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Neighbourhood Watch



An emergency cell phone number, manned 24/7, is:

072 015 5729

Bank Details/Besonder-hede

  • Rekening naam – Bettiesbaai Belastingbetalers Vereniging
  • Bank – ABSA Hermanus tak
  • Bank Rekening nommer – 4066616439
  • Gebruik asb u Van, BW en erf nommer as verwysing
  • E-pos bewys van betaling aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Account Name -BettysBay Ratepayers Association.
  • Bank - ABSA Hermanus Branch
  • Cheque Account Number 4066616439
  • Please use your surname, NW and erf number as a reference.
  • E-mail proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zone Wardens

  1. Sunny Seas - Gerrit Moller
  2. Jocks Bay – Rudi Perold
  3. Bass/Dawidskraal - Hilda v.d.Merwe
  4. Central – Gill Steyn and Gerald Scholly
  5. Rondevlei – Hugo Truter
  6. Stony Point – Ulli Niemann and Russell Cartwright
  7. Silversands – Penny Davidson

Zone Maps


Click here to download a PDF of the entire map

Hierdie nuusbrief vir Junie word gewy aan Louise Fowler, 'n sewejarige kindjie wat tragies in die laatmiddag deur die stormsee van 30 Junie uit haar moeder se arms geruk is.

This newsletter for June is written in memory of Louise Fowler, a seven year old, who tragically got swept from her mother’s grasp into the stormy seas, late afternoon of Friday 30th June.

Ons vra om verskonig dat hierdie nuusbrief so laat versprei word, maar weens onsekerheid oor sommige van die statistieke moes ons eers die feite uitklaar. Wat beskikbaar is skilder egter nie ‘n rooskleurige prentjie nie. Wat dit erger maak is dat in vele gevalle nalatigheid deur die inwoners aanleiding gegee het tot die insidente.

We apologise for the delay in distributing this newsletter, as there was some uncertainty on the statistics which needed to be clarified. As can be seen these statistics do not paint a pretty picture. What makes these incidents difficult to accept is that in many cases there was negligence on the part of residents.

Daar is 'n 69% verbetering in die aantal voorvalle in vergelyking met Februarie. Drie arrestasies is in die maand gemaak, wat, glo ons, 'n aansienlike impak het op die vermindering in die misdaadsyfer. Die uitstekende samewerking tussen die polisie, sekerheidsmaatskappye en die BBBW het tot hierdie arrestasies gelei. / There has been a 69% improvement in total incidents reported, compared to the statistics for February. There were 3 arrests made during the month which, we believe, has made a significant impact in the reduced crime incidents. There was great co-operation between the police, security companies and BBNW that resulted in these arrests.

Die misdaadstatistieke vir Julie toon 'n afname van 35% in die totale aantal voorvalle. Die owerhede bring hierdie afname in verband met die toename in stropersaktiwiteit. Die implikasie is dat stropers bloot hulself tot ander misdaad wend wanneer wetstoepassing hulle uit die see hou. Juis om hierdie rede moet ons ons pogings verskerp om ons gemeenskap veilig te hou.

The crime statistics for July show that there has been a 35% reduction in the total number of incidents in Bettys Bay. The authorities have ascribed this reduction partly to an increase in poaching activities. The implication is that as poaching activities are curtailed by law enforcement, the same people will resort to theft from properties. For this reason we must maintain and even increase our efforts to keep the neighbourhood safe.

Daar is 'n duidelike verbetering in die statistieke vergeleke met Desember en Januarie. Die toestand is nietemin onaanvaarbaar / As can be seen there has been an improvement compared to the statistics for December and January. The situation, however, remains unacceptable.

December 2016 Stats


Please read the attached documents for the details: DOCX file or a PDF.

November 2016 Stats


This was an extremely poor month for incidents. Please take your house and vehicle security very seriously.

Approximately 23% of the November incidents may have been avoided by not leaving valuables in sight in cars, closing windows and putting alarms on.

Find the Nov 2016 stats in this DOCX file.

Greetings to all residents,

We have decided to combine the newsletter and statistics into one document.

January 2017 Incidents
  • SUNNY SEAS – 0
  • JOCK’S BAY – 6
  • CENTRAL – 20

Total incidents for the month 38

Break down of the incidents
  • 3 X Theft out of motor vehicle
  • 2 x Petrol theft
  • 1x Car stolen
  • 4 x attempted house break ins
  • 27 x Break ins
  • 1 x General theft

The above statistics do not look good; however these numbers follow the trend of previous years, in which January has consistently been a bad month. During January our focus was on the central area with vehicle and foot patrols.

Firstly in 8 of the above break-ins there were no alarm systems installed and in 3 cases the alarms were not activated. This obviously points to some negligence on the part of the residents.

During January the police conducted various covert and overt operations in Bettys Bay with up to 3 times more personnel and various arrests were made.

In this newsletter we want to focus on what advice the BBNW can give to the residents of Bettys Bay. We would like to draw your attention to the following:

  • There appears to be a mindset among residents that security is the responsibility of the security companies but this needs to change as security starts with you.
  • We urge residents to request, from your security company, a full risk analysis of your property and alarm system. This comes at no cost to you.
  • Do not leave step ladders unsecured on your property. Make sure your erf number is prominently displayed and can be seen at night.
  • Reaction to false alarms is a serious problem to the security companies and residents are urged:
    1. Not to leave windows open in areas of the house where the alarm has been activated.
    2. To ensure that the alarm systems are not switched off at the wall.
    3. Not to put bird seed near outside beams.
    4. Keep an area of 2 to 3 metres around your house free of bush, especially where outside beams are installed.
    5. The overwhelming majority of false alarms are from outside beams and residents are urged to make contact with their security companies in an attempt to reduce these false alarms.
    6. Be careful not to accidently press your panic button, as this is a priority response for the police and security companies.

Through our connection with the Ratepayers Association we will be requesting the municipality to clear vegetation around street names to aid our operations.

We have started a system whereby we are capturing the man hours and kilometers travelled during operations and we will report on this in our next communication.

We have purchased additional night vision equipment and we are investigating the use of additional technology in Betty's Bay. Once again we appeal to residents for more people to become actively involved in BBNW so that we can do more operations. We need to focus on preventing crime by being as visible as possible and to enable this to happen we need more people being part of our operational team. Please e-mail your details to us if you know of anyone interested in helping us to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Desember se statistieke is aan alle inwoners op die ledelys gestuur. Baie voorvalle is aangemeld en die neiging bly ongunstig / The statistics for December have been sent to all residents on our membership list. The trend remains unfavourable with many incidents reported.