.
We are aware that social media and whatsapp groups are being used to report crime that has not been officially reported at the Jocom meeting.
All crime statistics received are recorded by NHW to find trends and patterns of criminal activities. This assists us to plan our operations. Our Emergency Number is on this letterhead for any incidents or any assistance you may require.
Residents are again urged to please report all crime to SAPS and not resort to using unofficial channels to report “crime statistics” This is irresponsible and undermines the efforts that we are making to help the authorities reduce crime in our area.
Your co-operation will be appreciated.
Groete aan almal,
Gerapporteerde misdaad toon 'n afname in inbrake gedurende die vorige maand. Hierdie brief het ten doel om te verduidelik hoe misdaad statistiek wat ons rapporteer, saamgestel word.
Die weeklikse GOKOM (Gesamentlike Operasionele Kommitee) vergaderings word bygewoon deur die SAPD, Veiligheidsmaatskappye, Buurtwagte van Kleinmond, Bettysbaai, Pringle Baai, Rooi Els, Munisipale Wetstoepassing, Cape Nature, DEFF, Belastingbetalers-verenigings van dié 4 dorpe, GPF(Gemeenskaps Polisiërings Forum) en Kindersorg.
Gedurende hierdie vergaderings, onder die voorsitterskap van die SAPD, word slegs misdaad- statistiek waarvoor dossiere geopen is, voorgelê.
Vanaf 'n Maandag tot 'n Sondag. Vertragings van stastiek mag voorkom as gevolg van:
- sommige insidente word eers na 'n paar dae vasgelê en in die daarop volgende week aan die GOKOM gerapporteer ,
- sommige sekuriteits-maatskappye woon nie die vergaderings gereeld by nie, wat dan 'n vertraging van hul stastiek veroorsaak,en/ of
- daar was 'n vertraging in die ontvangs van 'n saak no. en/ of
- die eienaar het besluit om sy insident nie by die SAPD aan te meld nie.
Dit is in almal se belang dat gerapporteerde misdaadstatistiek so akkuraat as moontlik is. Daarom kan daar slegs een kanaal wees waardeur dit genereer word. Ons is daarvan gewus dat sosiale media en ''whatsapp'' groepe gebruik word om misdaad aan te meld wat nie amptelik by die GOKOM vergadering gerapporteer word nie.
Alle misdaad statistiek ontvang, word deur die Buurtwag aangeteken ten einde tendense en patrone van misdaad te kan bepaal. Ons operasies word daarvolgens beplan. Ons noodnommer verskyn op hierdie briefhoof vir enige insidente wat jy wil rapporteer, of vir hulp wat jy mag benodig.
Inwoners word weereens aangespoor om alle misdaad by die SAPD aan te meld en nie gebruik te maak van nie- amptelike kanale om "misdaad statistiek" aan te meld nie. Dit is onverantwoordelik en ondermyn ons pogings om die owerhede te help om misdaad in ons gebied te verminder.
Julle samewerking word waardeer.