If you would like to advertise on our site, please contact Adrian for info.
Neighbourhood Watch
An emergency cell phone number, manned 24/7, is:
072 015 5729
Bank Details/Besonder-hede
- Rekening naam – Bettiesbaai Belastingbetalers Vereniging
- Bank – ABSA Hermanus tak
- Bank Rekening nommer – 4066616439
- Gebruik asb u Van, BW en erf nommer as verwysing
- E-pos bewys van betaling aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Account Name -BettysBay Ratepayers Association.
- Bank - ABSA Hermanus Branch
- Cheque Account Number 4066616439
- Please use your surname, NW and erf number as a reference.
- E-mail proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zone Wardens
- Sunny Seas - Gerrit Moller
- Jocks Bay – Rudi Perold
- Bass/Dawidskraal - Hilda v.d.Merwe
- Central – Gill Steyn and Gerald Scholly
- Rondevlei – Hugo Truter
- Stony Point – Ulli Niemann and Russell Cartwright
- Silversands – Penny Davidson
Zone Maps
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community Security
- Category: Neighbourhood Watch
- Hits: 2917
Greetings to all residents, homeowners and visitors.
Since the previous news letter we have seen the marked increase in incidents during November and the indications for December shows that the trend is continuing as we experienced 11 incidents in the first week.
Groete aan alle inwoners, huiseienaars en besoekers.
Sedert die vorige Nuusbrief moes ons waarneem hoe die aantal insidente gedurende November noemenswaardig toegeneem het. Die projeksies vir Desember dui daarop dat hierdie trajek sal voortduur aangesien daar reeds 11 insidente in die eerste week was.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community Security
- Category: Neighbourhood Watch
- Hits: 2540
A PUBLIC MEETING at Crassula Hall
21 22 December 2016
From 18h00 – 19h00
A chance to voice your concerns, suggestions etc.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community Security
- Category: Neighbourhood Watch
- Hits: 2669
December 2016 Stats
Please read the attached documents for the details: DOCX file or a PDF.
November 2016 Stats
This was an extremely poor month for incidents. Please take your house and vehicle security very seriously.
Approximately 23% of the November incidents may have been avoided by not leaving valuables in sight in cars, closing windows and putting alarms on.
Find the Nov 2016 stats in this DOCX file.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community Security
- Category: Neighbourhood Watch
- Hits: 2800
Kleinmond Golf Club
Sunday 18 december 2016
- 4 ball alliance – 2 scores to count
- R250 per player – braai included
- Non golfers braai – adults R100, children R50
Phone Kleinmond Golf Club 028 271 3525
Book early to avoid disappointment!
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community Security
- Category: Neighbourhood Watch
- Hits: 2463
Greetings to all residents, this is the first newsletter and our intention is to issue these on a regular basis. We have divided Bettys Bay into areas with a warden responsible for organising the residents into smaller groups who can report any suspicious behaviour and unsafe conditions.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community Security
- Category: Neighbourhood Watch
- Hits: 2684
Groetnis aan al ons inwoners. Hierdie is ons eerste nuusbrief vir 2016 en ons voorneme is om gereeld met u op die wyse te kommunikeer. Ons het Bettiesbaai in wyke ingedeel met ‘n wykmeester wat verantwoordelik is om sy wyk in kleiner groepe te organiseer. Inwoners kan dan agterdogtige optredes of onveilige toestande rapporteer.
- Details
- Written by Donn
- Parent Category: Community Security
- Category: Neighbourhood Watch
- Hits: 2690
Geagte Inwoner/Eienaar, Die doel hiervan is om u oor die organisasie in te lig. Bettysbaai se Buurtwag (BBBW) is vroeg in 2016 deur die Bettysbaaise Belastingbetalersvereniging (BBBV) geskep. Dit het dermate gevorder sodat ons nou in staat is om talle optredes saam met die sekerheidsmaatskappye en die polisie uit te voer.
Dear Homeowner/Resident, this correspondence serves to update you on the status of the above organisation. The Bettys Bay Neighbourhood Watch ( BBNW) was established under the auspices of the Bettys Bay Rate Payers Association ( BBRP) earlier in 2016. The BBNW has developed to the point where we have been able to conduct many operations throughout our area in conjunction with security companies and the police.